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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Loose-Alternative-77 on 2024-09-07 18:16:17+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/MR_PRESIDENT__ on 2024-09-07 17:14:58+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-09-07 17:03:08+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/robhastings on 2024-09-07 09:35:16+00:00.

Luis Elizondo caused a worldwide sensation with his revelations about US government research into suspected non-human aircraft - but can his latest claims really be true?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Angelus444 on 2024-09-07 04:04:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/KOOKOOOOM on 2024-09-07 04:35:48+00:00.

Original Title: Former US National Security Advisor General H. R. McMaster: "There are things that cannot be explained. I don't know what the explanation is for those unexplainable things. There are phenomena that have been witnessed by multiple people that are just inexplicable by the science available to us."

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/fivespeed on 2024-09-07 04:14:07+00:00.

Original Title: The X-15 hypersonic Mach 5+ and the SR-71 airbreathing Mach 3.2+ both stopped flying in the 1960s. What has happened since then? It feels like there's a huge plot hole in the history of mankind's quest for speed and no one seems to notice it

Are we simply not allowed to know because of classification? Yet we were allowed to know of the Nighthawk and B-2? Or did we reach an apex in aerospace development (hell, even the Concorde is 1960s tech too).. where it didn't make fiscal sense to keep pushing the boundaries instead focusing on miniaturization of computers (the last 50+ years of tech progress one could argue) alongside the rising trend of satellite technology superseding maned flight to reach the same military objectives.

Clearly I'm not pointing to the missing elephant in the room (reverse engineering) which is why I laid out these counter arguments for discussion. I'd like to get to the bottom of this after watching a fascinating recollection of the x-planes history and getting a little tipsy.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Jackfish2800 on 2024-09-07 03:24:01+00:00.

He was one of key guys in Trump Administration and one of few that kept things from spiraling out of control. Great guy no matter what party you are aligned with.

Anyway, he didn’t give some bullshit cover up answer like Bill was fishing for. Hr basically said there are some things we just can’t explain, and implied it was serious matter. Very refreshing to see a military commander not only not make fun of the issue or laugh it off but give an honest answer.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/FlaSnatch on 2024-09-07 00:40:25+00:00.

It’s peculiar this story hasn't made bigger waves. Published on Feb 22, 2024, local Arizona news/media outlet “Arizona’s Family” ran a story about 22 cases of UAS (uncrewed aerial system), or “drone,” incursions over highly sensitive Air Forces bases in southern Arizona. These incursions all happened between January 13, 2022 and June 26, 2023. In one case, a UAS actually hit the canopy of an F-16 fighter jet (yet no damage reported). Three of these events happened over “restricted area R2301E” otherwise known as the Barry M. Goldwater Range. This is a particularly sensitive area because it's a training ground for F-35s, the most advanced fighter jet in the world.

Perhaps this story never made waves in the news because these stories are framed as “drone incursions” and the public has a general awareness that drones are now ubiquitous in warfare and military operations. However, the general public has little understanding of actual drone capabilities and the abilities of our own cutting edge fighter jets. For those who do possess such awareness, many features of this story simply do not add up. To note:

  • Most of the Arizona incursions happened at altitudes much higher than most military drones can operate. Not impossible heights, but close to it. Many of the sightings occurred above 16,000 feet, which is already extremely high for a drone, but others were reported above 20,000 feet and one case as high as 36,000 feet. In another case, the pilot reported a “small metallic object” at 24,000 feet.
  • UAS/drones are incredibly easy for fighter jets to shoot down (this is why Ukraine wanted F-16’s so desperately; they’re using them to take down Russian UAS/drones more so than piloted fighter craft), yet in not one of the 22 UAS cases did U.S. fighters engage with or shoot down a “drone.” They did the opposite and took evasive action away from the UAS. This defies logic. Why wouldn’t F-16s and F-35s engage with UAS operating over restricted military air space? Retreat makes no sense.
  • AF says they have no idea where the UAS originate from (they hint it’s likely somewhere in Mexico) or where the UAS return to. Again, to those with an awareness of modern U.S. military tracking capabilities, this also defies logic. 1) AF bases have powerful ground based radar to track all aerial objects for hundreds of miles; 2) The weapon tracking systems and radar of the in-flight F-16s and F-35s could easily monitor UAS trajectory and follow them home; 3) We have satellites that can support long distance reconnaissance. All combined, there is simply no way we wound’n’t be able to know where these UAS either crash or return to.

