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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/CommunismDoesntWork on 2024-09-24 16:27:25+00:00.

Edit: I counted wrong. Oct 20th is the date according to:

But then the national archivist has up to 30 days to publish those documents to the public if you visit in person, or 180 days to publish them online.

Additionally, while it does allow the president to continue to keep records classified, it does force the originating agency to create unclassified descriptions of each record and a specific reason for why they're still classified. This could give us important clues.

Full authorization bill:

UAPDA starts on page 564

Some relevant quotes

National archivist requirements:

DISCLOSURE OF RECORDS.—Copies of all unidentified anomalous phenomena records transmitted to the National Archives for disclosure to the public shall— (1) be included in the Collection; and (2) be available to the public— (A) for inspection and copying at the National Archives within 30 days after their transmission to the National Archives; and (B) digitally via the National Archives online database within a reasonable amount of time not to exceed 180 days thereafter.

"Heads of government" requirements:

IN GENERAL.—Not later than 300 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, each head of a Government office shall review, identify, and organize each unidentified anomalous phenomena record in the custody or possession of the office for— (A) disclosure to the public; and (B) transmission to the Archivist.

Unclassified descriptions of what is still being hidden:

PERIODIC REVIEW OF POSTPONED UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA RECORDS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—All postponed or redacted records shall be reviewed periodically by the originating agency and the Archivist. .(2) REQUIREMENTS.— (A) PUBLIC DISCLOSURE.—A periodic review under paragraph (1) shall address the public disclosure of additional unidentified anomalous phenomena records in the Collection under the standards of this subtitle. (B) UNCLASSIFIED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF REASON.— All postponed unidentified anomalous phenomena records determined to require continued postponement shall require an unclassified written description of the reason for such continued postponement relevant to these specific records. Such description shall be provided to the Archivist and published in the Federal Register upon determination. (C) PERIODIC REVIEW; DOWNGRADING AND DESCLASSIFICATION OF INFORMATION.—The Archivist shall establish requirements for periodic review of postponed unidentified anomalous phenomena records that shall serve to downgrade and declassify information. (D) DEADLINE FOR FULL DISCLOSURE.—Each unidentified anomalous phenomena record shall be publicly disclosed in full, and available in the Collection, not later than the date that is 25 years after the date of the first creation of the record by the originating body, unless the President certifies that— (i) continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations; and (ii) the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Scared_PomV2 on 2024-09-24 15:05:35+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Oliverwx on 2024-09-24 14:39:03+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/No-Victory136 on 2024-09-24 14:38:12+00:00.

I’ve noticed since his book release, the guy is non stop on socials. Seems to be covering EVERY FACET of main stream media.

I’ve seen James Fox is due to release another documentary featuring David Grush and Hal Putoff.

If we look back 5 years ago and compare to now, the ball is rolling isn’t it?

But I often think, what if it’s all a hoax? I’m back and forth on this topic however lately I’m feeling more and more confident that it is legit. I’m seeing many posts from “smart individuals” that are starting to question it too (they are legit real?)

It’s exciting but also starting to feel real and a bit scary (not necessarily a bad thing)

It’s safe to say disclosure is most certainly happening VERY SLOWLY, but it is happening!

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Disastrous-Disk5696 on 2024-09-24 14:03:37+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/NewParadigmInstitute on 2024-09-24 13:01:35+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-09-24 12:34:21+00:00.

Original Title: John McCain once said that Rand Paul is "now working for Vladimir Putin". Rand Paul just single handedly killed the UAP Disclosure Act. Does Russia have a vested interest in stopping UFO disclosure in the US?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/SirGorti on 2024-09-24 12:13:33+00:00.

Original Title: 1942 Memo by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in which he authorizes Vannevar Bush to proceed with the project on the issues of finding practical uses for 'atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices' - document leaked in 1999 by anonymous source

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/iosjules on 2024-09-24 06:59:54+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/SnooMarzipans1416 on 2024-09-24 02:19:37+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PizzaRelatedMaps on 2024-09-23 21:00:06+00:00.

