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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/disclosurediaries on 2024-09-23 16:25:22+00:00.

This past week in Disclosure:

Sep 19 – Former President Donald Trump shares reports of UAP incidents he received from fighter pilots

In response to a question on Area 51, Trump segues into a description of UAPs reported to him by 4-5 US fighter pilots:

"There was a round object going 4x faster than my F22"

Sep 19 – Rep. Carson provides a "no comment" amidst rumours of an alleged discovery of non-human life by the James Webb Space Telescope

Amidst a swirl of uncorroborated (as yet) rumours related to a potentially significant discovery by the JWST, some have speculated Members of Congress may have received a briefing on this topic.

When asked whether he had attended any classified briefings in connection to the JWST, Rep. Carson replied – "no comment".

Many commentators have speculated wildly based on this statement (in combination with some uncorroborated claims), however this author believes it would be unwise to read into this in any meaningful way at this juncture.

Sep 19 – Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand confirms the US Senate will hold a UAP hearing in November

In conversation with Askapol, Sen. Gillibrand relayed that the US Senate will hold a UAP-related hearing in November. The hearing will be hosted by the Armed Services Committee.

She had previously suggested this hearing would provide an opportunity for the new head of AARO to provide additional context on the Historical Review Report, and to elaborate on the results of ongoing/completed UAP case analyses.

Sep 20 – the UAPDA fails to make it into the manager's package for the FY25 NDAA

According to the latest publicly available legislative package put forth, the 2024 UAP Disclosure Act will not be considered for inclusion in the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act.

The language includes 3 UAP-related actions, which have been summarised here.

Sep 20 – Rep. Nancy Mace will chair the 2nd public UAP hearing on Nov. 13th in the US House

Speaking to Askapol, Rep. Mace confirmed the follow-up to last year's UAP hearing in the US House is scheduled for November 13th.

"For me, it's about government transparency. How much money and where are we spending this? And then, you know, I want whistleblowers to feel like they can come forward. I want people protected. Every American deserves the right to know how their how their tax dollars are being spent and what it’s being spent on. And if it's no big deal, why hide it?”

Sep 20 – Top-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee shares thoughts on upcoming UAP Hearing

In a conversation with Joe Khalil, Sen. Wickers comments on the upcoming UAP-related hearing in the US Senate:

"[The UAP issue] is not going away, I don’t think we should be afraid of hearing from experts & trying to winnow the myths from the reality"

Things to look out for in the near future:


  • According to Senator Gillibrand – a public hearing in line with AARO's latest report can be expected soon, saying –"I’m hoping July, and if not then September. But I’m trying to do July.” This has more recently been confirmed to be happening in November.
  • Speaking with Askapol, Reps. Luna and Burchett indicated that the next UAP hearing is likely to come after the August recess. More recently, this UAP hearing has been penciled in for November 13th.

Beyond/currently unknown

  • Following the UAP hearing on the 26th of July, Members of Congress have called for a select committee with subpoena authority, to “go about the task of collecting information from the Pentagon and elsewhere” on unidentified flying objects. There have been conflicting messages from various Members of Congress on whether this is likely to happen anytime soon. Note – a select subcommittee was formally requested on March 13th.
  • Reps. Moskowitz, Luna, and Burchett have repeatedly stated their intent to hold field hearings to overcome stonewalling from the Pentagon and military establishment "I think we [Congress] should try to get into one of these places [housing UAP evidence]...and if they won't let us in I think we should have a field hearing right outside the building...and the military will have to explain why that is." – Rep. Moskowitz (D) It is currently unknown when exactly we might expect that to occur, however as of Jan 12 – Rep. Luna confirmed: "I feel confident that we have enough evidence to move forward with our first field hearing. We will be announcing details soon."
  • Several journalists have indicated that first-hand witnesses of the alleged UAP legacy programs are in the process of providing testimony/evidence to the relevant authorities (e.g. the IC IG) and/or are on the verge of making public statements in the near future (Example 1example 2example 3example 4)
  • David Grusch has received additional clearances through DOPSR to discuss some of his (alleged) first-hand knowledge of Legacy programs. He has mentioned he may be covering more of this information in an upcoming Op-Ed

Skimmed through this post but need a quick refresher on how we got to this point? Check out this handy Disclosure Timeline to get up to speed.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/NewParadigmInstitute on 2024-09-23 15:26:01+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/36_39_42 on 2024-09-23 15:06:38+00:00.

