Anyone going to tell them it's spelled "manoeuvre"?
Fuck you Apple. You patent-trolled Bluetooth hearing aids for a decade so people couldn't use it unless they bought your overpriced shit
Go shite in your hands and clap, cunts
the session at times degenerated into name-calling, fearmongering and outright lying. The two candidates traded insults, incited anti-China sentiment, differed over women’s rights and whether the country is facing an invasion by hordes of violent, pet-eating criminal immigrants, and agreed on backing the genocidal regime in Israel. There was little articulation by either candidate of a coherent vision for the country.
That's exactly how the world saw this, spot on mate 😂 I think they need to look up the definition of "debate"
Purchased my first new car four years ago, and did at least a year of research on this subject because of a limited budget
The answer, hands down and by a long way, is Hyundai/Kia
Excellent value and ultra reliable, even their poverty-spec cars have A/C, Bluetooth, anti-rollback, stop-start etc
In four+ years I've needed new brake pads and wiper blades, after 70,000 Km not one single fault
Americans, before replying, remember you're only 3% of the planet and have some of the world's worst consumer protection laws. Of course Hyundai and Kia sell you cheap shite lol
They're bulletproof elsewhere
I don't have that problem because I use Windows snort
Ha ha German caveperson spotted 😂
It's 2024 Hans, the war's over!
I've never needed Google Pay because my banking apps are really good
I can't think of any reason not to update them
Saved you a click and a very long read -
A mentally ill bloke shouted at him
Shitty clickbait amateur journalism
People posting fucking yt vids instead of articles are out of control
The question starts with "What do you consider..."
You sound like the type to reply in threads where someone's asking about a problem they're having with Windows and say "I don't have this problem because I use Linux (snort)"
This is a 10/10 shitpost
Come one, 9/11 is like a cow; after 23 years you've got to stop milking it