While your mega corporation is extremely rich, if tomorrow everyone starts pirating, that corporation will go bankrupt in a year. And all those TV shows you enjoyed won't be produced anymore. No more new movies with cool stunts and special effects. No more games with insane graphics.
As a consumer of that big corpo content you don't have the moral high ground to say "I never cared anyways about your shitty mass-consumer stuff". You care because you pirated it to watch/play it.
So in the end, you only got your cake because someone else overpaid for theirs. Infinite replicability argument does not hold because it costs money to make content. And it's a risky investment, so at times you want to get more back than you invested, cuz other times you'll spend 50 millions on a game nobody wants to play, and lose 40 of those.
By pirating you inadvertently cause damage to the industry and if everyone followed your steps your favorite games/movies would ceise to exist. But for now it works cuz most people don't pirate. So, are you morally safe, anon?