First off, it's entirely possible that through his engagement with Italian fascists in Ethiopia in 1935 Wild Bill Donovan gleaned information about crash retrieval efforts happening back in Italy at the time. His visit was right before the finalized construction of the sorrate bunker so it's abundantly possible he heard information about this aswell. He met with mussolini and hitler at that time. Hitler would later call Donovan out in his speech where he declared war on America, calling him unworthy.

Donovan was conducting intelligence for mostly private organizations associated with Wall street and the state department at the time because the USA lacked any formal centralized intelligence apparatus. Bill Donovan would go on to help create that for the USA.

When considering Allen Dulles and James Angleton there was a lot of intrigue and complicated connections but for how Donovan was connected to the Magenta crash recovery in 1944 by the Americans it's extremely simple.

He was there. On the ground. Organizing the actual recovery of the object, negotiating and connecting with the vatican. He likely watched it get hauled on the truck and driven away. As an old man already; heading headlong into battle in his mind struggling to create a better future for humanity. He publicly opposed dictators and totalitarianism in a way neither Allen Dulles or James Angleton never did. His position was a lot less muddy.

He was an Irish catholic and did not dwell in an ivory tower. He faced death and was brave in the face of it countless times. He was a controversial figure, with those like Allen Dulles looking down on him. Elite Protestants were particularly un-fond of Donovan who had arranged many of America's premier Elite to be arrested at a country club he was a member of that routinely flouted the law during prohibition, while advocating for harsh punishment for poor people involved in alcohol consumption. He obviously felt this injustice down to his core enough to act, at the time a strong proponent of prohibition of alcohol.

The source above proves multiple things of interest. Donovan was at the landing of Anzio as it happened. He was in Rome and operating north of Rome the entire time it was going on (hint; right near the soratte bunker) this is the only opportunity Americans had in the war period to get close to pulling off an operation in the area of Rome like retrieving a craft from a highly sought after bunker. The competing and multi faceted interests of the Italian landscape would have made such a thing impossible as the end of the war happened and the shifting loyalties of the nation promoted a state of utter chaos across Italy until several years after the war where American friendly regimes were secured as some of the CIA’s earliest operations.

This is especially true because Kesselring took on the soratte bunker as his headquarters. Many parties and people were aware of this and particularly the strategic importance of the bunker, for many different reasons. America through the British had the ULTRA intelligence coming out of the bunker and Kesselring was in charge of the German defense operating in Italy from his position in the Soratte bunker. Donovan had full access to everything as the head of the OSS and considering the psychology of the time it makes sense that the most sensitive and important operations would fall to the highest ranking member of the OSS.

It's important to understand how deeply important the theater of Rome was to the rest of the world at the end of the war and how unlikely getting the craft was if it was done too late. The government in Italy was in a state of total collapse and regional power struggles reigned supreme for a time. The sorrate bunker was not secure for a good amount of time as a result.

Meaning that getting there and getting the craft itself and cleaning the site was a race against time that was understaffed by those under qualified to be involved in one of the most important moments in history as the custody of this object hung in the balance. Even after the craft was secure there was the separate and much more thorny matter of keeping it out of the hands of those who would publish it to the public, or quell those who try to do so.

It's my understanding that Allen Dulles personally oversaw this to great effect primarily by focusing on the intrigue surrounding the ciano diaries. We still have ALOT of ground to cover on that in a separate post so be patient for that.

Everything happened over a year and while the craft itself was secured in 1944 this was almost trivial in comparison to controlling those who knew about the craft because they wielded immense leverage with that knowledge. That's why Donovan is writing about sunrise to the president nearly a year later and it's essentially still the same situation developing as when the craft itself was recovered.