This happened on 8/15/24 at 12:28 am.

Location: Orange County, NY

I was going on a late night walk one evening just after midnight as I usually do, usually to goof around on my phone, listen to music, and do some mobile stargazing.

As I'm walking down the street, I look down from the sky and at my phone for a second to switch songs, when suddenly in my peripheral vision, I see a bright FLASH above and ahead of me. Subconsciously, my first thought was that it was the flashing lights of a plane that just became unobscured by light pollution or cloud coverage.

When I look up, I quickly realized it was not that at all. It was three white-colored orbs super fucking low, like I thought it was just above the tree level, and they were moving FAST. Like fast fast fast. Totally dead silent. Triangular formation, isosceles triangle. They were flying in perfect formation almost directly at me.

I stood there in awe watching this thing (these things?) fly passed me. It was such a perfect angle that I saw them fly passed me from the side, like for a second I could see one orb pass in front of the other, as if it was flying passed me.

One of the weirdest parts about it was each orb was enveloped in this fog. Or haze. I dont even know how to describe it. It was like a plane flying just above light cloud coverage, you know where you can see the lights just a bit through the clouds/haze but not the body. But there were no clouds. The fog was travelling with the orbs. It appeared that each orb, at least 2 of them, had their own pocket of haze.

Then it got kinda scary tbh. One of the orbs, while flying in formation, began to vibrate violently while in place. As if it was "coming loose" from something. And it shook harder and harder and harder until it "popped" out of place, and each orb began spiraling into an invisible center, where they converged and blinked out of existence.

I don't know what that was. I've been studying UFOs my entire life, but never expected to see one. that truly shook me. it didn't feel how i thought it would feel. i felt so small beneath it

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PyroIsSpai on 2024-09-24 01:35:09+00:00.

"Electrical disturbances apparently of extraterrestrial origin"

In 1933, Karl Jansky found structured radio waves from Sagittarius. His discovery was accepted in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, but the Great Depression led to his getting no research funding. It was published in Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers.

His work has been hiding in plain sight for 91 years.

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From Wikipedia, as it exists now before actors there can manipulate any evidence:

At Bell Telephone Laboratories, Jansky built a directional antenna designed to receive radio waves at a frequency of 20.5 MHz (wavelength about 14.6 meters). It had a diameter of approximately 100 ft. (30 meters) and stood 20 ft. (6 meters) tall. It was mounted on top of a turntable on a set of four Ford Model-T wheels, which allowed it to be rotated in the azimuthal direction, earning it the nickname "Jansky's merry-go-round" (the cost of which was later estimated to be less than $1000).[3]: vii By rotating the antenna, the direction of a received signal could be pinpointed. The intensity of the signal was recorded by an analog pen-and-paper recording system housed in a small shed to the side of the antenna.[4]

After recording signals from all directions for several months, Jansky eventually categorized them into three types of static: nearby thunderstorms, distant thunderstorms, and a faint static or "hiss" of unknown origin. He spent over a year investigating the source of the third type of static. The location of maximum intensity rose and fell once a day, leading Jansky to surmise initially that he was detecting radiation from the Sun.

After a few months of following the signal, however, the point of maximum static moved away from the position of the Sun. Jansky also determined that the signal repeated on a cycle of 23 hours and 56 minutes. Jansky discussed the puzzling phenomena with his friend the astrophysicist Albert Melvin Skellett, who pointed out that the observed time between the signal peaks was the exact length of a sidereal day; the time it took for "fixed" astronomical objects, such as a star, to pass in front of the antenna every time the Earth rotated.[5] By comparing his observations with optical astronomical maps, Jansky concluded that the radiation was coming from the Milky Way and was strongest (7:10 p.m. on September 16, 1932) in the direction of the center of the galaxy, in the constellation of Sagittarius.

