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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/efh1 on 2024-09-09 22:21:53+00:00.

Of course this is speculative in nature, but there's nothing wrong with informed speculation. Sometimes, if it happens to be at least on the right track, it can help us discover new pieces of evidence. It's not speculative to say that information about UFOs and nuclear technology are both very secretive. It's not a new idea that nuclear technology is related to UFOs. It is, however, a newer idea that there could be implications to the fields of cosmology and general human progress. Weinstein is perhaps the most notable current figure to suggest intentional dysfunction within physics communities in order to cover up technological progress and keep the entire field of physics dormant for decades. Weinstein typically illustrates this idea through the lens of the dominance and failures of String Theory. I believe it's possible to do the same through the lens of cosmology.

In cosmology, the steady-state model or steady state theory is an alternative to the Big Bang theory. In the steady-state model, the density of matter in the expanding universe remains unchanged due to a continuous creation of matter, thus adhering to the perfect cosmological principle, a principle that says that the observable universe is always the same at any time and any place.

From the 1940s to the 1960s, the astrophysical community was divided between supporters of the Big Bang theory and supporters of the steady-state theory. The steady-state model is now rejected by most cosmologists, astrophysicists, and astronomers. I could go into more detail about when and why this happened, but it's not pertinent at the moment.

However, if you understand the arguments made by Eric Weinstein about the current state of academia you should understand that you should be skeptical of the "consensus" among certain academic circles because they have demonstrated that they are not acting rationally nor scientifically despite their prestigious status and backgrounds. Diversity of ideas is not encouraged to put it lightly.

Hannes Alfvén and Cosmology

Opposition to the Big Bang theory was very small by the 1970's with its most prestigious detractors being from the plasma physics community. Plasma cosmology is a non-standard cosmology whose central postulate is that the dynamics of ionized gases and plasmas play important, if not dominant, roles in the physics of the universe at interstellar and intergalactic scales. In contrast, the current observations and models of cosmologists and astrophysicists explain the formation, development, and evolution of large-scale structures as dominated by gravity (including its formulation in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity).

The original form of the theory, Alfvén–Klein cosmology, was developed by Hannes Alfvén and Oskar Klein in the 1960s and 1970s, and holds that matter and antimatter exist in equal quantities at very large scales, that the universe is eternal rather than bounded in time by the Big Bang, and that the expansion of the observable universe is caused by annihilation between matter and antimatter rather than a mechanism like cosmic inflation.

Hannes Alfvén was a Swedish electrical engineer, plasma physicist and winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). He described the class of MHD waves now known as Alfvén waves. He was originally trained as an electrical power engineer and later moved to research and teaching in the fields of plasma physics and electrical engineering. Alfvén made many contributions to plasma physics, including theories describing the behavior of aurorae, the Van Allen radiation belts, the effect of magnetic storms on the Earth's magnetic field, the terrestrial magnetosphere, and the dynamics of plasmas in the Milky Way galaxy.

In 1937, Alfvén argued that if plasma pervaded the universe, it could then carry electric currents capable of generating a galactic magnetic field. After winning the Nobel Prize for his works in magnetohydrodynamics, he emphasized that:

His theoretical work on field-aligned electric currents in the aurora (based on earlier work by Kristian Birkeland) was confirmed in 1967, these currents now being known as Birkeland currents.

British scientist Sydney Chapman was a strong critic of Alfvén. Many physicists regarded Alfvén as espousing unorthodox opinions.  R. H. Stuewer noting that "... he remained an embittered outsider, winning little respect from other scientists even after he received the Nobel Prize..." and was often forced to publish his papers in obscure journals. Alfvén recalled:

"When I describe [plasma phenomena] according to this formalism most referees do not understand what I say and turn down my papers. With the referee system which rules US science today, this means that my papers are rarely accepted by the leading US journals."

