Well, that sounds pretty bad, but how contagious is it?
Let's put it this way. TP is okay because it dissolves in water.
Wet wipes are wet. Just get a bidet. Bidet + TP is cheaper AND better than wet wipes anyway, while being basically the same thing.
Junior compiler writers exist.
Not really? But we also don't need a million compilers. Those projects are extremely specialized and there isn't constant demand for new compilers.
It's something like saying there aren't junior screwdriver makers. I mean, yeah? That's a specific tool that's pretty much done. There are juniors in the wider fields of carpentry and mechanical engineering. Someone might invent a new screwdriver, but we don't need to trim a bunch of juniors to make, specifically, new screwdriver designs.
Was the level 1 the optimal play from pain? All about that mental game.
Verdant is satire. It's confusing because it feels like a continuation from the guy who was simply wrong, but it's a different person.
Well this one aged poorly. They've already moved up to classified data revealing important state secrets.
I'm so fucking tired of everyone blaming the Democrats.
Trump has a 46% approval rating. ** 46% of the American people support explicitly this. **
They don't have the right to perform a coup without the consent of the people. And you, right now, are saying you don't consent to their rule because they haven't taken it by force. (What force?)
Are you aware of how unpopular any impeachment typically is? If his approval rating is 46%, impeachment won't happen.
We're going to have to wait for things to get bad enough that we all start to actually suffer in our lives, outside of just seeing it coming by reading the news.
Seeing the train isn't enough. We have to wait for it to hit us.
Reddit lounge was innocuous, and not at all the same. (Even if the basic mechanic is the same.)
I really enjoyed the Reddit gold model. I paid them $30/year for many years because I got so much out of the site that I felt they deserved it. Their monetization was pretty innocuous.
Then the enshittification happened.
The US fostered this and the EU was happy to accept it. It worked out reasonably well for everyone until about checks watch right now.
The EU got to under fund and under prepare their military, and the US was effectively buying soft power and security around the world. It's why the US able to basically unilaterally drag a coalition into Iraq.
They might not die. They might just go blind or dead or have brain damage.