After Kesselring bounced from sorrate it took him a while to agree to sunrise and it's clear that he did so when it was in favor for him to do so, being the cold calculating and mistrustful person that Kesselring was at his rotten core.

When Allen Dulles finally got Kesselring to come around to the sunrise negotiations through Karl Wolff long after Kesselring declared Rome an open city while retreating back to Germany with the bulk of the Wehrmacht; the time right after the bunker was abandoned and the Allied line pushed north of rome have been around the exact time that Donovan swooped into the sorrate bunker under cover of secrecy and spirited the craft away back to America on one of the many constant “freedom” ships supplying the battle of anzio. It also had to happen before the allied bombing of the area for safety of personell. Ships went back and forth from Italy to America all over, and I'd be willing to bet that Wright Patterson was a smokescreen in history for the actual secure location of the craft.

Getting things down to a particular ship is going to be almost impossible due to the possibility the materials were stashed somewhere safe in Italy to make the transition secret and handled with the proper custody (with the dual purpose of obfuscating the event from history) however my intuition tells me that it's likely Donovan wouldn't have felt secure keeping the craft in Italy longer than it had to be there; so the ships that traversed around the date of Kesselring's departure from the sorrate bunker feel the most likely to me.

I don't expect to be able to determine the name of the ship the craft would have been on without expert guidance on the events of the battle of anzio, particularly someone who deeply understands and has access to information surrounding the supply lines of the battle of Anzio.

Would be especially curious to know if there was an outbreak of radiation sickness type symptoms among the crew of any of those ships. Or if there was a particular ship that was emperiled by UFO sightings in this timeframe.

Hopefully in the future I will get access to a person who can help me understand the structure and flavor of events associated with the battle of Anzio.

For donovan's part; there is a detailed account of donovan's participation in the link at the top of the post if you are interested in the particulars.

Now for something you must read if you read this far,

Read this.

This was Donovan informing the president of the sunrise negotiations.

Bill Donovan was in contact with the Vatican directly and saw Russian religious elements that were aligned with Communist ideals as an intense threat to the Vatican and American strategic interests around the globe. He saw the two power structures as intrinsically connected, protestant elements in America be damned.

When David Grusch mentioned backchanneling of information through the Vatican to America, on the ground at the time of the end of the war, the highest ranking person actually there in Rome most often was Bill Donovan. Meaning the most senior person representing American interests the most closely when it came to American secret operations having to do with Rome and the surrounding area was Bill Donovan. James Angleton was in his direct employ in Rome. James Angleton was the only American to have full and unequivocal access to ULTRA intelligence.

The document above was a top secret Memo sent directly to the president concerning this matter. It mentions belief permeating Germans in command that a secret weapon could extend the war, and expressed the reasoning for the secret negotiations themselves as related to this secret weapon.

Bill Donovan was personally present at the battle of anzio on the front lines and there are many reasons why this was the only tactical and strategic opportunity in the timeframe where Americans had access to Italy in a manner that would befit the recovery of a UFO.

Bill Donovan was a catholic and while believing in a measure of separation of church and state, still saw the matters of government as divinely influenced and therefore his religious beliefs often influenced his decision making on important issues.

It's extremely l...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Shiny-Tie-126 on 2024-09-23 13:03:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Melodic-Attorney9918 on 2024-09-23 09:40:49+00:00.

Hello everyone. I've been really into the history of Ufology lately, and one name that keeps popping up is William Moore.

If you’re familiar with the history of Ufology, you’ve probably heard of him. He co-wrote The Roswell Incident (1980), which is one of the books that brought the Roswell incident back into the spotlight. Before the publication of the book, Roswell was kind of a forgotten event. Thanks to Moore and Charles Berlitz, the incident became a cornerstone of Ufology.