Add it all up and it begs the question: Are these actually UAS, or are we talking about UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena)?

Why isn’t the American public getting more information about unknown craft loitering above some of our most sensitive military bases?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-09-07 01:39:55+00:00.

Original Title: A tavern keeper and a visitor from Baltimore had a UFO encounter in 1813 and sent Thomas Jefferson a letter about it. They described the shape shifting UFO starting as a ball of fire emitting smoke ascending and descending, turning into various recognizable objects before taking off and disappearing

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/AgingWisdom on 2024-09-06 23:24:40+00:00.

Aright, I'll share a story that only a few people know. I was reminded of it this afternoon when I found something in my safe—the notes I wrote down the day after it happened. It’s one of those experiences that stays with you, still vivid in my mind after all these years.

At the time, my uncle lived in Center Moriches, just a block from the bay on Long Island’s South Shore, about 8 miles north of where the incident occurred. It was the summer of 1997 just one year after the crash of Flight 800, and my uncle threw a party, inviting a bunch of friends and neighbors—most of whom I didn’t know.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

One of his new next-door neighbors was an attractive young woman who was renting the house. She was in the Coast Guard, and since I’ve always been fascinated by military stories, I listened closely.

Later that evening, when the crowd thinned out and only about eight of us remained, I found myself sitting with her and a few others. I was the designated driver since I had work the next morning—and I wasn’t old enough to drink yet (though I did sneak two Zimas that night).

At some point, she started telling us about the night Flight 800 went down. It was just my uncle, a couple of others, and me, and we all leaned in to listen. She described some strange things she had seen and heard that night. She mentioned that there were reports of an erratic object on radar near Flight 800, something picked up by the West Hampton Air Force Station.

They didn’t see anything with their own eyes, but the radio chatter about this unidentified object was unsettling. It sounded like they thought it was a UFO. Shortly after, the plane went down, and she said it was it an, "accident".

At that moment, the patio around the firepit seemed to sober up. We started asking questions, but she quickly shut us down, saying, “I shouldn’t talk about it.” I pressed a little, asking her what she thought had really happened did we shoot it down?

That’s when she said, “I really think it was a UFO. "They", tracked it, but it got too close to the aircraft.” That was all she was willing to say.

My uncle, a little drunk and very curious, jumped up and begged her to tell us more. But she just smiled, said it was nice meeting us, and went home.

That moment was the start of my deep dive into the UFO rabbit hole which continues today and now I know what is going on and what has been going on for years. ITs great seeing more and more everyday awakening to this Phenomena.

Believe it or not, its ok. I just wanted to share this story that changed my life forever.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Sky5759 on 2024-09-06 19:02:18+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Special_Hunt_6304 on 2024-09-06 20:31:44+00:00.

This above video describes a 2004 incident where a firefight reportedly took place between Lockheed Martin's private military forces and members of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) over a recovered UAP, resulting in the alleged deaths of two JSOC members. With Eric Davis Memo, which reportedly outlines classified discussions about the retrieval of extraterrestrial technology allegedly hidden by private contractors like Lockheed Martin, concerns have only escalated. Even David grusch mentioned in his public testimony to congress about white collar corruption.

This incident has been given further credibility by investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, who hinted at its merit in a recent Reddit AMA, aligning with the timeframe of other notable UAP events, such as the Pentagon’s Tic Tac and Gimbal incidents. These revelations suggest that Lockheed Martin may be operating outside of government oversight, with control over potentially groundbreaking UAP technology—technology even the U.S. government might not fully access.

Such unchecked power of such private defense contractors poses a severe threat to both national security, military personnel, and federal government. The stakes are no longer just about secrecy; they concern the very foundations of national security and concealment of information from the proper governmental institutions.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-09-06 20:31:27+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/blit_blit99 on 2024-09-06 20:13:30+00:00.

From A Bizarre UFO Attack in the Korean War - May 1951

A very bizarre account from the Korean War emerged in January of 1987, when John Timmerman, of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), sat down for an interview with a former U.S. Army private first class (PFC) by the name of Mr. Francis P. Wall, who had a most unusual tale to tell. Wall had been deployed with the Army infantry, 25th Division, 27th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 'Easy' Company, and in May of 1951 they were operating outside of Chorwon, in an area known by the military as the Iron Triangle, on a mission to reach a small village in the mountains.