Alfvén waves (low frequency hydromagnetic plasma oscillations) are named in his honor and propagate at the Alfvén speed. Many of his theories about the solar system were verified as late as the 1980s through external measurements of cometary and planetary magnetospheres. However, Alfvén himself noted that astrophysical textbooks poorly represented known plasma phenomena:

Alfvén reported that of 17 of the most used textbooks on astrophysics, none mention the pinch effect, none mentioned critical ionization velocity, only two mentioned circuits, and three mentioned double layers.

Alfvén believed the problem with the Big Bang was that astrophysicists tried to extrapolate the origin of the universe from mathematical theories developed on the blackboard, rather than starting from known observable phenomena. He also considered the Big Bang to be a myth devised to explain creation.

Fast forward to the early 2000's and opposition to the Big Bang theory began to resurge due to increasing issues with the theory. By the 2020's a strong case could now be made that something is seriously wrong with the current standard model of cosmology and I've written extensively about it in The Emperor Has No Cloths. More recently, some data has come out that not only continues to disagree with the standard model, but apparently matches one of Alfvéns predictions related to antiparticles.

Nuclear Secrets

How does this all potentially spill over to nuclear secrets? Well, it turns out that your cosmological model dictates your nuclear models. A perfect example being fusion energy research. Plasma physics dominates most fusion energy research. It turns out that a cosmology that supports plasma being the most dominate principle becomes useful if plasma phenomena scales well from the micro to the astronomical, which we have observed it does for at least 14 orders of magnitude. This means you can study galactic phenomena as a way to help you understand energetic phenomena on Earth and in the lab. So, if you have a nuclear technology secret one way to limit others from discovering it independently is to encourage an incorrect and limiting cosmology within academia as well as as much brain drain within the field of plasma physics as possible. It appears that this isn't a crazy notion if you simply look into these fields. Alfven himself reported on the academic journals and textbooks ignoring key concepts and blocking publication during his time.

UFO Secrets

How does this all potentially spill over to UFO secrets? Well, it turns out that the physics of energy and propulsion is also dominated by plasma physics. The questions of inertia and gravity also change dramatically under a cosmological model where plasma physics is the dominant principle. The question of time also changes under a cosmological model where the Universe has no beginning in time. It simply always was. One of the elegant features of the Steady State theory is that because the Universe is infinitely old the question of its origin doesn’t arise. It has always existed. This then changes the Drake Equation to suggest the odds of life elsewhere is practically guaranteed. The implications of switching cosmological models are profound. It affects all advanced technologies and concepts.

Supporting Evidence

I'm going to offer supporting evidence by pointing out some very odd connections between certain people and institutions. It's admittedly circumstantial, but worth looking into. Let's look at "An Open Letter to the Scientific Community" (published in New Scientist in May 2004) that critiques the "growing number of hypothetical entities in the big bang theory". The letter states that plasma cosmology, the steady-state model and other alternative approaches can also explain the basic phenomena of the cosmos. But more importantly, look at who signed the letter and who those people are associated with. Notice these are not the resumes of pseudo scientists and many on the list are physicists involved in nuclear technology, government, military, and space technology including national labs, Nevada Test Site, DOE, BAE, and NASA just to name a few....

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/MR_PRESIDENT__ on 2024-09-09 22:08:21+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TheGoodTroubleShow on 2024-09-09 22:06:37+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Kokiri78x on 2024-09-09 20:31:16+00:00.

Interview with Daniel Sheehan I don't know much but he says he was in the private conversations in the Senate, he says he met with several of those who want to continue with the monopoly of energy and power which obviously does not have to happen, that he saw the secret videos of aliens, the reactions of the senators, disclosure strategies, the whole interview was fascinating


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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/KOOKOOOOM on 2024-09-09 21:30:23+00:00.

Original Title: Lue Elizondo: “There’s a real credible concern for the safety of [whistleblowers’] lives. I’m not being hyperbolic here. […] We’ve got to protect these people. […] These people are putting their lives on the line.”

