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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Sky5759 on 2024-08-26 23:17:41+00:00.

Original Title: This 1997 interview is the only official TV appearance that Captain Hollanda did exposing the classified program he led in back 1977 called 'Operation saucer' a study on the violent UFO attacks in Colares, Brazil. Less than a month after this appearance he was found strangled in his house. (AI Dub)

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/silv3rbull8 on 2024-08-26 19:55:59+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/thtflyingguy on 2024-08-26 21:49:59+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/mtzN86 on 2024-08-26 19:38:48+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/NewParadigmInstitute on 2024-08-26 18:39:36+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Fluffy-Fruit-8037 on 2024-08-26 18:21:54+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/NewParadigmInstitute on 2024-08-26 18:12:38+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/tommythomas1974 on 2024-08-26 17:32:53+00:00.

After reading his new book 'Imminent', and listening to him on Rogan - it's apparent now (kinda always has been) that he's just an agent using & setting up soft disclosure for the government. There's no doubt about it. He'll talk about what the government knows, but all his assumptions or his theories, which we all agree are true - he always puts off on to someone within the government in our past decades ago more than likely now dead. The government is waiting for all these old grey beards to die off and then their gonna just admit everything completely. With that being said, once the conversation has finally been had one day by the government, that yes we're not alone - the conversation about why they're here; their reasoning, and did they create us... That conversation I feel we may never know? Even Lou wants to side step that conversation.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/v022450781 on 2024-08-26 15:45:42+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/seabritain on 2024-08-26 15:00:49+00:00.

As long as I’d worked the UAP issue, I’d heard stories of a powerful circle of religious fundamentalists who shaped policy within the Department of Defense. They were referred to as the Collins Elite. I’d heard the name bandied about, but honestly, I never gave their existence much credence. It was like hearing stories about the long-reaching power of the Illuminati. A secret religious society? In the Pentagon? It sounded absurd. Wasn’t the day-to-day bureaucracy and existence of the Legacy Program bad enough? To entertain the notion that some generals and their staff of zealots actively promoted a religious agenda, which drove policy, inside of a sacred yet secular national security institution was simply a bridge too far. Yet I learned that the Collins Elite were indeed real. But who were they and what was their agenda?

Lue Elizondo - Imminent (2024)

Part 1:

Part 2:

In my two previous posts I’ve detailed the genesis of the CIA’s Nuclear Energy Group and several of the players involved. The group was composed of members of Manhattan Project Foreign Intelligence Section and the X-2 and SI units of the OSS, and was organized at the urging of the Joint Research and Development Board headed by Vannevar Bush.

In 1949, the Nuclear Energy Division was moved out of the Office of Special Operations, the predecessor to Richard Bissell’s Deputy Directorate for Plans, and into the newly established Office of Scientific Intelligence.

OSI was housed in the Deputy Directorate for Intelligence from 1952 until 1963, when it was transferred into the new Deputy Directorate for Science & Technology. More info on DS&T’s interest in the UFO phenomenon can be found here:

Edwin Land and James Killian, former president of MIT, “were the prime movers in establishing first the Directorate of Research and then the Directorate of Science and Technology”, according to Jefferey Richelson. The Deputy Directorate for Research (DDR, later renamed DS&T) was created in 1962 with longtime OSI director Herbert Scoville at the helm. Scoville and his deputy, USAF Colonel Edward Giller, formed the Office of Research & Development. Giller would serve as ORD’s first director.

Interestingly, Giller later took on the role of USAF coordinator for the Condon Committee. In the early 1950s, he was executive, Weapons Effects Division, and chief, Radar Branch, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (see part 1 to understand why this is pertinent).

Declassified documents show that Scoville had an interest in UFOs. The following is an excerpt from The CIA UFO Papers by Dan Wright:

On January 9, OSI Assistant Director Herbert Scoville Jr. wrote a Memorandum for the Record, updating responsibilities related to anomalous aerial phenomena.

“Henceforth, ASD (Applied Science Division) will conduct all surveillance of available information on this subject. All other OSI Divisions will provide such technical consultative assistance to ASD as it requires to discharge its assigned responsibility in this field. ASD will request a project of the requisite scope when appropriate for inclusion in the OSI Production Program.”

Relatedly, the ASD was charged with maintaining all files on the subject. Other divisions were instructed to forward their relevant files to ASD and terminate their filing activities.

This document superseded a similar June 14, 1954, Memorandum for the Record (see pages 76–77).4 In a February 9, 1956, Memorandum for the Record, Wilton Lexow, ASD Chief, referenced a statement for the record a month earlier by AD/SI Scoville titled “Responsibility for ‘Unidentified Flying Objects.’”5

Scoville's memo had asserted three basic points:

(1) The June 1954 memorandum assigning responsibility for tracking aerial anomalies to OSI's Physics and Electronics (P&E) Division was rescinded. 