After writing the Roswell book, Moore became quite active in the UFO research community, presenting himself as a serious investigator. However, what many people didn’t realize at the time was that he was also working as part of a disinformation campaign. This is where Richard Doty comes in. At the time, Doty was a special agent for the Air Force, and he was a key figure in this whole mess. Throughout the 1980s, Doty fed fabricated stories and documents to a lot of UFO researchers, including Linda Moulton Howe and others, until he was exposed by UFO researcher Robert Hastings. On his part, Moore collaborated with Doty, because he believed that it would give him access to real government secrets about UFOs. In exchange for playing along with this disinformation campaign, he hoped he’d eventually be given genuine information about what the government knew regarding UFOs.

In 1989, Moore publicly confessed to his role in these disinformation efforts during a speech at the MUFON conference. He admitted that he had knowingly passed along fabricated information to the UFO community for years. Needless to say, this revelation destroyed his credibility. Since that public confession, he has become something of a mystery. He hasn’t been a regular figure in the UFO community for decades, and people are left wondering what he’s been up to.

Is he still involved in the field quietly, or has he moved on to something completely different? Nobody seems to know for sure. If anyone has any idea what Moore has been up to, or if there are any recent developments about him, I’d love to hear it.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/VolarRecords on 2024-09-23 09:39:51+00:00.

Original Title: Part Eight of the George H. W. Bush legacy of UFOs/UAP and Consolidation of US and Global Power: Stargate, 9/11, The Tomb of Gilgamesh and the Invasion of Iraq, and Dick Cheney, Full Circle and Full Stop

The first seven parts of this series exploring the connection between the George H. W. Bush family and cohorts' legacy of Big Oil, getting rich off of Nazis, forming the OSS and recovering the Magenta, Italy 1933 craft while the US military recovered craft here in 1941 in Cape Girardeau, MO and 1942 after the Battle of Los Angeles, and Truman ordered Vannevar Bush, his Presidential Science Advisor, the first in US history, to set up Oak Ridge Laboratories to house the Manhattan Project.

This post went very long, and you can read the whole thing here:

Here are the first seven parts.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Then the folks responsible for the OSS and ending WWII while recovering the Magenta craft go on to start the CIA post-Roswell and keeping advanced tech hidden from the public good while plundering the world via the reverse-engineering of crash-retrievals, the CIA, Big Oil, Forever Wars, getting rich out of contracting out their own arms and oil contractors in the process.

Here's a memorandum on George H. W. Bush the day of JFK's assassination.

This is the biggest corruption case in human history.


So I've been thinking a lot lately about how everything feels like "systems collapse" at the moment.

I've also been thinking a lot about how much pushback there's been against the likes of Elizondo and Grusch, et. al.

Just after Grusch came forward in the historic Congressional hearing in July 2023, Ken Klippenstein at the Intercept ran a hit piece on his PTSD based off of insider info he's received.

A hit piece highlighting Grusch's PTSD after having served in Afghanistan, after one of his best friends died-by-suicide directly after a phone call with Grusch. Which left Grusch in a tail-spin of his own, threatening to take his own life and sub-sequentially seeking treatment for his PTSD, after which he still held his clearances. How he served in war and, as stated in his interview with Ross Coulthart, his generation was tired of their forever wars, and that he "wanted to break out of the Matrix."

Like most of us following this subject and world event's in general, it's safe to say we're fucking tired of all this, and Grusch, Elizondo, Mellon, and everyone else involved feel the same way.

The Matrix started when we discovered oil and the Rockefellers were made rich off of it.

Founding and early years

John D. Rockefeller c. 1872, shortly after founding Standard Oil

Standard Oil's prehistory began in 1863, as an Ohio partnership formed by industrialist John D. Rockefeller, his brother William Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, chemist Samuel Andrews, silent partner Stephen V. Harkness, and Oliver Burr Jennings, who had married the sister of William Rockefeller's wife.