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/InstanceOutrageous96 on 2024-09-09 19:05:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-09-09 18:31:51+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Electronic-Amount-29 on 2024-09-09 20:06:15+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Constant_Frosting_96 on 2024-09-09 18:42:47+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/DeclassifyUAP on 2024-09-09 15:55:42+00:00.

Folks, we are down to the wire.

Congress gets back to DC today from their break, which means the U.S. Senate will be finalizing their version of the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act very shortly.

They are determining what the final bill will include, via the so-called Managers’ Package of amendments.

The goal is for the Rounds-Schumer UAP Disclosure Act to be included in that Managers’ Package.

This hurdle has to be cleared, in order for the UAPDA to have a chance of being included in the final NDAA that is crafted via the reconciliation process in the Nov/Dec timeframe.

US Voters, the UAPDA needs your help! Please take a few minutes to call your two Senators’ DC offices today and this week (ASAP) and tell them:

"The Rounds-Schumer UAP Disclosure Act, SA 2610, must be included in the Senate Managers' Package of amendments for the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act, Senate bill S.4638."

Say it just like that, including the amendment and bill numbers, and make sure they make a note of it to relay to the Senator.

Let them know you're a constituent when you call, provide your name and contact info, and let them know you'd like a response from the Senator on their support for the UAPDA. has a call tool you can use that will help connect you to your Senators’ DC offices, or you can you the lookup tool at (search tool is toward the upper-right).

After that, consider making a few more calls to Senators attached to this issue who are on the committees that will be determining the final Managers’ Package of Senate FY25 NDAA amendments. is your tool for that.

Finally, if you haven’t already, take a moment and add your name to the petition at

Be part of disclosure — it’s the ONLY way we’re going to push this over the finish line.

We have several years of solid legislative wins behind us, so let’s celebrate those wins and keep the pressure on to rack up some more!

Former high-level officials like H.R. McMaster would NOT be adding their names to the roster of those acknowledging the reality of highly-anomalous UAP/UFOs if it weren’t for the public’s pressure.

Thank you for all you’ve done, and let’s keep working the phones and sending messages. It’s how we do this.

And one more time: ALL focus on the Senate — RIGHT NOW! They are finalizing their version of this year’s NDAA in the coming days! The House already did this (with no UAP legislation), so the path to getting the UAPDA into the final bill requires the Senate to include it in the bill they will soon be finalizing on their side.

Disclosure is all of ours to claim!

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Shiny-Tie-126 on 2024-09-09 12:11:55+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/incarnate_devil on 2024-09-09 11:42:03+00:00.

In June 2024, the Major Cities Chiefs Association released a guide for UAP encounters.

It is an 11 page pdf

UAP In the News Section.1

Law Enforcement Considerations Section.2

U.S. Government UAP Programs Section.3

Whistleblowers Section.4

UAP and Congress Section.5

UAP and U.S. DoD Section. 6

Other U.S. Gov and Intl. Reporting Section.7

UAP and NASA Section.8

UAP and FAA Section.9

UAP Reporting Mechanisms Section. 10

Key Takeaways Section.11

Edit: fixed list format

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Mordrenix on 2024-09-09 07:53:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/VolarRecords on 2024-09-09 06:57:17+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Fit-Yogurt-38 on 2024-09-09 02:54:32+00:00.

I just finished Lue’s book and believe what he claims. I notice he always talks about how there is amazing (can’t think of a better word rn lol) information out there that is fully unclassified and available for all the public to see…

Why can’t he tell us what he is referring to if it is indeed completely unclassified and available to the public? Just curious

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/thenewguydownthehall on 2024-09-09 02:19:23+00:00.

I tried to post this in the UAP sub also but I think maybe it was either locked or deleted. My wife and I were sitting outside around 7:30p this evening watching the sunset and while we were watching, a huge triangular shape transparent craft or possible three crafts in perfect flying formation was moving slowly and silently southwest over Dulles airport. The lead craft or front light was a band of 6-8 very bright white lights while the rear corners of the craft or rear lights were very bright single white lights. Did anyone else see this? I’ve lived around airports my entire life I’ve and have seen countless airplanes everyday for a half century and I have never seen anything like this.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/VolarRecords on 2024-09-09 02:04:29+00:00.

