Vespucci is a step up in complexity to StreetComplete, but lets you perform node additions. That's wat I use when out and about alongside StreetComplete.
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Same here. The learning curve is higher on Vespucci, but once you're familiar with it it's extremely capable!
This looks good, thank you!
I just checked in the most recent SCEE version you can also add pois
I just put this into my search bar "!wosm shower" it directly searches the osm wiki for for shower. With the help of the bang "!"
!wosm water fountain
You can add it easily in osmand
That search shortcut works only if you have DuckDuckGo as your search engine, though.
Qwant, Brave and others work as well
That doesn't work in qwant for me
For toilets and showers: For drinking water: (edit: I erroneously pasted the toilet-link here before as well)
Please do not drink water from the toilets!
@dnkrupinski @cynber hehe, wrong link. Should be
@pietervdvn @cynber Both of these links seem to be the same. Was that intentional?
No, I copy-pasted the same link twice accidentally. Edited and corrected now.