In the early years, John D. Rockefeller dominated the combine; he was the single most important figure in shaping the new oil industry.[\14])]( He quickly distributed power and the tasks of policy formation to a system of committees, but always remained the largest shareholder. Authority was centralized in the company's main office in Cleveland, but decisions in the office were made cooperatively.[\15])](

The Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), which was renamed Exxon in 1973 and ExxonMobil in 1999, remains the largest public oil company in the world. Many of the companies disassociated from Jersey Standard in 1911 remained powerful businesses through the twentieth century. These included the Standard Oil Company of New York, Standard Oil Company (Indiana), Standard Oil Company (California), Ohio Oil Company, Continental Oil Company, and Atlantic Refining Company.

If you've read the preceding installments, you'll see that George H. W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have had a long-term knowledge and fascination with the UFO/UAP subject.

Prior to 9/11, while Bush and Cheney weren't in political power, they joined forces on a corporate front via Dresser Industries, the company that Prescott Bush bought in 1928 and brought George H. W. Bush into in 1941 as he was attending Yale as part of the Skull and Bones fraternity that has produced many politicians and a few Presidents and was the main recruiter for the CIA thanks to Prescott Bush.

Dresser Industries was tied to the Rockefellers' Standard Oil Company and then split off to start Zapata Oil in 1951 with the help of the CIA. Zapata Oil was then used as a front for the CIA for drug-smuggling, spying on Cuba, etc., while also establishing Big Oil as we know it that has been destroying our planet and lead us into the climate crisis we're currently in.

Later, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others were highly interested in the UFO subject, and after linking up with George H. W. Bush directly in Ford's administration, it wouldn't be a surprise if that's when they found quite a bit out.

There's a well-known story about Nixon taking his good friend and UFO-obsessive 'Honeymooners' star Jackie Gleason to a base in Florida to see a craft and dead bodies.

According to Danny Sheehan, days after Carter's election, he summons CIA Director George H. W. Bush to tell him about the UFO secret, and Bush tells him, "only if you keep me on as Director." Carter says no, and after he's inaugurated, he replaces Bush.

Carter has promised voters that he would release all government files on UFOs.

The excellent Grant Cameron released a book on Jimmy Carter and UFOs last year. It includes the mention of Carter crying with his head in his eyes after being debriefed.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/cserilaz on 2024-09-23 07:58:48+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/chloro_phyll on 2024-09-23 01:49:08+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-09-23 00:38:47+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Anynaky on 2024-09-22 22:21:38+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/theallsearchingeye on 2024-09-22 21:24:41+00:00.

Hey everyone,

Lately, I’ve seen some wild claims floating around, suggesting that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has secretly detected an “alien ship” several light-years away. While it’s exciting to imagine what JWST could find, it’s important to keep things grounded in reality and understand the technical limitations of this incredible piece of science.

Here’s the truth: the JWST is not designed to detect small objects like spaceships or asteroids from light-years away.

Here’s why:

1.  Resolution and Size Limitations:

The JWST’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) has a resolution of about 0.1 arcseconds, meaning it can resolve objects that are large and relatively bright—think distant galaxies or massive exoplanets. When it comes to small objects like asteroids or even hypothetical alien ships, these objects would be way too tiny and faint to detect at such vast distances. Even within our solar system, JWST can only resolve asteroids down to about 100 meters across, and that’s at a distance of a few hundred million kilometers (within our solar system).

2.  Distance Matters:

An object several light-years away (for reference, one light-year is about 9.46 trillion kilometers) is orders of magnitude farther than anything JWST could capture in detail at such small scales. The telescope is built to look at large-scale phenomena—stars, galaxies, and planetary atmospheres—not individual objects like ships or asteroids at interstellar distances.

3.  Brightness and Infrared Detection:

JWST primarily observes in the infrared spectrum, detecting heat emitted by distant objects. A small object like a spaceship would have to be not only massive but also incredibly bright in the infrared to stand out from the cosmic background. For comparison, JWST can detect the heat of distant exoplanets, but even these are much larger than any asteroid or spaceship would be.

In short, JWST is an amazing tool, but its design and capabilities do not allow for the detection of small objects light-years away. Claims about it spotting an “alien ship” are pure science fiction, not science fact. Let’s keep the conversation grounded in real science and continue to be amazed by what JWST can do, like discovering ancient galaxies and revealing the atmospheres of exoplanets.

