Vote for extra trinket storage item! A chain to wear them around your neck. Hard to visualize though.
Pixel Dungeon
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Making it another dedicated equip slot basically
That would be ideal but I think Evan is worried about changing the UI and increasing clutter. My suggestion to move trinkets to the velvet pouch is just about as minimal a change as you can possibly make. It gets the extra item out of the main inventory at the cost of a very minor code change.
Hmm, but the velvet pouch is overloaded as it is.
I opted to let them sit in the inventory mainly because they're a sort of pseudo-equipment, and wanted them to sit near those items. I'm aware that inventory pressure continues to be an issue for some folks, but was hoping that making alchemize so much cheaper might help with that.
The Cleave ability still has the old description about being free to use if it kills instead of being instant.
I still never understood why magical porter was removed. Yes, alchemize replaced the merchant beacon, but magical porter served a different role. At the very least alchemize should allow the old porter effect as an option, which would be another way to help with inventory management.
I mainly removed magical porter because it had extremely, extremely low usage. It made more sense to push alchemize than having magical porter still exist and compete with it.