Yeah, I've actually been pretty disappointed as of late with the power consumption of my custom PCs. I actually can't remember the last time I had a PC with sleep states that actually work, maybe it was 8 years ago?
On my last motherboard, whenever you woke the machine from sleep, some board modules wouldn't power up correctly, you had to restart to get full functionality again. I have a second PC as a home media server, that one never fully wakes up from any sleep state (luckily it's a server, so it's always on). My current gaming PC regularly crashes whenever the machine is (ironically) at low processor load. (That's the amd automatic energy saving features totally failing)
I don't know whether to blame the motherboards, the processors, or the OS, but any way you slice it, my computers are only happy if they're consuming 300 watts all the time...
And on the other hand, I gather chest freezers are actually decently efficient.