If you’re curious about JWST’s real capabilities, I encourage you to check out NASA’s official resources. There’s plenty of fascinating, real science happening with this telescope that’s worth celebrating!

Let’s stick to the facts, folks.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/LetsTalkUFOs on 2024-09-22 19:07:29+00:00.

Are you aware we have a subreddit wiki?


If you've read any of it, is there anything we should add or change?

Would you be interested in contributing to the wiki? Doing so is quite easy, no prior experience is necessary.

If you’re interested in helping extend the wiki you can reach us by clicking this link or by joining the r/UFOs Community Discord and dropping a message in the #wiki channel.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Nowritesincehschool on 2024-09-22 17:30:06+00:00.

The whole community won’t stop posting about this. There is not a single shred of evidence that anything these people say is true. Not one. Not even a smidge to corroborate a single aspect of their story.

The “professor” is not even a professor. The SETI at home project was real but the “code” purportedly found but was unable to be broken? Nothing. Zero press reports from the time about any findings from SETI at home. Zero papers about it, zero headlines. BULL.

The JWST “leak”? A small podcast hosts “sources”. Right. Not a single real scientist saying anything.

Congress emergency briefing? Zero press headlines, zero confirmation from anyone in congress that a meeting was even held.

This whole thing just shows how this community can’t be taken seriously. It’s embarrassing.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Ron825 on 2024-09-22 07:14:27+00:00.

I have been saying for years now that disclosure will not happen voluntarily. Either the people that claim to have the info but refuse to tell us because they're worried about legal consequences will tell us, or there will be other leaks, or there will be no disclosure. If they were gonna tell us, they would have alread is no level of classification or national security risk that is more important than knowing that we have been visited by another intelligent species. If Lue knows what he claims to know and he spilled the beans publicly, he would be an untouchable hero who would never go to jail. Same goes for coulthart with his buried UFO (most likely BS) story. The question is, do these guys really know what they say they know?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/chloro_phyll on 2024-09-22 14:14:31+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-09-22 14:46:38+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/wrexxxxxxx on 2024-09-22 14:00:28+00:00.

h/t Nick Gold

Thanks to u/AtreonZ's request that led to the new batch of Feb. '23 UAP shoot-down docs from Canada, and u/dsotis' work securing the related memo to Trudeau  it appears to be confirmed that UAP 20 was Dead Horse, Alaska.

Which they recovered, according to the memo! It was a metallic floating object, and a ground station (?) seems to have switched over to diesel backups on orders, prior to the engagement of the UAP.

Say what?!

Check out the logs relating to the operation.

And MAJOR H/T to u/AtreonZ and @dsotis for securing the docs that confirm we were lied to, and the Dead Horse/Prudhoe Bay UAP was recovered.

Why was the American public told none of the three UAP shot down between Feb 10 and Feb 12, 2023 were recovered, when it's now been proven via Canadian documents that UAP 20 was the Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay Alaska object, and it was recovered and had begun an exploitation process?

What did the exploitation process reveal about UAP 20, described in mission logs as a metallic floating object that the public was told was not a balloon by General VanHerck of NORAD, who ran the shoot-down operation? "We're calling them objects for a reason."

When asked by Helene Cooper of NYT on the Feb 12 mid-Super Bowl press conference about the UAP shoot-downs if any of these objects were extraterrestrial, VanHerck said he couldn't take anything off the table until they were recovered. What did the recovery and exploitation of UAP 20 reveal about its nature and origin?

What required its primary power to be switched over to diesel backups during the #UAP engagement, and why, as referenced in the declassified logs?

Is it true, as CNN reported at the time, that UAP 20 caused interference with aircraft systems? Did its exploitation reveal how it may have accomplished this, if indeed it did occur?

Please share if so inclined!

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/FieserMieser on 2024-09-22 13:54:44+00:00.

