Anarchist Black Cross

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"You’re in there for us, we’re out here for you."


News about incarcerated anarchists. Resources for prisoner support.

Prisoner Support and Solidarity

Post news about individual incarcerated people by including an all-caps tag of the [three-letter country code] at the start of the post and the person's name in bold somewhere in the title to make searching the community easier.

Its a good idea to include information about what organizations are sponsoring them, what forms of solidarity they've requested, and how to send them mail.

There's a prisoner database at Prisoner Solidarity and a list from Solidarity International that are useful for looking up people to correspond with.


Posts about zines and prison literature to share with friends or mail to prisoners should begin with the tag [Zine], and should link to a page with literature in printable document format or the PDF file itself.

Posts using the tag [Info] are reserved for moderators.

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Kane was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison after the Kill the Bill demonstration in Bristol in March 2021.

After being released, he was recently recalled to prison which has taken its toll. He would appreciate more letters, cards and support!

Write to Kane:

Kane Adamson A1103ER, HMP Channings Wood, Denbury, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6DW

You can also use or websites like

Kane Adamson's page on Prisoner Solidarity


Sponsored by Bristol ABC

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Matt was sentenced to 5 years in prison after the Kill the Bill demonstration in Bristol in March 2021. Prison conditions are consistently challenging and Matt would appreciate more support, post and cards! Please show him he’s not alone!

Matt is vegan and loves punk as well as other kinds of music!

Write to Matt:

Matthew O’Neill A1596CT
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL

You can also use or websites like

Matt O’Neill's page on Prisoner Solidarity

Sponsored by Bristol ABC

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/
[USA] Marius Mason Back in Texas (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Dear friends and family,

I am now at FMC Ft. Worth, as of September 18, and am waiting to find out what possible timelines it will take or even if I will be allowed to continue my transition surgically. I continue to take my HRT therapy and am meeting other trans inmates here – all transwomen who are oftentimes waiting for THEIR transfer to a female facility! I am hoping that this policy will continue to help many trans people, but am concerned that this policy may be in danger of reversal if the far right has their way! Please continue to fight for trans and queer people in prison, as so often we are invisible to the wider public and easier to shove under the rug and hide. I know that it is the support that we have from our community on the outside that helps our cause and gives us care and strength.

Thank you very much for your support in letters and cards this past year – I have a list of everywhere I got mail from, but it is packed up in my property and in a box on its way to Texas right now! I have even gotten a few letters at my new address here – but also, sadly, a few documents saying that the intended letter was returned to sender because of the new rules here at FMC Ft. Worth. So, to lessen the aggravation for anyone kind enough to write to me – here are a few of the different rules…

  1. all letters have to be written on only one side of the page and are limited to 5 pages.
  2. no letters that are on colored paper or on cardstock.
  3. any photos must be sent through a company and not directly from the sender. No more than 25 photos will be accepted.
  4. all acceptable letters will be photo-copied in black and white and that copy given to the inmate.

I am sorry to say that all the beautiful original artwork that I have received over the years will not be allowed into this facility. That is a great sadness to me, as I have been given such amazing original art from so many great people from all over the world. Thank you, everyone, for keeping me in their thoughts and including me in their outreach and educational work. I am so encouraged by the campaigns that continue to run bravely in the face of the worst destructive efforts – long live the Wild Free Earth! I want to make more of an effort to reach out to you all – especially as it will be harder to write as many emails or send as many letters as I have before (which never seemed enough then). I will be facing a higher monthly fine payment now, as Congress has asked the prison administrators to enforce higher payments….but I will use the website more to compensate.

Thank you all, again – for taking this journey with me, for seeing me through so many years and over so many hurdles….I am constantly humbled and warmed by the power of solidarity. Together, we are strong!

Write Marius

Marius Mason
FMC Fort Worth
P.O. Box 15330
Fort Worth, TX 76119

Visit the Write to Marius page for more info.