The men were understandably very unsettled by this point, as the object was obviously not one of theirs, nor any known aircraft any of them had ever seen before, and they radioed the situation in to their superiors, requesting permission to open fire on it. Why they would think that their rifles would do any good when they had just witnessed it casually make its way through artillery explosions is anyone’s guess, but the permission was granted and Wall claims that he would then open fire on it with his M-1 rifle loaded with armor piercing bullets. He claims that he hit the object several times, hearing the pings of the bullets against what sounded like metal, and the bullets seemed to have an effect on it where the artillery had not, apparently damaging it and causing it to exhibit some strange behavior. Wall would say:

Now why would that bullet damage this craft if the artillery rounds didn't? I don't know, unless they had dropped their protective field around them, or whatever. But the object went wild, and the light was going on and off. It went off completely once, briefly. And it was moving erratically from side to side as though it might crash to the ground. Then, a sound -- we had heard no sound previous to this -- the sound of, like, diesel locomotives revving up. That's the way this thing sounded.

This was where things would get pretty harrowing, as according to Wall the craft unleashed some sort of a retaliatory attack on them. The craft allegedly emitted a kind of ray or beam that came in pulses, and which they could see aiming at them “like a searchlight.” When the ray swept over them the men found themselves overcome with a tingling, burning sensation, and while it didn’t seem to be causing any visible damage they could feel it penetrating through their skin and the pain was enough to make them scramble for cover, scurrying in a panic into their bunkers, where the attack seemed to continue.


From Guard shoots 3 times at UFO - Brazil 1970

on the night of Sunday, August 30, 1970, at 9:45 pm, that Almiro Martins de Freitas, guard at the Funil Hydroelectric Power Plant, in Resende, in the state of Rio, had his immediate contact with a strange flying object.


Almiro's first reaction was to run away from the unknown object, but as he hovered directly over the dam, he remembered that if it broke, four villages and thousands of lives would be lost. Then he approached, pulled out his .38 caliber revolver and fired at the UFO. Instantly, the lights in the rectangle grew brighter and [it] began to make a noise reminiscent of witnessing a jet engine turbine. He took a few more steps forward and fired his second and third shots at the object. Instantly, a bluish silver ray shot out of the UFO and hit his body, making him feel “pins and needles” everywhere. De Freitas closed his eyes momentarily, but when he opened them, he could no longer see.

Witnesses corroborating the case

Other guards at the hydroelectric plant also saw the object and started running to help it, when Almiro blindly shot the UFO for the third time.

“Don't look,” shouted Almiro to the other guards. "Caution! The flash blinded me!”

The guards who attended to him heard each of the three shots ricocheting off the UFO. They had difficulty moving their partner who was temporarily paralyzed and blinded.


Both cases compared:

  • Soldiers/guards fire bullets that strike UFOs
  • Both UFOs make a noise like an engine revving up. In one case the UFO makes "the sound of, like, diesel locomotives revving up", in the other case the UFO makes "a noise reminiscent of witnessing a jet engine turbine".
  • Immediately after the revving noises (as if the UFOs were charging their weapons), they fire a "beam" of energy.
  • The energy beams cause victims to fell sensations similar to electrocution.
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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/blackvault on 2024-09-06 20:06:31+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/banjo1985 on 2024-09-06 17:28:33+00:00.

As detailed in the attached, Admiral Tom Wilson (of the Wilson/Davis notes) was interviewed by AARO. He disputed the events outlined in the Wilson/Davis notes. Props to the author - amazing research work.

IMO there was never any doubt Davis wrote them, but there is plenty of doubt as to whether they are fiction or non-fiction.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/polarBigK on 2024-09-06 17:42:26+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Putrid_Cheetah_2543 on 2024-09-06 16:07:45+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/MooseLipps on 2024-09-06 15:53:26+00:00.

Leaving the politics out of this... It really pisses me off when people like Senator Mark Kelly, who sits on the Intelligence Committee and damn well knows this stuff is real, totally makes a mockery out of the topic to a wide audience.

