Hello everyone. Just joined and getting used to the layout, coming from Reddit not much else.
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
This is a community for discussion about this particular Lemmy instance.
News and updates about lemm.ee will be posted here, so if that's something that interests you, make sure to subscribe!
- Support requests belong in !support
- Only posts about topics directly related to lemm.ee are allowed
- If you don't have anything constructive to add, then do not post/comment here. Low effort memes, trolling, etc is not allowed.
- If you are from another instance, you may participate in discussions, but remain respectful. Realize that your comments will inevitably be associated with your instance by many lemm.ee users.
If you're a Discord user, you can also join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/XM9nZwUn9K
Discord is only a back-up channel, !meta@lemm.ee will always be the main place for lemm.ee communications.
If you need help with anything, please post in !support instead.
Hey, welcome!
Check out some alternative UIs like phtn.app and alexandrite.app, they're really cool!
If you're browsing on mobile, I can recommend the app Voyager for Lemmy or Thunder for Lemmy. I liked their layout the best from the few I tried.
Happy to be here, happier to see it grow!
That is a wonderful chart.
Congratulations. Great to see growth :)
For how long I have to wait until I can upload images for a community after my registration? Thx
4 weeks. In mean time you can use catbox.moe or Imgur. Or any other Image Hoster.
That's why I couldn't upload images, the UI on mobile never gave me an error explaining this, it would be good to better make users aware of this.