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submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

From Federation of Anarchism Era:

The situation for Warisheh Moradi, a Woman Rights Activist in Kurdistan, is dangerous. She has been subjected to forced disappearance since August 1, 2023, near the Kurdish city of Sanandaj in the northwest of the country by the security forces of the ruling fascist Shia Islamic state in Iran. And so far there is no news of her hiding place.

ANF News petition


Our companion Benni has been in custody in the Leipzig JVA since January 5th. He is accused of having thrown an incendiary device at the USK Dachau thugs on Day X in Leipzig, during the protests in response to the verdict in the Antifa-Ost trial. In addition to the accusation, which has been spread thousands of times, of a particularly serious case of breach of the peace for simply taking part in the demonstration, he is accused of attempted murder.

The investigation and the arrest warrant became known on November 23rd, 2023, when the cops once again carried out a large-scale raid against the autonomous scene in Leipzig and tried in vain to kidnap him from a court case regarding the LuWi-71 occupation using a masked MEK. Benni, the comrade condemned to pre-trial detention, did not appear in court that day, which turned out to be a great stroke of luck. He turned himself in on January 5, 2024. But we can't talk about voluntary behavior here, but rather about the bitter realization that freedom ends as soon as your name appears on the detention order. Money is needed for legal fees, life behind bars and solidarity work!

Donation account:

Account holder: Rote Hilfe Leipzig
IBAN: DE88 4306 0967 4007 2383 05
Keyword: Free Benni

Donations can also be dropped off every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Open Anarchist Network Leipzig on E125 (

You can reach the solidarity group at: free_benni(at)

Freedom, happiness and strength for those in hiding! Love and trust to all antifascists!

Freedom for Benni!

Benni Germany

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Within the framework of the 40 years of the EZLN we celebrate the freedom of comrade Manuel Gómez

His freedom is thanks to the struggle and commitment of civil society that managed to move the balance with its actions of social demonstration.

Yesterday Manuel Gómez Vázquez, support base of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (BAEZLN), political prisoner of Mayan-Tseltal origin, regained his freedom after two years, 11 months and seven days of being held hostage by the government of Chiapas. arbitrarily deprived of his freedom at the State Center for the Social Reintegration of Sentenced Persons (Cerss) number 16 in Ocosingo.

We know that his case is not isolated, but is part of a pattern of repression against defenders and activists of indigenous peoples in Chiapas. This repression is not only directed against him personally, the intention of the State is to undermine or wear down the organizational processes and communities of which they are part, in this case towards the Zapatista autonomous project.

On this occasion, the solidarity of civil society managed to move the balance to obtain his freedom. It was only with the increase of his voices and different forms of demands that his oral trial hearing was finally held and his freedom was obtained.

Manuel was arrested on December 4, 2020, in complicity between the municipal authorities of Ocosingo and the Indigenous Justice Prosecutor's Office, he was tortured, disappeared for four days and unjustly accused of a crime that he did not commit.

From September 2022 to November 2023, the Indigenous Justice Prosecutor's Office (FJI) and the Judiciary of Chiapas complicitly rescheduled, on three occasions, the start of the oral trial hearing. The bottom line was that the FJI could not present the testimonies it had fabricated against him, preferring to postpone its simulation strategy at the expense of Manuel's freedom, exceeding the constitutional term of two years of informal preventive detention. The FJI's inability to present the fabricated testimonials was enough to make its simulation strategy visible.

From Frayba we thank you and remember that we still need to snatch from the clutches of repression the Ch'ol comrade José Díaz Gómez, BAEZLN and the five Tseltal defender comrades of San Juan Cancúc. Therefore, we invite you to stay up to date to also mobilize in his favor, until all political prisoners obtain their freedom.

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Also covered by Abolition Media

[RUS] Who is Kirill Butylin? (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Address for letters to Kirill:

107996 Moscow, ulitsa Matrosskaya Tishina 18, SIZO-1,
Butylin Kirill Vladimirovich (d.o.b. 2011).

Letters can be sent via the service and the RosUznik volunteer-run resource.