Jansky announced his discovery at a meeting in Washington D.C. in April 1933 to a small audience who could not comprehend its significance.[6] His discovery was widely publicized, appearing in the New York Times of May 5, 1933,[7] and he was interviewed on a special NBC program on "Radio sounds from among the stars".[4] In October 1933, his discovery was published in a journal article entitled "Electrical disturbances apparently of extraterrestrial origin" in the Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers.[8]

If the radio sources were from the stars, the Sun should also be producing radio noise, but Jansky found that it did not. In the early 1930s, the Sun was at an inactive phase in its sunspot cycle. In 1935 Jansky made the suggestion that the strange radio signals were produced from interstellar gas, in particular, by "thermal agitation of charged particles."[5] Jansky accomplished these investigations while still in his twenties with a bachelor's degree in physics.

Jansky wanted to further investigate the Milky Way radio waves after 1935 (he called the radiation "Star Noise" in the thesis he submitted to earn his 1936 University of Wisconsin Masters degree),[9][10] but he found little support from either astronomers, for whom it was completely foreign, or Bell Labs, which could not justify, during the Great Depression, the cost of research on a phenomenon that did not significantly affect trans-Atlantic communications systems.

Link to his 1933 study--hard copies I saw of that edition of the journal are rare, with seemingly outdated listings, claiming north of $3800 if you can find them.

Thankfully, Harvard had an accessible copy, and now it's archived:

The paper is relatively to virtually unknown post-Depression and post-WW2:

Archives of Harvard's copy...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PrecariatiF on 2024-09-23 23:48:28+00:00.

I've recently been exploring the Sol Foundation and their many papers and it's my opinion that they're the most unbiased, neutral, and scientific UAP-focused organization that I've found. I genuinely don't know why they aren't talked about more. With this sub being inundated daily with baseless conjecture, doomsday predictions, and obvious grifts it's refreshing to see an org focus entirely on the facts and policy suggestions instead of arriving at absurd conclusions based on hearsay and fear-mongering (2027, JWST, etc.) I feel the oversaturation of "theories" negatively impacts the efforts of those trying to garner genuine discussion and curiosity over a perplexing phenomena with decades of evidence to back up its veracity. Am I alone in this?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/jazir5 on 2024-09-24 01:18:45+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/kuleyed on 2024-09-23 23:46:19+00:00.

I love Lue Elizondo for what's he has done and his book... I made posts connecting dots and breadcrumbs he laid out... But I just heard him say no elected official has taken this seriously until recent history. - I am dropping any more insight into precisely where that was to keep this non politically slanted in any way, but suffice it to say, I gotta point something out here.

In October of 1969, eventual President Carter saw a UAP at close enough range to change his life.

I am not including links because when I do, my posts often get deleted but there is literally a Fox News report easily Google-able, check it out.

In 1973, he reported it. In fact the covers it. Again, easy to check into.

Now, if you watched Jesse Micheal's interview with Danny Sheehan, you saw him recount how in 1977 when Carter was elected, he demanded to be briefed of all things UFO. He was of course told "nope"... and that all happened BEFORE he even got to the White House.

Carter took the situation seriously enough to have asked to be briefed on this as one of his very first actions as an elected official.

UAP history my friends 🧡.... don't think for a second anything comes out unless someone's arm is twisted and someone else is the beneficiary.... or it comes out from the private sector 👀 (shout out to my fellow experiencers 🙌 - where true Disclosure happens!)

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Flyinhighinthesky on 2024-09-23 23:09:30+00:00.

Just received word from someone inside the event that the second SOL Foundation Symposium will occur this November in San Francisco! No confirmation on who's in the line up yet, but they promise to announce more information soon.

If it's been a while since you last visited them, then you'll be glad to know they have been hard at work since the last Symposium building bridges between scientific communities, the government, and the general public to help push for transparency and global acknowledgment of UAPs. As part of this work, their academic and government experts have published regular white papers on UAPs, to offer insight into the national, biological, and financial security challenges around UAPs, as well as potential scientific and religious implications. They've also been working behind the scenes with news organizations and governments around the world to push for public understanding and proper handling of UAP information. They are working on a few exciting research initiatives as well that they will likely announce closer to the event.