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submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Jailed anarchist Toby Shone has been moved 265 kilometers from his home in Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, and almost 300 kilometers from his support in Bristol, to HMP Garth in Leyland, a maximum security prison near Manchester. Although he is in the reintegration phase of his sentence, a vengeful probation and counter-terrorism team are attempting to isolate Toby from his supposed support base and loved ones in the south of the country and lock him up in a notoriously violent Category B prison for people, who are serving sentences of 10 years or more, intentionally putting people in danger. The probation service has ordered Toby to serve the remainder of his almost 13-month prison sentence, from which he is scheduled to be released on November 11, 2024.

Toby was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for almost two years on charges of being an administrator of the counter-information project After the political prosecution failed and the police had to drop the case 5 days before the trial in October 2021, Toby was sentenced to 3 years and 9 months for possession of psychedelic drugs. He was released on December 28, 2022 under strict License Conditions monitored by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security (Counter-Terrorism) Department and was forced to spend 9 months in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester to live.

He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire when he was stopped and arrested by an armed police unit a few miles from the city of Gloucester on the morning of September 19, 2023. He was accused of being in possession of an [unauthorized] telephone and of attending a dinner and letter-writing night for prisoners at the BASE anarchist social center in Bristol in August.

Toby continues to be held as a TACT (terrorist) prisoner despite being found not guilty of a terrorist offense by a High Court judge in October 2021.

Toby is still in a good mood and asks for letters and emails. Emails are forwarded very quickly on (please give them a reply form). You can also write to him at:

Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Garth
Ulnes Walton
PR26 8NE

If anyone in the north of the country would like to visit Toby, please contact his solidarity group at

Books must be ordered and dispatched directly from Waterstones, Blackwells, Wordery, WH Smiths, Foyles and Mr B's Emporium Bookshop.

Toby Shone United Kingdom

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Aliaksandr Zaitsau, an anarchist. Zaitsau was accused of attempting to set fire to Chairman of the Supreme Court Sukalo’s dacha (Article 289.2 Attempted act of terrorism by a group of persons). Aliaksandr was detained near Valentin Sukalo’s dacha on August 22nd 2021. According to our information he went to the case together with provocateur Akulich Dmitry Aleksandrovich, whom he had met while he was on administrative detention. We do not know Akulich’s status in this case, but he is most likely a witness with a false name of Sergeenko. It is remarkable that Akulich was given a real passport with a fake name to do the operation with Zaytsau. On April 15, 2022 Aliaksandr was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Date of birth 8 October 1982.

Zaytsev Aleksandr Vladimirovich
212013, Mogilev, p/o Veino, Slavgorodskoe shosse 183,
IK №15 Belarus

Sponsored by ABC Belarus


Mariella is a woman of colour who was violently kneed to the floor by police officers at the KILL THE BILL demonstrations in Bristol in March 2021. Mariella was sentenced to 5.5 years for riot. Read her story here. She now needs your support and Solidarity. Write to Mariella and show her she is not alone.

As of July 2022, Mariella is held at HMP Eastwood Park.

  • You can use to communicate via email (often faster than snail mail)
  • You can send cards via sites like

Sponsored by Bristol ABC

Mariella Gedge-Rogers A881ET
HMP Eastwood Park
Wotton Under Edge
GL12 8DB
United Kingdom

Margaret Aislinn Channon plead guilty to federal charges for reportedly lighting five Seattle Police Department cars on fire in the middle of a protest in Seattle during the George Floyd Uprising of 2020. She faced a prolonged case, serious state repression, and unfounded accusations from prosecutors and police throughout the course of her proceedings.

In March 2022 she was sentenced to 5 years incarceration. After 60 months' imprisonment, she will face 36 months of supervised release with special conditions. Her expected release date is June 5, 2026.

Her info and a call for support were shared in 2020 and that call for support was reiterated in summer 2022 when her sentence began.

Margaret Channon #49955-086
FCI Aliceville
P.O. Box 4000
Aliceville, AL 35442
United States

Prisoner Solidarity Page


A year before this, in August 2022, a criminal case was opened against Ammosov for "discrediting" the army (Part 1 of Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The reason for it was a banner with the inscription Yakutian punk against war, which the activist hung on the roof of the "Nugget" swimming pool in the center of Yakutsk.