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submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Solidarity requested by Network of Resistances and Rebellions Ajmaq:

We invite designers, visual artists and people of good heart to make graphic materials for the freedom of José Díaz Gómez, so that they can be spread through social-digital networks, streets and squares. These graphic materials will be received in digital format from August 24, 2023 to the mail ajmaq_chiapas at

Endorsement from EZLN:

Unconditional freedom for Manuel Gómez Vázquez (taken hostage since 2020 by the state government of Chiapas) and José Díaz Gómez (hostage since last year), indigenous Zapatista bases imprisoned for that reason, for being Zapatistas.

-- Captain Insurgent Marcos

Endorsement from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba):

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) demands the immediate freedom of the Support Base of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (BAEZLN) José Díaz Gómez (José Díaz), who has been arbitrarily deprived of his freedom for eight months in the State Center for Social Reintegration of Sentenced Persons No. 17 "El Bambú", in Catazajá, Chiapas.

English language sources about FRAYBA - sweFOR, OMCT

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submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/


Manuel Gómez Vázquez has been unjustly imprisoned for two years and five months. He belongs to the Mayan-Tzeltal people, speaks little Castilian, is 22 years old and is a peasant farmer. He was illegally detained on December 4, 2020 by an armed civilian group and community authorities. Manuel was tortured and treated cruelly. One day after his arrest, he was handed over to the Municipal Public Security Secretariat of Ocosingo, Chiapas, and to investigative police from the Indigenous Justice Prosecutor’s Office of the State Attorney General’s Office. It was not until December 9, five days after his illegal detention, that Manuel was handed over to a court. It is worth noting that at the time of Manuel’s arrest, the municipal president of Ocosingo, as well as the governor of the state of Chiapas, belonged to Morena.

Original language text

Endorsement from EZLN:

Unconditional freedom for Manuel Gómez Vázquez (taken hostage since 2020 by the state government of Chiapas) and José Díaz Gómez (hostage since last year), indigenous Zapatista bases imprisoned for that reason, for being Zapatistas.

-- Captain Insurgent Marcos

Endorsement from The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba):

In Chiapas there is a justice system that criminalizes defenders of human rights, land and territory, fabricates crimes and culprits, such as the case of the five companions of San Juan Cancuc, the two companions of San Jerónimo Bachajón , and Manuel Gómez Vázquez Support Base of the EZLN, as well as Bersaín Velasco García, both from the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, all Tseltal indigenous people. Today we demand their freedom and an end to criminalization.

English language sources about FRAYBA - sweFOR, OMCT

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Kristina Cherenkova, born on 23 April 1990, graduated from the University of Francisk Skaryna in Gomel as an English language teacher. She was teaching English at a school in Rechitsa and at this time she met her future husband.

After marriage, she moved from Rechitsa to Mozyr, where she decided to open her own business. She started decorating weddings and gave people joy and good mood. Together with her husband, she travelled extensively in Belarus and Ukraine.

Kristina was also the vocalist of the punk rock band VIKT(A)R xOi, which managed to record several tracks, but when she was detained, the police searched all the members of the band and took away their equipment. Nevertheless, the recording of Kristina’s vocals survived; the other instruments had to be re-recorded.

Political views

Kristina has always been an advocate of equality, she is a well-known activist in the anti-fascist milieu of Mozyr and attributes herself to the “Skinheads Against Racial Superstition” movement.

She has also actively spoken out against the actions of the Belarusian state, repression, and police violence. She had a popular Instagram profile, where she wrote about current political events (the posts on her profile were later recognized as “extremist materials”).

After the protests began and political repression intensified, her parents persuaded Kristina and her husband to leave the country, but they refused. They said that “someone has to stay”, that “we are in our own country”.

The story of the detention and the case

Back in August 2020, Kristina and her husband were detained in the street. The police stopped their car but eventually Kristina was released without trial.

On 22 March 2022, a dozen anti-fascists, members of various counter-culture music groups, were searched and detained in Mozyr. Five people ended up serving short time in jail, while criminal proceedings were initiated against Kristina and her friend Anna Pyshnik.

Kristina was detained together with her husband. Early in the morning the law enforcers started breaking down the doors, and as soon as Kristina’s husband opened the door they started beating him.

Some of the law enforcers ran into the room of Kristina, who did not understand what was happening. They started beating her before she could even get out of bed. The whole thing was filmed on video.

Later, when she was transferred to the pre-trial detention facility, a doctor examined her and documented the bruises from the beatings.

Three days later, Kristina’s husband was released and she was charged for her anti-military and anti-police posts on Instagram.

