this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2024
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Ah cool. I have heard SMT V is pretty tough. What do you think about that?
I started P5 on PS5, but didn't play much. Plan to get P5R on Switch to play it completely. One question though, how many in-game days did it take you to finish the first dungeon?
I somehow messed up something in P4G, and wasn't able to get true ending, from what I read, I had to go back at least a semester and play again to get that. So, when I started P5, I wanted to finish the dungeon in one in-game day, so that I don't miss any time and mess up it again, but that made me die multiple times and not enjoy it much. So, just left the game with plan to start Royale sometime later.
SMT V's main story is pretty average difficulty, almost too easy if you know the combat system and do any real prep with fusions. The optional content can be very challenging, though.
P5R does have similar requirements to get the true ending, but they're pretty easy to meet if you make any real effort with keeping Confidants leveled. There are three Confidant requirements you need to meet to have access to the true ending and Royal's extra content.
You only need one for most of the extra content in Royal. The other two do add a bit more, but are not really essencial.
If you want to see all of the extra content for Royal, then you need to have all three. Which is exactly what I said in the first place.
Um, ack shoe wally!