Back in April 2023, a month before David Grusch sat down to record his bombshell interview with Ross Coulthart, there was an announcement about the biggest-ever advance being paid by Simon & Schuster for the non-fiction account of former Intelligence officer Scott Andrews, who claims to have found a file kept for him by his father about a secret programs Scott was in all throughout his school years.

Recently, it's been mentioned that film producer Dan Farah is working on a secret UFO/UAP project, and Farah was thanked by Lue in the Acknowledgments for Imminent. I think DeLonge is working with Farah as well. Lue was asked about this doc in the last few days on That UFO Podcast, and Lue said he couldn't say anything about it.

So I just pulled that article back up about the book and noticed this at the end--

The memoir is repped by manager and producer Dan Farah, who is also handling life rights and producing the adaptation for film or TV, as well as book agent Yfat Reiss Gendell of YRG Partners.

Here's the full article:

Simon & Schuster Imprint Wins Bidding War For Twist-Filled Memoir By U.S. Intelligence Officer Tangled Up In Mysterious Military Program

By Dade Hayes

April 10, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: Simon & Schuster imprint Gallery Books has won a bidding war for North American publishing rights to a twist-filled true story rooted in intrigue surrounding a U.S. Air Force program.

The logline for the memoir by Scott Andrews takes some time to unpack, but it’s a doozy. Andrews is a former senior U.S soldier and decorated intelligence officer who conducted global counterterrorism operations on behalf of the United States during a 36-year military career. Shortly after returning from an overseas mission, he began to suffer from rare, life-threatening ailments that defied medical explanation. Rather than succumbing, he instead began to experience special, inexplicable abilities such as remote viewing, and his body began to heal, baffling doctors.

As he sought more information about his health, Andrews came across a file compiled for him by his late father. It contained records from a past he did not remember, including documents indicating he was removed from school for weeks every year, from the first through 12th grades. The records also contained a shocker, that he received an honorable discharge from the U.S Air Force and worked in space intelligence communications as a minor. Andrews maintains he has no memory of having served in the U.S Air Force.

Referred to a classified White House National Security Council program, which had been delegated to the Department of Defense, Andrews then met a man who ran the highly classified program, who introduced him to a doctor. The doctor had worked for the CIA and had expertise enabling him to help Andrews start to piece together what has happened to him and others like him. Soon after connecting with the doctor, Andrews says he experienced symptoms associated with the Havana Syndrome, a phenomenon first reported by military personnel working at the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba, in 2016. The syndrome has generated significant media attention in top-tier outlets including 60 Minutes and The New York Times in recent years. An investigation went on to determine that Andrews had been targeted with an advanced energy weapon.

The memoir is repped by manager and producer Dan Farah, who is also handling life rights and producing the adaptation for film or TV, as well as book agent Yfat Reiss Gendell of YRG Partners. Foreign publishing rights will be shopped at next week’s London Book Fair.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/DrierYoungus on 2024-09-09 01:29:05+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Logical_Bonus7221 on 2024-09-08 22:55:19+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Pleasant_Attention93 on 2024-09-08 22:54:49+00:00.

Ok the other day I came across an old Bob Lazar interview - the algorythm did its job :) - that is soooo hard to find. The better Bob videos are hidden deep down in the realms of the algos, a simple search wouldnt show them. I know you guys love BL as I do, so here is this hidden gem for ya;

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/GLURPtheAlien on 2024-09-08 19:25:26+00:00.

Be patient at the beginning

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Electronic-Amount-29 on 2024-09-08 19:57:29+00:00.

We should expect some new things coming out courtesy of Christopher Mellon and Matt Ford.

Imate Description :

We just wrapped up what I would say is a ground-breaking interview with Former  Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/NewParadigmInstitute on 2024-09-08 19:04:18+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/UAPSeeker on 2024-09-08 19:02:13+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-09-08 18:45:57+00:00.

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