The activist was fined three times under protocols for "discrediting" the military (Part 1 of Article 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation) – because of graffiti "No to war" in three languages, a leaflet "Get your hands dirty with paint, not blood" and a picket near the Ritual Service branch with a poster "The groom has arrived".

You can listen and support his music on Bandcamp.

Sponsored by Solidarity Zone and Brighton ABC.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Address for letters: You can write a letter either through RosUznik, or the email service “Rodnaya Svyaz” (50 rubles per letter of up to 2,500 characters) or independently at the address: PKU IK-17 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Republic of Mordovia 431161, Zubovo-Polyansky district , p. Ozerny, st. Lesnaya, 3 Shakursky Ilya Alexandrovich, born in 1996

Sentenced to 16 years in a maximum security colony, a fine of 50 thousand rubles and restriction of freedom for 1.5 years on charges of organizing the activities of a terrorist community (Part 1 of Article 205.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), possession of weapons (Part 1 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and storage explosives (part 1 of article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Ilya Shakursky. Born on April 10, 1996 in the city of Moksha (Penza region. At the time of his arrest he lived in Penza. Student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Belinsky Pedagogical Institute of Penza State University. Environmental activist, adheres to anti-fascist views. At school, Shakursky gathered his classmates and went with them to clean the Moksha River. Writes poetry and prose. Detained on October 19, 2017 by FSB officers as part of an investigation into the so-called “Network” case. Arrested. During the investigation, Shakursky was tortured: beaten, shocked, hung upside down.

Sponsored by ABC Moscow

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Kristina Cherenkova, born on 23 April 1990, graduated from the University of Francisk Skaryna in Gomel as an English language teacher. She was teaching English at a school in Rechitsa and at this time she met her future husband.

After marriage, she moved from Rechitsa to Mozyr, where she decided to open her own business. She started decorating weddings and gave people joy and good mood. Together with her husband, she travelled extensively in Belarus and Ukraine.

Kristina was also the vocalist of the punk rock band VIKT(A)R xOi, which managed to record several tracks, but when she was detained, the police searched all the members of the band and took away their equipment. Nevertheless, the recording of Kristina’s vocals survived; the other instruments had to be re-recorded.

Political views

Kristina has always been an advocate of equality, she is a well-known activist in the anti-fascist milieu of Mozyr and attributes herself to the “Skinheads Against Racial Superstition” movement.

She has also actively spoken out against the actions of the Belarusian state, repression, and police violence. She had a popular Instagram profile, where she wrote about current political events (the posts on her profile were later recognized as “extremist materials”).

After the protests began and political repression intensified, her parents persuaded Kristina and her husband to leave the country, but they refused. They said that “someone has to stay”, that “we are in our own country”.

The story of the detention and the case

Back in August 2020, Kristina and her husband were detained in the street. The police stopped their car but eventually Kristina was released without trial.

On 22 March 2022, a dozen anti-fascists, members of various counter-culture music groups, were searched and detained in Mozyr. Five people ended up serving short time in jail, while criminal proceedings were initiated against Kristina and her friend Anna Pyshnik.

Kristina was detained together with her husband. Early in the morning the law enforcers started breaking down the doors, and as soon as Kristina’s husband opened the door they started beating him.

Some of the law enforcers ran into the room of Kristina, who did not understand what was happening. They started beating her before she could even get out of bed. The whole thing was filmed on video.

Later, when she was transferred to the pre-trial detention facility, a doctor examined her and documented the bruises from the beatings.

Three days later, Kristina’s husband was released and she was charged for her anti-military and anti-police posts on Instagram.

During the investigation, Kristina Cherenkova’s Instagram page was found to be “extremist materials” – the trial was initiated in court by the police. “I don’t expect anything good,” Christina conveyed on this occasion in her letter.


