Whoa, it's wild seeing the map of "places that ban us"
Map Enthusiasts
For the map enthused!
post relevant content: interesting, informative, and/or pretty maps
be nice
Kind of. "Places that an adult in their own home has to register with the state to see porn, so pornhub disables the state"
They try to regulate porn by mandating a user show their id to the provider, and they totally won't abuse that list of users at all they pinky swear
the worst thing about this is that the VPNs people use to get around it will mess up the data. we may never know which state really looked up flogging the most on valentine's day :(
I feel like that’s the real message in this map.
1: Haha, look at funny sex words!
2: Wait, why are all those states…
3: … Ohhh shit.
I was like "wow no incest shit!", but then I realized most of the southern states are blocked now.
Holy shit like half the country is missing. Fucking nanny state horseshit
I'm surprised Indiana is on there, unless people are submitting their IDs. I personally get my porn fix from a nice young man on an electric scooter every Thursday.
Not to kink-shame but, wtf Alaska?
They're just a more prepared California.
All those blank states. VPN profits must be up.
Im in texas. I was getting the hub from colorado. Today Im more in a Wyoming sort of mood. Need to get the best results. Time to change servers.
Wyoming and Ohio need each other.
Wyoming and Ohio lead to Colorado.
Oh sure, now that I've left Indiana, suddenly being queer is a good thing...
That says queef.
I may not be wearing my glasses and I may have had some wine.
Hope it's a good wine, that sounds lovely
It was worth the low price I paid, so yes. Thank you.
id prefer it said queer, queen, queesy or queso over queef.
So you know, searching Pornhub for queso gets you videos with cheese in the title.
I needed to check. For science.
I just think that it's both sweet, and a little sad, that there are searches for "hugging", "intimate", and "cuddling".
Has someone checked in on Wyoming, North Dakota, and Ohio? They seem like they might be lonely.
Seeing hugging and cuddling makes me curious. Are there videos of people just cuddling on those kinds of platforms? That seems really wholesome unless it's awkward naked cuddles.
It also surprises me that so many of the top searches include things I feel are labeled as kinks. Aren't they things that only small demographics enjoy, if so many people enjoy it is maybe wrong to perceive it that way?
Man, the number of places pornhub has pulled out of (hehehe) is nuts. Georgia is the only surprise on here, since Louisiana has some government program there using to stay live.
Searching Wife on pornhub feels backwards
I see gramps from Illinois is typing his questions into the wrong search bar again.
I'm so proud of you, Ohio.
Has anyone checked in on Louisiana recently?
The contrast between Wyoming and Colorado made me burst out laughing:
Softcore? I’m embarrassed for my state
These maps are no longer useful with so many millions vpn into other states. Pornhub maps list their charm. Rip pornhub maps 2025.
Yep. That's Michigan in February for ya.