During the investigation, Kristina Cherenkova’s Instagram page was found to be “extremist materials” – the trial was initiated in court by the police. “I don’t expect anything good,” Christina conveyed on this occasion in her letter.


On 10 November Gomel Regional Court started the hearing of the criminal case against Kristina. According to the results of the examination, announced in court, her posts contain no calls to violent actions, but they contain a negative assessment of the police officers. On November 16, 2022 Judge Aleksei Glyshchankov found the young woman guilty and sentenced her to two and a half years of imprisonment.

Conditions of detention

In prison, Kristina was registered as “prone to extremism”.

Kristina, like many other political prisoners, has difficulties with correspondence. While letters from relatives somehow get through, news from friends and acquaintances hardly ever arrives.

From time to time Kristina is transferred from cell to cell. She jokes that she has managed to get acquainted with all the political prisoners who are women during her detention.


Kristina’s mother, her husband, her father-in-law and mother-in-law who had to leave Belarus, and her relatives are waiting for her outside. Her friends have launched a solidarity campaign with Kristina on Instagram, talking about how she is doing in prison and sending messages and pictures from her.

Here’s what Kristina’s mother-in-law has to say:

The first days were very difficult. I stayed in touch with Kristina’s mum all the time – she was all alone, she couldn’t sleep, she needed support. It helped a lot that my son was stoic, maybe his state passed on to us. It also helped us to be strong because there are many people like Kristina. There are smart, talented people and mothers of many children, young and old.

In one of her letters Kristina writes:

Keep your fingers crossed for me! Your support is much needed right now! Hugs to all.

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Photo from Instagram

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At the end of August 2022, the police detained K. Brick and D. Aydyn in a forest on the outskirts of Tyumen. During the search, the guys were found homemade explosives. Less than a day later, under the influence of physical and psychological violence (the boys were beaten and threatened with rape), both signed confessions that they were members of a "terrorist community" of anarchists and were planning sabotage in military enlistment offices, police departments and railroads. Within a day after the detention of K. Brik and D. Aydyn, the law enforcers detained N. Oleinik, R. Paklin, Y. Neznamov, and D. Chertykov. During interrogation, all four gave confessions. The interrogation took place several days after the detention and all this time our comrades were tortured, here is what the detainees wrote about it in their lawyer's interviews:

«They took off my shoes and socks, soaked my feet in something, put some wires on the toes of both feet, and electrocuted me. I lost track of time, but it was very long. They said that I was a prisoner and that people like me should be shot. A man spoke to me without introducing himself. He started to give me a version of events, which I had to confirm when the investigator came.»

-- N. Oleynik

«I was confused and asked why they were mocking me. There was no answer, they switched on the current again, but already stronger. It was very painful, there were strong cramps in my legs and back. Again, the same man asked me if I felt good, but he didn't turn off the current»

-- R. Paklin

«After each electric shock, I had to shout that I loved Putin. They said that if I didn't die by morning, I would be crusted over. I can't describe what this pain can be compared to»

-- Y. Neznamov

«I was punched several times in the face, forced to squat, filming everything on a smartphone camera. I squatted about 150 times, while a man in a balaclava was hitting my ankle with a baton. They said, «Be thankful you're sitting down now and not wallowing in your own piss and shit.»

-- D. Chertykov

«First I was forced to strip naked and squatted. At the same time, they put my shoe on my head and told me that if the shoe fell down, they would use violent actions against me involving the insertion of objects into my rectum.»

-- D. Aydın

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submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

In night between 16th and 17th of October in Bishkek, according to DOXA, unknown people kidnapped activist of Left Bloc, anarchist Lev Skoryakin. Lawyers do not know about his whereabouts. In Russia, Skoryakin is accused of ”hooliganism with weapons”, due to action against a FSB office in the South-West of Moscow with another activist of the Left Bloc Ruslan Abasov. Skoryakin and Abasov were holding banners and burning flares at the office. They were remanded to Butyrka prison of Moscow but released court pending, and they escaped Russia. Skoryakin was arrested in absence in February 2022, and arrest warrant was issued in April of 2022.