Last night, Colbert brought up the tictac video and at first Kelly started to talk about how huge the universe is and seemed like he was leading into a serious discussion. But then he did such a disservice by saying "From the aliens we know about, if you wanna go there, you know I serve on the Intelligence Committee, so they're really small, they have sharp teeth and they live under your bed". And then they dropped the topic.

Sh!t like that does so much damage to getting your everyday mom/pop to wake up and take the topic of UAP's seriously.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-09-06 13:10:09+00:00.

Original Title: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer - US gov't knows a lot about UAPs and refuses to share it with the people. "That is wrong and additionally breeds mistrust." Meantime mainstream journalists covering this topic - "GROWING DANGEROUS BELIEF IN UFO CONSPIRACIES IS SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL!!!"

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Prosperous_Seven on 2024-09-06 05:59:47+00:00.

Why does nobody still talk about Gary Mckinnon and how he aparently found images of what looked like “extraterrestrial spaceships” and documents containing folders labeled “nonterrestrial officers” all from a Nasa computer in which he gained remote access to for a short period before being caught. It kind of ties into the solar warden theory i’ve stumbled upon before about us having a whole millitary secretly in space without the public’s knowledge. Back to gary, he said it wasn’t his intention to find anything to do with the subject, only that he had been trying to hack into US systems before and after 9/11. He also said he believed the us government was suppressing anti gravity and free energy tech and wanted to find out for himself but instead found out all this info.

What do you guys think? Did i miss something and this guy was proven to be bs’ing? He was charged in the us after this huge hack at the time and everything. What’s the deal with this?

Here’s a article with some details.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/JustHereForTheHuman on 2024-09-06 01:25:26+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/SiWeyNoWay on 2024-09-06 00:11:51+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Special_Hunt_6304 on 2024-09-05 23:07:43+00:00.

The Inventions Secrecy Act of 1951 allows the U.S. government to impose secrecy orders on inventions that could threaten national security, including many believed to be related to UFO technologies. As of today, over 5,000 patent applications remain classified, and the number grows every year. One area of particular interest is anti-gravity technology, which has been a subject of research for decades but remains shrouded in mystery.

Since the early 1900s, scientists like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and later Richard Feynman radically advanced our understanding of physics. However, the past 70 years have seen little fundamental progress in physics compared to the breakthroughs of the early 20th century. Is it possible that groundbreaking discoveries, particularly in areas like anti-gravity, have been suppressed by the government to maintain control over these technologies?

Evidence of Anti-Gravity Research

Several prominent scientists and researchers have delved into the possibility of anti-gravity technology, some of whom have even faced government intervention:

  1. T. Townsend Brown: An American physicist and electrical engineer, Brown discovered the Biefeld-Brown effect in the 1920s, which suggested that high-voltage electricity could create lift in certain materials. Many believe this was the foundation for early anti-gravity research. His work was largely co-opted by the U.S. military, and much of it remains classified.
  2. John Searl: Known for the Searl Effect Generator (SEG), Searl claimed to have developed a device capable of anti-gravity and limitless energy in the 1950s. Despite public demonstrations and some promising experimental results, his work was quickly shrouded in controversy, and many suspect government intervention.
  3. Dr. Eugene Podkletnov: In the 1990s, Dr. Podkletnov published a paper on a gravity-shielding experiment using superconductors, which purportedly reduced the gravitational pull on objects by up to 2%. His research faced heavy criticism, and his findings were mostly ignored by mainstream science, yet military interest in similar technologies persists.
  4. NASA’s Interest: NASA has openly funded research into gravity modification and anti-gravity technologies. In the 1990s, NASA’s Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program explored these concepts, but many results have not been made public, leaving us to wonder how much progress has been classified.

Connection to UFOs and Inventions Secrecy Act

In recent years, whistleblowers like David Grusch have testified under oath about the U.S. government’s retrieval of UFO technology and efforts to reverse-engineer advanced propulsion systems. Grusch’s testimony in 2023 highlighted that not only has exotic technology been recovered, but it has been kept hidden from the public and even from Congress.

Anti-gravity research may be a part of this hidden technology. The Inventions Secrecy Act could be a tool used to prevent the release of such discoveries to avoid disrupting the global energy, transportation, and defense industries. This suppression of revolutionary physics may explain why our understanding of the universe has been relatively stagnant for the past 70 years.