On 10 November Gomel Regional Court started the hearing of the criminal case against Kristina. According to the results of the examination, announced in court, her posts contain no calls to violent actions, but they contain a negative assessment of the police officers. On November 16, 2022 Judge Aleksei Glyshchankov found the young woman guilty and sentenced her to two and a half years of imprisonment.

Conditions of detention

In prison, Kristina was registered as “prone to extremism”.

Kristina, like many other political prisoners, has difficulties with correspondence. While letters from relatives somehow get through, news from friends and acquaintances hardly ever arrives.

From time to time Kristina is transferred from cell to cell. She jokes that she has managed to get acquainted with all the political prisoners who are women during her detention.


Kristina’s mother, her husband, her father-in-law and mother-in-law who had to leave Belarus, and her relatives are waiting for her outside. Her friends have launched a solidarity campaign with Kristina on Instagram, talking about how she is doing in prison and sending messages and pictures from her.

Here’s what Kristina’s mother-in-law has to say:

The first days were very difficult. I stayed in touch with Kristina’s mum all the time – she was all alone, she couldn’t sleep, she needed support. It helped a lot that my son was stoic, maybe his state passed on to us. It also helped us to be strong because there are many people like Kristina. There are smart, talented people and mothers of many children, young and old.

In one of her letters Kristina writes:

Keep your fingers crossed for me! Your support is much needed right now! Hugs to all.

Sponsored by ABC Belarus - RU


Hanna Pyshnik (Chympajesh) was detained on 22 March 2022 in Mozyr and shares anti-fascist views. According to the prosecution, she “shot a video of helicopters and sent it to a destructive media resource” – Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code (assistance to an extremist formation).

Pyshnik (Chimpoyesh) Anna Gennadyevna
IK № 4, ul. Antoshkina 3, Gomel, 246035

Birthday – April 2

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submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Anastasia Kukhta was born on 20 January 1995 in a small village next to Minsk. She is trained as a hairdresser and her dream has always been to open a small hair salon. In May 2021, her dream came true, and she bought a small business. At the moment of detention, it was thriving, but her husband had to sell it to pay off the debts she took. Part of the debt is still uncovered.

Political views

Nastia has been underaged when she was first detained during the raid on a flat where Mikola Dziadok, Aliaksandr Frantskevich and other activists lived in 2010. They were later accused of a series of attacks and sentenced to 3-5 years of prison. Nastia stayed in touch with imprisoned comrades.

For some time, she was also part of the Really Free Market collective and frequently offered free haircuts at the events. Nastia was good at organising concerts and a few times she would invite hardcore bands from Russia to play in Minsk.

Detention and conviction

Anastasia was detained on 17 February 2022 and later was declared a suspect in a criminal case. She was accused of participation in protests, encouraging sanctions or actions aimed at harming the national security of the Republic of Belarus, and creation or participation in an extremist formation.

On 11 November 2022, she was sentenced to 5 years in prison.


Her parents are humble country people whose income is not enough for sustaining the cost of her support in prison. The mother died in May 2023 of lung cancer, Anastasia couldn’t attend the funeral.

Anastasia’s partner is struggling with finances as he needs to work more to provide for himself, Anastasia and their two pets. The cat has cost a lot in the last year as it was also diagnosed with some form of cancer. Anastasia misses them a lot.

Here is quote from Anastasia’s letter:

Our whole life is about risk. It is full of obstacles, difficulties, and defeats. And it's up to you to choose what to do and how to react. Will you let circumstances break you and make you miserable, or will you not give up and look for a million opportunities to get out of a difficult situation with honour and dignity? The decision is yours alone to make. It is your action or inaction that will determine our common future. After all, we are all links of one long chain.

Anastasia Sergeyevna Kukhta
IK № 4, ul. Antoshkina 3
Gomel, Belarus, 246035

Sponsored by ABC Belarus - EN

[USA] Marius Mason Transferred! (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Marius was transferred from Danbury, CT back to TX late Tuesday of last week. Please use his new address for all future mail.