Just took this video, wondering what it is. Bielefeld, Germany facing north. Definitely no plane, nothing on Flightradar and other planes crossing.

Thought about balloons, but this was very far up in the sky. Might be nothing unusual, but this is nothing I see every day.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/MaxFlare on 2024-09-22 06:22:58+00:00.

"Secret Space" by Chris Everard. There is some NASA footage in this film depicting clear intelligent controlled phenomenon in space. It then shows a UFO shot by a beam from earth after a bright flash of light is seen on a camera, which Everard claims is a laser beam shot by earth military forces (supposedly U.S.). NASA refused to comment or provide any explanation. The footage is 100% real since it leaked from NASA themselves! Most of the footage is conducted by MIR related missions and the recording device is attached to the shuttle that is heading towards MIR space station when it still existed. In addition there is footage of a gathering ritual of orbs above earth's atmosphere, creating an organized circle with a middle craft coming to the center of the circle making a dance of lights. All of this NASA footage is the most credible evidence of extraterrestrial life that I have seen to date. The NASA footage from documentary is below. His documentaries in full can still be found on bitchute, but every time I link it to reddit my post gets insta erased. I assume bitchute is off limits on reddit for "sensitivity" reasons.

Now here's what I'm perplexed about. What happened to Chris Everard? The guy that brought all of this footage to public attention almost 20 years ago? He just vanished. His youtube channel's last post was 5 years ago and almost all of his videos and podcasts were erased from youtube. On google you barely can find anything on the guy. No social media, no wiki, nothing. Guy just vanished like he never existed. Before ALT Media and UFO conspiracy was maintream his films were the top of the line evidence that was gathered, researched, and presented in an organized matter (creepy music and voice aside).

If anyone has any updates or info on Everard please let me know. Also give me your feedback on all of this footage. I could barely find it on youtube and I'm surprised these youtube links don't have millions of views while state sponsored propaganda History Channel UFOs is being ate up like it's the new CNN.

I did some research and found out who released all this footage. Apparently, it was Martin Stubbs. This is a description I found of him under one of his VHS tapes that is being sold on Amazon: a former cable TV station manager from Vancouver in Canada who, over a period of five years, used his stations satellite array to record 2,500 hours of space shuttle transmissions via NASA’s downlink. Since March 11th, 2000, when some of Martins footage was released on video there has been considerable debate as to the origin and makeup of anomalous objects seen within the footage. I posted an old interview of him as well as his YouTube channel below.

Also, I already posted this in several other subs and even before those posts the most common debunks were ice particles and debris. Chris Everard in his "Secret Space" documentary itself mentions this and disregards these debunks, but after seeing all of this footage extensively I do equally believe that most of this phenomenon is caused by the old space shuttles that blew around particles when the thruster went on. In fact several flashes in the videos followed by "acceleration" of those UFOs is argued to be flashes of thrusters turning on which pushed particles away. Several experts (redditors haha I get it), told me the new space craft we use today do not generate these ice particles and that's why we never see it in modern footage.

So what do you guys think? Is this debris and ice particles or are these genuine UFOs? I'm old school I don't say UAP like you zoomers.

(3:32) - satellite is crawling with UFOs

  • STS 101 shuttle struggles to find MIR space station due to countless UFOs obscuring it with heir movements. The astronaut speaking to mission control has trouble speaking due to her shock.

  • STS 80 shuttle flight shows a dancing circle of UFOs.

  • UFO allegedly shot by a laser beam (19:57) <- This link is a chunk from the Secret Space Documentary

– Martyn Stubbs interview on disclosure of intercepted NASA footage

  • YouTube channel of Martyn Stubbs, the man who intercepted NASA footage in 80s/90s.
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I know that the UPDA failed and we all feel like disclosure isnt going to happen but to have mainstream media like "People" post about UFO's is amazing and instead of making fun of Lue they seem to validate his credentials as well as what he says it almost feels planned out if you compare this to years back when I feel like a story like this would not make it into the "People" publication. What do you guys think? I personally thought it seemed out of character for the page.

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