The Stagnation of Physics

Historically, physics saw its greatest leaps in the early 20th century—General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and breakthroughs in electromagnetism. However, since the mid-20th century, there has been minimal advancement in fundamental physics. Many believe this is because the most groundbreaking discoveries are being kept secret. Could it be that anti-gravity, zero-point energy, or other physics-defying technologies have already been discovered but are classified under national security?

With overclassification a serious problem, many question whether we are on the verge of the next scientific revolution—one that has already happened behind closed doors, but is being withheld from humanity.

Conclusion: Suppression of Progress?

The link between anti-gravity research, UFO technology, and the Inventions Secrecy Act cannot be ignored. If the U.S. government possesses advanced technologies like anti-gravity, it has the potential to revolutionize human civilization—clean energy, instantaneous travel, and advancements in medical science could all be within reach. But under the cover of secrecy, these advancements may remain hidden for decades.

What do you think? Are we being held back from a new era of human progress because of secret UFO-related technologies?The Inventions Secrecy Act of 1951 allows the U.S. government to impose secrecy orders on inventions that could threaten national security, including many believed to be related to UFO technologies. As of today, over 5,000 patent applications remain classified, and the number grows every year. One area of particular interest is anti-gravity technology, which has been a subject of research for decades but remains shrouded in mystery.Since the early 1900s, scientists like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and later Richard Feynman radically advanced our understanding of physics. However, the past 70 years have seen little fundamental progress in physics compared to the breakthroughs of the early 20th century. Is it possible that groundbreaking discoveries, particularly in areas like anti-gravity, have been suppressed by the government to maintain control over these technologies?Evidence of Anti-Gravity ResearchSeveral prominent scientists and researchers have delved into the possibility of anti-gravity technology, some of whom have even faced government intervention:T. Townsend Brown: An American physicist and electrical engineer, Brown discovered the Biefeld-Brown effect in the 1920s, which suggested that high-voltage electricity could create lift in certain materials. Many believe this was the foundation for early anti-gravity research. His work was largely co-opted by the U.S. military, and much of it remains classified.

John Searl: Known for the Searl Effect Generator (SEG), Searl claimed to have developed a device capable of anti-gravity and limitless energy in the 1950s. Despite public demonstrations and some promising experimental results, his work was quickly shrouded in controversy, and many suspect government intervention.

Dr. Eugene Podkletnov: In the 1990s, Dr. Podkletnov published a paper on a gravity-shielding experiment using superconductors, which purportedly reduced the gravitational pull on objects by up to 2%. His research faced heavy criticism, and his findings were mostly ignored by mainstream science, yet military interest in similar technologies persists.

NASA’s Interest: NASA has openly funded research into gravity modification and anti-gravity technologies. In the 1990s, NASA’s Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program explored these concepts, but many results have not been made public, leaving us to wonder how much progress has been classified.Connection to UFOs and Inventions Secrecy ActIn recent years, whistleblowers like David Grusch have testified under oath about the U.S. government’s retrieval of UFO technology and efforts to reverse-engineer advanced propulsion systems. Grusch’s testimony in 2023 highlighted that not only has exotic technology been recovered, but it has been kept hidden from the public and even from Congress.Anti-gravity research may be a part of this hidden technology. The Inventions Secrecy Act could be a tool used to prevent the release of such discoveries to avoid disrupting the global energy, transportation, and defense industries. This suppression of revolutionary physics may explain why our understanding of the universe has been relatively stagnant for the past 70 years.The Stagnation of PhysicsHistorically, physics saw its greatest leaps in the early 20th century—General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and breakthroughs in electromagnetism. However, since the mid-20th century, there has been minimal advancement in fundamental physics. Many believe this is because the most groundbreaking discoveries are being kept secret. Could it be that anti-gravity, zero-point energy, or other physics-defying technologies have already been discovered but are classified under national security?With overclassification a serious problem, many question whether we are on the verge of the next scientific revolution—one that has already happened behind closed doors, but is being withheld from humanity.Conclusion: Suppression of Progress?The link between anti-gravity research, UFO technology, and the Inventions Secrecy Act cannot be ignored. If the U.S. government possesses advanced technologies like anti-gravity, it has the potential to revolutionize human civilization—clean energy, instantaneous travel, and advancements in medical science could all be within reach. But under the cover of secrecy, these advancements may remain hidden for decades.What do you think? Are we being held back from a new era of human progress because of secret UFO-related technologies?

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