When have they not?
From what I could find organomercury compounds are a lot more bioavalable and penetrates into places in the body that elemental mercury wouldn't, for instance, the brain. It will not only penetrate the skin, it will also penetrate gloves.Also high toxicity, methylmercury has an LD50 of 20 mg/kg for certain monkeys for acute toxicity. But a single drop can kill you from prolonged mercury poisoning because it just stays in the body. But honestly dying would be better than surviving it.
As chemists were taught early on not to fuck around with organic mercury. Same with HF.
That's a terrifying thought
Intumescence is another one
So dramatic 🙄
I manually edited mine before deleting
🫶 Its hard to give up all that history
Say it with me, the Democratic Party is not a real political party.
SW PA here
Better get my guns ready then
No, it doesn't. Luigi is a tragedy, that boy is facing life in prison, and for what? A lot of people are parroting his name, but have they stuck their necks out too? No
I'm not against collective use of force if done appropriately, but people are generally cowards and lone actors are almost always left hung out to dry.