Yeah you're probably right. Reality is a foreign concept to these people.
Looks like the majority of the storage facilities are in Red states. Even though some are near me, I feel like saying screw it, let them stay unmonitored and lets see what blows up. A blunder of that magnitude would shake up even the most die-hard MAGAt.
Man what are the odds??? I just finished the last episode today too! I've been dragging along on this last season because, ya know, last season and all, but it did certainly end with quite a bang.
Why would that have any affect on heart attacks? That reminds me of people saying that changing the clocks leads to more car wrecks when it's just really showing how many people are unable to drive in the dark.
Trump's ratings are going to fall like a rock as his supporters realize how much his policies are hurting them directly. I saw a post over the weekend from a lady screeching that her package from Temu was being held for a $42 tariff payment but Trump told her tariffs wouldn't affect Americans... Welcome to the "find out" phase, idiot.
Haha yeah storage capacity just keeps going up fast. Now that you mention it, I do recall the performance on these drives was supposed to be just absolute crap, but it was a massive innovation before chip storage came out. And some day the next big thing will be released and we'll wonder how we put up with SSD drives.
The numbers on the clock have magical powers as far as what time I am expected to report to work. Most people do not start work at 4:30am when the sun come up (if you do NOT change the clocks), so that would mean more hours of the day lost. If you have the energy to get up early and do things for work, great for you, but the rest of us sleep until the alarm and use that extra evening hour to get things done. Now it's easy to say 50% of the population is wrong when we look at the current administration, but having the sub come up at 4:30am doesn't really help you and for most people it means trying to get those last couple hours of sleep while the sun is shining in your eyes. What you're suggesting is useful for a small handful of people in exchange for fewer hours of good rest for the majority of the population.
Yeah I've seen some bits about that, they were looking into how Musk was interfering with the Ukraine war I think?
I have one of the original IBM Microdrives, the 340MB version, sitting here on my desk. Hmm I wonder if I can find anything with a PCMCIA slot to test if this still works?
Let me simplify it for you... Musk has been targeting agencies that stood in the way of SpaceX. Did you hear he started targeting OSHA this week because of the spotlight on Musk's intentional dismissal of safety regulations? Or that he is also targeting the consumer protection agency? Everything that protects regular citizens is being shut down as "wasteful", and his only criteria is anything that costs him money or prevents him from exploiting workers.
What, you mean just because Trump is Putin's lap dog? Or because Gabbard is now head of Intelligence?