They are always looking for information, financial support, and volunteers. If you have knowledge, connections, funds, or time to provide, please reach out to them on the SOL Foundation website and let them know how you can help. If you are involved in academia or relevant areas of the private sector, and wish to volunteer, please message me directly and I can provide you a link to the volunteer form.

Please note, if you are accepted into the Foundation as a volunteer, some projects may require you to submit to a background check (including employment, education, or criminal history), or sign an NDA, due to the nature of the work. This is done at no cost to you.


Exciting times are ahead of us!

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Lazy-Rioter on 2024-09-23 20:45:17+00:00.

Does anyone have any story links or sources to suggest that UFO incursions have happened near particle accelerators? my thought process is that the same types of markers that would attract them to nuclear weapon sites (Pantex, Atomic detonation sites, etc.) would also attract them to sites doing nuclear particle physics experiments.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/seabritain on 2024-09-23 21:14:32+00:00.

Part 1 - Manhattan Project & the CIA Legacy Program:

Part 2 - Richard Bissell & the CIA Legacy Program:

Part 3 - Monsanto, MKULTRA & the CIA Legacy Program:

Supplemental material - Pulling the Thread: CIA Directorate of Science & Technology:

In 1973, Donald Chamberlain’s deputy Karl Weber took over the reins at the Office of Scientific Intelligence. As Deputy Director, Weber did not want the CIA's involvement with the Robertson Panel to be made public. From The CIA UFO Papers by Dan Wright:

OSI Deputy Director Karl Weber wrote to Colonel Gerald Jorgensen at SAFOI on August 16, 1966, regarding Jorgensen's July 27 request for declassification of the unabridged Robertson Panel Report. After further review, OSI determined that no additional material could be released. Permission had not been obtained from the personnel and organizations involved. The panel members themselves agreed only to a limited release. Moreover, as indicated by Philip Strong in his December 20, 1957, memorandum to Air Force principals: “We are most anxious that further publicity not be given to the information that the panel was sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency.”

The contents of the Weber letter, for reference:

The Office of Scientific Intelligence feels that the report, as originally drafted, cannot be downgraded. As an alternative, an unclassified version has been prepared which edits names of personnel and participating organizations, and we are agreeable to the release of this version.

Weber remained as OSI’s head until November 1976, when it and the Office of Weapons Intelligence were moved into the Directorate of Intelligence from the Directorate of Science & Technology. OWI was formed in 1973 through merging “certain functions” of the Office of Scientific Intelligence with the Foreign Missile and Space Analysis Center. R Evans Hineman served as its Deputy Director for three years before becoming Director of Weapons Intelligence in 1976. OSI and OWI were combined to form the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research in 1980. Hineman was DI’s Associate Deputy Director from 1980 until 1982 when he became Director of Science & Technology and Director of NRO’s Program B.

Following his retirement in 1989, he was named as President of TASC following their acquisition by Litton. TASC was eventually purchased by Northrop Grumman, and when Northrop made the decision to sell the consulting group in 2009, Hineman was one of the deal’s advisors along with another former DDS&T Donald Kerr. Hineman also served in executive roles at Mantech International Corporation.

In a phone call between Admiral Bobby Ray Inman and NASA Mission Specialist Bob Oechsler in 1989, Hineman is named as the man to talk to about recovered crafts.

ADMIRAL BOBBY RAY INMAN: The Deputy Director for Science and Technology at CIA is named Everett [sic] Hineman. He is in fact getting ready to retire in the very near future. That may make him somewhat more willing to have dialogues than he otherwise would have had. When I knew him in the period seven to ten years ago, he was a person of very substantial integrity and just good common sense. So as a place to start he would clearly be high on the list. In the retired community of those who nonetheless were exposed to the intelligence business and stayed reasonably close to it, there is a retired Rear Admiral, a former director of Naval Intelligence, named Sumner Shapiro, who has been a Vice President of BDM. I think he just retired.


