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This Community is intended for posts about the endlesstalk.org server.

founded 1 year ago

The main reason is that they allow/support pedophilia, but they also allow zoophilia and biastophilia. They try to label it as MAP(minor-attracted person), but it is still pedophilia. Example of MAP post here.


There have been a report of CSAM and unfortunately the lemmy-safety doesn't go through the images quickly enough(on my hardware) to be of use in this case.

I think there exists a tool to purge a image via information from a post, but wasn't unable to find it now. In the future I can hopefully use that tool, when reports of CSAM come in.


To ensure that there aren't any CSAM or other problematic images, I have setup db0's lemmy-safety tool. This will scan images and delete them, if there is a high chance that it is an illegal or unethical image.

Unfortunately, the tool isn't perfect, so sometimes perfectly fine images might be deleted after you have uploaded them. In that case you need to upload a different image, since a similar image will probably be flagged as well.

When the moderation tools for lemmy are better I can hopefully remove the scanning tool, but untill then I think this is the best option.

If anyone has an alternative/better idea, I would love to hear it.


There has been CSAM on another instance and since it might have federated to this instance, I have deleted the images for the last 24 hour.

New images from now on should work. Let me know, if they don't.


The site will go down(a maintenance site will be shown instead), while the migration is ongoing. I expect it to take 10-20 mins if everything goes well.

EDIT: I thought I would able to move images in the background before the main migration, so that I could avoid having the site down for multiple hours. Unfortunatly after testing the migration, I have found that it is impossible to do. So the site will probably be down for 3-4 hours, since there is about 100GB of images, that needs to be migrated.

EDIT2: Images have now been successfully migrated. Let me know, if any images are missing.


There shouldn't be any downtime, since it is a simple upgrade with no database migrations.

EDIT: Has now been successfully updated to 0.18.4. There were no issues, so nothing should be lost.


Thanks to sheodox@lemmy.world there have been added an official self hosted version of alexandrite, which new.endlesstalk.org now uses. There have also been added more features in the update(See here)

Let me know, if there's any issues with the update.


There should be no downtime and no content should be lost.


Let me know, if anything is not working!


Images are currently not working, since it seems there been corrupted files in the image service. I will probably need to use a backup to get it working again, so some images might be lost.

EDIT: Images from 16/07 16:00 CET to 17/07 13:45 have been lost, but the image service is now working again.

I think I will do more frequent backups to avoid losing too many images, if it happens again.


After moving the site I added an auth proxy by mistake to endlesstalk.org, so it was impossible to access.

This has now been fixed and I apologize for the mistake. I will test in a private browser the next time, to avoid this issue.


The database and images has grown too much for the current host to handle.

Which means I'm forced to move to a new host. The images service isn't currently working correctly because of this, so some images might not be saved. The database seems to be working fine.

EDIT: ETA changed to 16:40. The site will be redirecting to a maintenance site, while it is down. EDIT2: Has now been moved to new host. All images hasn't been moved over yet, so some might be missing for a little bit.


To avoid missing posts and comments the site will be down, while the upgrade is happening.

EDIT: I will try a new deployment, which should provide zero downtime(blue-green), but if anything goes wrong, there still might be some downtime.

EDIT2: Due to some preparation I had to do for the new deployment rollout, I had to upgrade sooner, than I had mentioned. There was a little downtime, but no comments or posts were lost.


This site has been down for about an hour.

The cause of the downtime, was that the vps, where the site is hosted had an issue.

To avoid this issue in the future, I will move to a different host in the next hour. Therefor some posts and comments might be lost.

EDIT: Has been moved to new host. Comments and post for the last 5-10 min might be lost.



I'm moving to a new setup, where the database and image service are hosted in the same setup. Currently they are seperated from the main setup in k8s.

This means some images might not get uploaded and post/comments might be missed as well.

I expect it to take around 10-15 mins.