P.O. BOX 15330

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Originally published in Haaretz in 2019, Jonathan Pollak has reiterated his stance now that he is facing new charges this year, Why I Won’t Take an Active Part in My Trial. Both articles are behind a paywall.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Write to Victor at:

Victor Puertas
6B 215B
P.O. Box 248
Lumpkin, GA 31815

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submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Toby Shone is an anarchist who was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years accused of being the administrator of counter-information project After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022 under heavy restrictions (license conditions), oversight by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror) and was forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9 months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire 9 days ago.

On the morning of 19 September 2023, he was driving to an appointment with his probation officer when he was pulled over and arrested by an armed police unit in-between the Forest of Dean and Gloucester. He was taken to HMP Bristol. He is awaiting more detailed information, but his legal team say that the allegations are that he breached two of his license conditions: being in possession of an [unauthorised] phone and attending a meeting in Bristol in August.

Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and books. Please write to him at:

Toby Shone A7645EP HMP Bristol 19 Cambridge Road Bishopston Bristol BS7 8PS

You can also contact his soli group at

Sponsored by Bristol ABC and Brighton ABC

Toby Shone United Kingdom



Today, September 24, is the 40th anniversary of our dear comrade, revolutionary and political prisoner, Igor Olinevich. 40 years is the age of deep maturity. A maturity that Igor lacked even in his 20s and which strengthened during his struggle both in freedom and in prison.

As a 27-year-old activist in the anarchist movement in 2010, he went to prison for his beliefs and spent 5 years there. Prison is not a place for development, it is a place for the destruction of personality. But for revolutionaries who are firm in their convictions, there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome in the pursuit of freedom, if not universal, then at least personal. That is why, remaining unbroken all these years, in 2020 Igor and his comrades from the Black Banner group illegally returned to Belarus and took part in the uprising with exceptional courage and dedication. The group was captured in the border forest while trying to escape. Igor and three other comrades received up to 20 years of strict regime. At the same time, the comrades boldly admitted their participation in the sport, denying guilt, despite the consequences.

It is paradoxical, but precisely those people who dream of freedom more than others are often doomed to live in absolute captivity because they did not agree to live in semi-freedom. Half measures are unacceptable for anarchist revolutionaries. It is thanks to such selfless people that we are content with more and more freedoms that we take for granted. It is worth remembering that we owe all the freedoms we have to daredevils who spent their lives behind bars or even laid them down on the altar of revolution.

Igor, on your fortieth birthday, we want to congratulate you and wish you to maintain your perseverance and endurance. Another year locked up... But we know that it was not lost for you and you have increased your wisdom and conviction. We want you to know that your sacrifice was not in vain and you remain an example not only for your comrades, but also for many Belarusians who hold different political views. You are the spark that ignites the flame, or the ember that does not allow this flame to go out in difficult times. Stay as you are, because it is impossible to wish for more.

Igor / Ihar is sponsored by ABC Belarus

[USA] 9-23 Eric King update (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/


Mail is so difficult to predict and letters take a lot longer to clear the special investigation services mailbox than articles.When he gets a stack of mail it could be from last week or from 2 months ago it’s difficult to tell. Eric has been getting some amazing letters and he wants to answer them all but in the last few months his health problems that have developed over years of medical neglect and 5 years spend in isolation cells have left him so much pain writing letters is excruciating. He wanted to let folks know that he’s probably going to be unable to write in the next couple months leading up to hopefully at some point a halfway house placement. We know everyone is desperate and waiting for news, we assure you we are as well.

Eric King is an anarchist prisoner sponsored by the Anarchist Black Cross Federation and represented by Bread and Roses Law and the Civil Liberties Defense Center.

About Eric

Solidarity Options


Contact Support Team: eksupportcrew(A)

Eric King 27090045
USP Florence ADMAX
PO BOX 8500
Florence, CO 81226

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[RUS] Who Is Roman Nasryev? (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Ruslan Zinin is sponsored by Solidarity Zone.

His next court date is October 9th, 2023.

Russian Federation, Irkutsk,
ulitsa Barrikad 63, SIZO-1,
Zinin Ruslan Aleksandrovich, d.o.b. 1997

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