ADMIRAL BOBBY RAY INMAN: BDM. It's a corporation there in the McLean area. His level of competence again is very high, his integrity is very high. Whether he has any knowledge in the areas you are working on I don't have a clue, because I don't have any ongoing dialogue with him. But those are at least two thoughts for you that are there in the area where you are located. And who have a prospect of still having some currency. I don't know that they do. In my case I don't have any.

BOB OECHSLER: Do you anticipate that any of the recovered vehicles would ever become available for technological research? Out­side of the military circles.

ADMIRAL BOBBY RAY INMAN: Again, I honestly don't know. Ten years ago, the answer would have been no. Whether as time has evolved they are beginning to become more open on it-- there's a possibili­ty. Again, Mr. Hineman probably would be the best person to put that kind of question to.

Declassified documents show that the Nuclear Energy Division, originally composed of members of Manhattan Project Foreign Intelligence Section and the X-2 and SI units of the OSS (and organized at the urging of the Joint Research and Development Board headed by Vannevar Bush) was still alive and well inside OSWR.

Kit Green and Ron Pandolfi, two successive heads of the Agency’s “Weird Desk”, were OSWR analysts. Green’s public CV lists him as a “Senior Division Analyst with the newly formed Office of Scientific and Weapons Intelligence in 1978”. This name is used interchangeably with OSWR in a 1981 inspection report of the office.

OSWR would evolve into the Weapons Intelligence Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Center (WINPAC), established in 2001. WINPAC is described as having embraced “much of what was in the Office of Scientific Intelligence when it and the Office of Weapons Intelligence were merged in 1980”.

Of interest from the infamous 177-page briefing document:

(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 20 December 2022 — Ret. CIA official John Ramirez states several new pieces of information in an interview including: that he was told of a compartmented area of the Navy as sensitive as the Manhattan project that may be UAP related; he heard rumors of a relationship between ONR and CIA OSWR/WINPAC where USO materials were recovered and transferred to CIA; and that NGA has the most UAP evidence in the form of videos. Ramirez also states dialogue inside the USG from official channels he heard states UAP occupants/factions will arrive in 2027 and “we need to prepare.”

Notably, WINPAC was involved with the assessment of Iraqi WMD programs leading up to the 2003 invasion. Vice President Dick Cheney is reported to have visited the CIA “five to eight times total between September 2001 and February 2003”, meeting with WINPAC analysts. In 2002, WINPAC head Alan Foley reportedly told his subordinates, “If the president wants to go to war, our job is to find the intelligence to allow him to do so."

WINPAC would eventually morph into what is today known as the Weapons and Counterproliferation Mission Center (WCPMC). There are many interesting characters associated with OSWR, WINPAC, and WCPMC over the years, but I’m going to end this post with just one.

Andrew Gibb, Program Director in the Office of Global Access from 2018-2021, was Department Chief in WCPMC from 2015-2018. OGA, of course, has allegedly “played a central role since 2003 in orchestrating the collection of what could be alien spacecraft.”

Happy Monday. 🛸🛸🛸

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/dicedicedone on 2024-09-23 18:34:37+00:00.

We can conclude UAP 20 is referring to the Alaskan object shot over the Beaufort Sea

Here we can see the date and time the object was allegedly shot down at around 10:45AM AKST (7:45PM UTC)

This matches up with this log of UAP20 being shot down with logs from interception taking action until around ~1904z (7:04PM UTC)

This is further supported by a reporters question labeling the Alaska UAP as #20, although no response was provided

Now, while the recovery and exploitation mission of UAP #20 isn't available, We are able to see the plan for UAP #23. Here, it clearly says that exploitation will begin once the UAP has been RECOVERED. We can pretty safely assume this would also be the case for UAP #20

**edit adding this letter from A Canadian MP regarding the DRDC

So, with all this being said, based on this Trudeau memo leak, it appears that UAP #20, the Alaskan UAP that was shot down in the Beaufort Sea WAS recovered and it is currently being exploited by the United States

special thanks to this thread for making me aware, because I wasn't convinced until I dug a little deeper. Thanks to u/DeclassifyUAP and to u/DaZipp

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/13-14_Mustang on 2024-09-23 17:46:07+00:00.

