The difference between people who just talk and the people who do.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
Honorable mentions: “source of truth” and “sanity check”.
"Actionable insights" is the opposite of these corpo buzzwords.
It's a phrase I use to shut down clients when they ask for something that doesn't have value. Also know as interesting but not actionable. I prioritize my time on finding actionable insights. Data that can drive decisions.
"challenges and opportunities"
Since this is giving me Don Beveridge vibes (R.I.P), I remember when RedLetterMedia's Best of the Worst Black Spine edition had his customization seminar on their first episode.
They were laughing and thinking he was some kind of lunatic conman for all of the supposedly nonsense things he was spouting about pushing whopper buttons and deficiencies of PK and a bunch of other stuff, and I'm just sitting back thinking "nope...I understand every word he's saying." Because not only do I have to live currently in an environment where my upper managers emails are filled with such nonsense, but my first job was AT Burger King when I was 16 in 1992 and guess what...
It was used by management to tell the staff when to keep more burgers in the warming tray and when to lower the supply based on customer traffic. They implemented it because..."75% of the time the Whopper was being served cold"
"Push the Whopper Button" is shorthand for being efficient with when and where you're spending your resources so that your not wasting them where you don't have to and not having them available when you do.
Whenever I see companies use ERP as an acronym, I can't help but wonder if they're aware of its more general meaning
Just a few more years until we’ve fully migrated to SAP’s WiFu system
My search skills are failing me and I’m only coming up with results for Enterprise Resource Planning. What is the more general meaning?
"Deficiency of PK"
The one I hate most: "Art of the Possible".
Weaponized language
I confess that I’m 25 years into my career field and I still don’t “get” “OKR” and “PKI”.
I know what the acronyms mean and have looked at definitions dozens of times. But, when I see them in practice, I figure that there’s something I’m still missing—some arcane knowledge only revealed to project managers and executives—because they’re always somehow nonsensical to the business, like someone filled in a Mad Lib.
OKay, Right?
Means having a chill attitude, especially when you screw up badly right in front of your supervisor.
Public Key Infrastructure
Means your offices are locked not by company private keys but by public statutes of the state, and a court order will make them unlock.
(Or, less-commonly used)
PacK it In
Give up. Go home.
Customer success management
To be fair, Game Changer was a great strain. Very creative, me an a bud enjoyed some an launched into DND world building for an hour an a half
You forgot "Digital Transformation"
Get into the damn think tank!
Where's unlock?
"Influencer? You insult me! That's a fake job for big booty girls on Instagram. I'm a thought leader! I do the exact shame shit but on LinkedIn. There's a difference."
I'm a particular fan of "power networking"