Thanks so much for all the feedback, and I really appreciate all the words!
Most of those points that you mentioned are things that I want to add in eventually, whenever I have the time! Any help that I can get would be incredible - its been super hectic for me to work on all these features and also fix incoming issues ๐
Downloading Images
This will most likely come in the next release
Ability to view profiles
This will also most likely come in the next release
Edit comments (and posts)
I'm hoping to get that done as well for the next release if it doesn't take up too much time
Ability to see all subscriptions
This will be done sometime in the future, with no timeline set in mind yet
Ability to remove accounts
You can do this already! Just tap on the profile icon and select the account you want to remove
More advanced search
This will also be done in the future, with no timeline set in mind yet