Has anyone given any updates since the UAPDA failed? Lue? Grusch? Congress? Mellon?

We still catastrophizing the disclosure?

Is that the reason everyone is quiet?

What now?

My last post got removed for not being long enough so heres some UAPDA text:

The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act was a series of bipartisan bills passed by the United States Congress and signed into law on December 22, 2023. The law mandated the National Archives and Records Administration assemble a UAP Collection of unidentified anomalous phenomenon data.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/dicedicedone on 2024-09-23 17:28:11+00:00.

On this page

in the Canadian unclassified documents there is an email sent of satellite imagery a few hours before the object was shot in the Beaufort Sea. I was able to locate the same location on google maps. (search for Inuvik) Is the star-like object in the Beaufort Sea the UAP? Anybody that can help dig into this deeper?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/SkyXDay on 2024-09-23 17:24:49+00:00.

I see a lot of articles and videos about cases I’ve never heard of before but what really intrigues me is that so many people have flocked to this subreddit with immense interest.

I believe that this group of redditors have their own stories to tell and I am super interested in just reading about experiences that otherwise would not be known.

I only have one account myself but I will share here as well.

I have always been fascinated about space and life in general, taking the standard philosophical approach of “what else is out there?”.

My experience happened a few years ago, in my backyard at my former residence. I remember someone on reddit saying “look up at the night sky and you may see something you never expected”.

Now for some context, I was one of those people so excited to see starlink constellations and would track them. But one night, as I was gazing up, I saw what looked to be a bright star or satellite moving pretty quickly.

I realized that their were actually two lights (had to be closer than a satellite, as it was very bright). I noticed these lights move parallel in one direction and slow down to a stop and move completely in the other direction till they were out of sight.

Nothing crazy or spectacular on my behalf but the feeling I got after I saw that was a bit of shock but also excitement. As I knew what I had just seen was not ordinary.

Im sure you all have some more interesting stories so I will let you take it away.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/drollere on 2024-09-23 17:16:28+00:00.

As part of my routine exploration of sources and commentary regarding Elizondo's "Imminent" (2024), I came across Richard Dolan's video review of the book. Early in his comments I was astonished to hear Dolan compare the significance of "Imminent" to Edward Ruppelt's "classic" 1956 book, "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects".

Dolan's seems to focus on the testimony of an "insider source" as the reason to judge Ruppelt's book as comparable to Elizondo's. But that is a false premise. As an "insider" Ruppelt was also a provable public liar and a dutiful disinformation agent, so it strikes me that Dolan fits a useful historical comparison to the wrong figure.

By far the most important and influential book in the early years of modern ufology was "The Flying Saucers Are Real" (1950) by retired Marine Corps aviator Major Donald Keyhoe. The fact that Keyhoe can be glibly overlooked by someone as knowledgeable as Dolan, and overlooked in favor of someone as meritless as Ruppelt, suggests a dissent and retrospective tribute is needful.

Keyhoe's January, 1950 article and book are important for many reasons:

  1. Both Keyhoe and Elizondo have a single basic message, clearly stated in Keyhoe's title: don't kid yourself, UFO are real. They validate that interest in the topic is not "kooky" or "psychotic".
  2. Both Keyhoe and Elizondo, seven decades apart, describe UFO stigma and the motivation to hide the "truth" about UFO by elements in the USAF "for religious reasons". ("Religion" here means christianity.)
  3. Both describe the evolution of personal views on UFO from someone who is at best agnostic (if not skeptical) of the idea that UFO are real to someone who believes they are not only real but are an "interplanetary" or interstellar in origin -- a fact of enormous significance.
  4. The story itself is a lucid and highly readable gumshoe saga of investigation and discovery. Bit by bit, source by source, Keyhoe describes his search for factual information about landmark UFO events such as the "Mantell Incident", the "Gorman Dogfight" and the "Chiles/Whitted Incident".
  5. Keyhoe clearly describes the murk of contradictory and tactically misleading information put out by the Department of Defense, including the red herrings cast his way by the mysterious source "John Steele" and culminating in a verbatim account of his interview with the official "sphinx" on the topic, General Boggs, who serenely affirms that Mantell was only chasing the planet Venus.
  6. Keyhoe describes the efforts of aeronautical engineers and scientists to explain UFO performance as a "vehicle" -- a "secret weapon" or "rocket" of human design -- their failure to do so, and the importance of this failure, along with historical sightings back to 1870, to support an interplanetary interpretation. But he also demonstrates the inherent bias of ignorance as he tries to fit the information to scientific preconceptions of the era, which seem limiting to a reader today.

