I am keeping this post very brief as I am really not feeling very well at the moment. So, here are some super brief impressions on what I watched this past week:
- Tower of God Season 2 Finale - Even with a stronger end, a really big letdown over season 1. Unsure if I will continue if there is a season 3.
- Ameku M.D. - OK start. Willing to continue with this one if I find time, but a low priority.
- Pom Poko - Watched for the first time this past week while sick and it was kinda weird. Not sure if it was meant to be tragic, silly, or preachy about nature conservation. It ended up a bit of a mishmash of all three that wasn't great. I did love the creative animations of the tanuki and their transformations though.
- Porco Rosso - Similarly watched for the first time this past week and I liked this one a lot more. Some really gorgeous animation and an interesting cast of characters.
- Rurouni Kenshin (Remake Season 2) - Watched the first couple episodes and I appreciate that they aren't afraid to change up animation styles for impact from time to time. Also, I really like Misao, so it's been fun.
- Natsume's Book of Friends Season 7 - Watched a couple episodes and it's the same as always. Each episode is just a bite of comfort food. It has been remarkably consistent over all seven seasons.
Just as a meta aside, I have been toying around with stuff for future versions of the voting stuff we just did for the awards and the async nature of web stuff is really breaking my brain. I am so used to writing scripts and stuff for work that just runs a bunch of data cleaning and analysis sequentially and I sit there while it thinks until it spits out the results.
That kind of thing just doesn't work when you try to do things in a browser without making you constantly think that things are broken. Making this issue worse is that one of the api's I am trying to integrate (animethemes.moe) is pretty slow to respond, usually taking ~0.5-1 second per query. So, I am being forced to learn async stuff and I kind of hate it...