In June, Skoryakin was arrested in Kyrgysztan due to international extradition request by Russia, but in September he was released from remand prison due to decision of general prosecutor of the Kyrgyzstan, which refused his extraction to Russia. Since then, Skoryakin stayed in Kyrgyzstan as asylum seeker, and his extradition to Russia is illegal. He also has obtained a traveling document and humanitarian visa from Germany, and was ready to travel from Kyrgyzstan to Germany. He received his traveling document 16th of October, but the very same day ten officials came to the shelter he was staying, presented themselves as officials of the Kyrgyzstan police and kidnapped Skoryakin.

While Vladimir Putin was visiting Kyrgyzstan, Lev Skoryakin was arrested but then released after two hours.

In end of June, anarchist Alexei Rozhkov, accused of arson attack against military enlistment office, was kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan. He was illegally extradited to Russia, tortured and remanded.

ABC Moscow

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submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

"I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me reach this point. I was ready to fight the fascists and their nonsense all the way to trial, but if they are willing to drop the assault charges - and they are willing now, because the assault charges were bullshit which they knew all along - then in that case it doesn't make sense for me to put myself in front of this particular jury with my injury on the line. If they decide to be bigots about the case, there's no way a jail is going to provide me with the extensive follow-up care and physical therapy I'm going to need. Plus they have this fundie family who's going to put their son on the stand, and the poor kid looks miserable as it is. And then to top it off, this knight guy showed up to court today in his whole chainmail costume, and this is making me realize that he is probably way more mentally ill than I realized. This dude needs help, not more attention. Why subject vulnerable individuals like that to the stress and scrutiny of the injustice system?"

  • Leif

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From Prison Radio Instagram

Prisoner Solidarity

Mumia is an award-winning journalist and was one of the founders of the Black Panther Party chapter in Philadelphia, PA. He was a vocal supporter of the MOVE organization and has struggled for justice and human rights for people of color since he was at least 14 years old- the age when he joined the Party. He left the party to become a radio journalist where he made waves defending the rights of black and brown people. In 1981, he was elected president of the Association of Black Journalists Philadelphia Chapter.


On December 9, 1981, Mumia, who moonlighted by driving a taxi, happened upon police who were beating his brother. During the melee, a police officer was shot and killed.


The prosecutor, Joseph McGill, presented a story that has Mumia running behind the officer and shooting him in the back. He then claimed that the officer turned around and pulled his weapon shooting Mumia in the chest. McGill ends the story by saying the officer fell to the ground where Mumia stood over him and unloaded on him, missing with four shots but hitting him once between the eyes. McGill also claimed that Mumia confessed to the shooting later on in police custody.

Conflicting Evidence

None of the physical evidence supports the prosecution's case. Mumia did legally own a gun, not uncommon for anyone driving a cab in Philadelphia during that time. However, the police never tested his gun to see if it had been fired nor tested his hands to see if they had recently fired a gun. They bullet taken from Faulkner could not be matched to Mumia's gun. There were no divots in the sidewalk around the officer's head as there would have been if the shooter had stood above him. The only bullets that were found were approximately eight feet west to where Faulkner was laying and were from an angle that would not have been possible from the trajectory where Mumia entered the scene. The bullet wound that hit Mumia also debunks the prosecution's scenario. The bullet was traveling at a hard downward trajectory suggesting that his body was learning forward while still running to the scene when he was shot, and that the officer was elevated, likely standing on the sidewalk.

The prosecution witnesses told different stories in their original statements than they did at trial. One, a prostitute named Cynthia White, changed her story five times by the time she reached trial. Another, a cab driver named Robert Chobert, who was driving with a suspended license while on probation for arson, first told arriving officers, "the shooter ran away." He then said the shooter ran thirty feet and fell despite the fact that Mumia was laying less than three feet from Faulkner. Crime scene photographs that were never disclosed to the defense until 2007 show that Chobert was not parked where he said he was. They also confirm that there were no bullet divots around Faulkner's head, that police collected evidence incorrectly - damaging its integrity, and that the officer's hat had been moved from its original place on the roof of a car suggesting that Faulkner was talking to a passenger. Four different witnesses claimed that they saw someone running from the scene.