Keyhoe is a remarkable figure in his own right, as the biography by Linda Powell documents. Balding, bony, with thin lips, pugnacious chin and drag chute ears, factotum for Charles Lindbergh and science fiction novelist before he became an investigative journalist for True magazine, Keyhoe might be a character out of Dickens. But once personally convinced by the evidence, he pursued "disclosure" with aplomb, persistence (as demonstrated in the Mike Wallace interview) and full command of the facts.

He established the first citizen organization to address the topic, the National Investigative Committee on Aerial Phenomena, and supported Richard Hall's (and other's) efforts to investigate and publicize observational facts about UFO (summarized in the invaluable "The UFO Evidence"). He pressed the topic tirelessly in various public statements, and worked (but ultimately failed) to get the US congress to take the matter seriously in open hearings and an official investigation. The AAF/USAF tried in several ways to "manage" Keyhoe; eventually they resorted to flagrant attempts to muzzle or discredit him.

"TFSAR" is a fun read, but also instructive on several levels. Already, in 1949, the DoD was fumbling around with different tactics to control the UFO topic, which required separate investigation to unravel. Already, in 1949, Keyhoe cites most of the major observational criteria of a UFO -- high velocity, rapid acceleration, "zigzag" or reversing trajectories, brilliant whiteness or mirrorlike reflectivity, hover, vertical ascent, evasion from pursuit, occasional enormous size -- and altitudes reported at or above 50 miles (about 90 kilometers).

It is also a personal book. Keyhoe narrates his own mental evolution from scoffing indifference to the UFO topic to passionate conviction that "the secret" lay behind feckless USAF tactics to manage his inquiries. And he shows how current knowledge leads to misguided conclusions about UFO (which he explicitly assumes originate from Mars), which influenced the many 1950's Hollywood fictions based on that premise.

He concludes the book in the belief that the USAF, in its alternating denials and disclosures, is actually trying to prepare the US public for "the secret". But many years later, in the Mike Wallace interview, he expresses the opinion that the facts are being withheld, possibly indefinitely, because of possible "public hysteria" and the impact on religious beliefs.

Keyhoe was less than satisfactory as the leader of NICAP and arguably contributed to its eventual decline. His ultimate failure to wrest "the secret" from the US government or motivate Congress to do its job seemed implicit validation of the official "nothing to see here."

But none of that should justify putting a fabricating Edward Ruppelt ahead of the integrity, insight and foundational influence in ufology of Major Donald E. Keyhoe (ret.). More than an American original, he remains an American hero.


Dolan review of "Imminent":

Keyhoe's January, 1950 True article:

Keyhoe's book:


Powell biography:

Mike Wallace interview:

Don Neble interview:

NICAP "The UFO Evidence" (.pdf):

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/blackvault on 2024-09-23 17:21:29+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/gadfly84 on 2024-09-23 17:13:23+00:00.

I’m almost done with Imminent. This book is unfuckingbelievable. If you haven’t read it, please read it.

It basically supports all of the rumors I have heard about alien life and UAP. We’re not alone, we are not infrequently visited, and they are more advanced than us. Remote viewing is real.

Time for a manhattan project like effort to figure out what we’re dealing with and if communication is possible. Maybe we can better ourselves through alien tech.

What do you all think?

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