Perjured Evidence

There were three different police officers who claimed that Mumia confessed. The only officer who testified at trial, Gary Bell, claimed that after Mumia was brought into Jefferson hospital for his gunshot wound that he yelled, "I shot the motherfucker and I hope the motherfucker dies." However, the officer never made a report of the incident and claimed to have forgotten this crucial information for over sixty days. He had no recollection until after Mumia's defense attorney file police brutality charges due to the fact that the officers beat him when they arrived on the scene. After that filing all three officers came forward in the subsequent weeks with stories of a confession. The two other officers, Gary Wakshul and Thomas Bray came forward and neither of them had made a report on the night of the shooting. Wakshul even went as far in his original report to say, "The male negro made no statements." He made a second report a week later where he offered recollections of tiny details even so far as to remember the make and model of a camera found in Faulkner's car but made no mention of a confession. He later claimed that he just forgot. The doctor who operated on both Mumia and Faulkner heard no confession and neither did any of the hospital staff. None of the officers corroborated each others stories.

After the police officers came forward with a confession story a hospital guard named Priscilla Durham came forward and claimed she heard a confession as well, but never alerted the police. She was interviewed by the prosecution and brought to trial. During the trial she claimed, for the first time, that she made a handwritten report about the confession the day after the shooting but only gave it to her superior officer. She somehow never mentioned this to the prosecution or the police despite being interviewed by both. During the trial the judge sent a police officer to the hospital who returned with a piece of paper that was not on hospital letterhead, was typed, and was not signed. This document was allowed to be submitted as evidence over the objections of the defense.

Mumia had a court-appointed lawyer who did not have the funds to investigate witnesses or do any ballistics investigations whatsoever. The judge who presided over the case was Albert Sabo, a former Sheriff and member of the Fraternal Order of Police who presided over more trials ending in death sentences than any other judge in the US. A third of all lawyers surveyed by the American Bar Association in Philadelphia said that he was unfit to be on the bench.

Despite all this, Mumia was convicted and sentenced to death in a trial that was rife with perjured testimony and manufactured evidence that Amnesty International found, "did not meet the minimum international standards for a fair trial."


During Mumia's Post Conviction Relief Act Hearings Judge Sabo was brought out of retirement to preside. He sustained every single prosecution objection and quashed most of the subpoenas brought forth by the defense. He did not find that Mumia deserved a new trial and said so in a finding of fact that was a carbon copy of the prosecution's closing brief.

During the summer of 1995, a death warrant was signed by Governor Tom Ridge, which sparked one of the most effective organizing efforts in defense of a political prisoner ever. Since that time, Mumia has had his death sentence overturned but still has a life sentence with no opportunity for parole.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has a long and openly biased history when it comes to justice for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, having denied all his appeals over the 37-year ordeal to win his freedom. True to form, on Feb. 24, four justices on the state’s highest court granted an extremely rare King’s Bench Petition backed by the Fraternal Order of Police to move jurisdiction over Abu-Jamal’s current appeal away from Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office.

While King’s Bench was not intended for use by an individual or group simply displeased with a government action, it appears that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court continues to make exceptions when it comes to the police. Many justices on this court, including two on the panel that ruled in favor of the petition, receive FOP funding.

This court’s actions delay Abu-Jamal’s pending appeal, which just happens to involve charges of misconduct by a former member of the same court, retired Justice Ronald Castille. His well-established alliance with the FOP and bias against Abu-Jamal is central to this case. Now the FOP and Faulkner want to replace DA Krasner with Attorney General Shapiro, who has established a reputation of bias against prisoners seeking justice. When Krasner took office in January 2018, he fired several old guard prosecutors, including some who had been part of prior DA’s prosecution of Abu-Jamal. Many were subsequently hired by Shapiro. In a 1997 decision, Commonwealth v. Mulholland, the higher court ruled against a King’s Bench petition that sought to replace a prosecutor with one thought to be more favorable. The court called this request “prosecutor shopping.”


While imprisoned he has published multiple works of literature and recorded several video interviews making social commentary on today's conditions. He has remained a regular on the prison broadcasted radio shows as well as teaching class on Georgist economics to fellow prisoners around the globe. HBO also created a documentary about the life, arrest, and struggles with the law of the activist called "Mumia Abu- Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt."

Mail Regulations

In 2018, the PA Dept of Corrections instituted a restrictive mail policy where all mail to prisoners must be sent through a mail processing facility in Florida where all correspondence is scanned, copied and then the copy is mailed to the prisoner. There is an active campaign to get Gov. Wolf to repeal the restrictive policy so that friends and family members can send mail such as greeting cards again.

Smart Communications/PADOC - Mumia Abu-Jamal AM-8335
SCI Mahanoy
P.O. Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
United States

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