(2) ASD was tasked with conducting “all surveillance of available information on this subject,” with consultative assistance by other divisions as necessary.

(3) Every file on the subject, old or new, was to be kept at ASD. To those ends, Lexow established several procedures:  

-ASD would maintain incoming raw reports potentially bearing on foreign weaponry research or development.

-Where such reports might involve advancements in basic science, ASD would share the information with the Fundamental Sciences Area for review, requesting its return for filing.

-Reports not bearing on foreign weaponry but which might involve science advances would be forwarded to the Fundamental Sciences Area for retention or destruction. 

-Reports which fit none of the above would be destroyed. ASD would maintain a chronological file of “all OSI correspondence and action taken in connection with the United States U.F.O. program . . .” 

-ASD would maintain completed UFO-related intelligence reports published by the intelligence community.

In 1959, the Biology Branch of the Fundamental Sciences Division was transferred into OSI’s Life Sciences Division. According to Richelson:

Part of ORD’s initial charter was to assume TSD’s main research functions, including in behavioral science, leaving that organization to handle the operational support and related R&D functions that Helms believed must remain in Plans. Thus, ORD took over part of the MKULTRA program. Dr. Stephen Aldrich, a graduate of Amherst and Northwestern Medical School who had served in the agency’s Office of Medical Services and OSI’s Life Sciences Division, assumed many of the responsibilities that had belonged to Sidney Gottlieb.

In 1955, Donald F Chamberlain joined OSI as chief of its Fundamental Sciences Area, then later took on the role of Chief, Nuclear Energy Division. When Bud Wheelon became head of DDR after Scoville’s departure, Chamberlain stepped in as OSI’s Director in 1963.

In 1973, Chamberlain became Inspector General of the CIA. In 1975, he was tasked with reviewing IG surveys of DS&T’s Office of Technical Services for information regarding MKULTRA.

In the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, John Marks writes:

The men from ORD tried to create their own latter-day version of the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. Located outside Boston, it was called the Scientific Engineering Institute, and Agency officials had set it up originally in 1956 as a proprietary company to do research on radar and other technical matters that had nothing to do with human behavior. Its president, who says he was a "figurehead," was Dr. Edwin Land, the founder of Polaroid. In the early 1960s, ORD officials decided to bring it into the behavioral field and built a new wing to the Institute's modernistic building for the "life sciences." They hired a group of behavioral and medical scientists who were allowed to carry on their own independent research as long as it met Institute standards. These scientists were available to consult with frequent visitors from Washington, and they were encouraged to take long lunches in the Institute's dining room where they mixed with the physical scientists and brainstormed about virtually everything. One veteran recalls a colleague joking, "If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person's sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast." Turning serious, the veteran states the technique was "plausible," and he notes that many of the crazy ideas bandied about at lunch developed into concrete projects.

Some of these projects may have been worked on at the Institute's own several hundred-acre farm located in the Massachusetts countryside. But of the several dozen people contacted in an effort to find out what the Institute did, the most anyone would say about experiments at the farm was that one involved stimulating the pleasure centers of crows' brains in order to control their behavior. Presumably, ORD men did other things at their isolated rural lab.

Just as the MKULTRA program had been years ahead of the scientific community, ORD activities were similarly advanced. "We looked at the manipulation of genes," states one of the researchers. "We were interested in gene splintering. The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965. ... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take orders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. Creating a subservient society was not out of sight." Another Institute man describes the work of a colleague who bombarded bacteria with ultraviolet radiation in order to create deviant strains. ORD also sponsored work in parapsychology. Along with the military services, Agency officials wanted to know whether psychics could read minds or control them from afar (telepathy), if they could gain information about distant places or people (clairvoyance or remote viewing), if they could predict the future (precognition), or influence ...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/thehenryshow on 2024-08-26 14:36:20+00:00.

Edit: Did Lue Elizondo confirm Roswell? There have been numerous revelations in his book that have not received much public attention. Notably, in Chapter 4, he discusses discovering that the Roswell incident was real and that bodies were recovered. This was confirmed by Hal Puthoff. This is particularly interesting given his previous reluctance in interviews to comment on whether the U.S. government possesses non-human intelligence (NHI) crafts or bodies. He has also mentioned having permission from the Department of Defense’s Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DoPSR) to disclose the information he has shared. This confirmation from the government that Roswell is real in a round about way isn’t it?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-08-26 15:45:55+00:00.

Original Title: Apperently editors on Wikipedia noticed my post about Lue Elizondo being listed as a "conspiracy theorist". Calling me a "shit stirrer", "Karma farmer" and claiming that I am monetizing my account here apparently... Hey geniuses, I'm simply asking for google to match what it says on Wikipedia.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/shogun2909 on 2024-08-26 15:31:40+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/ScruffyChimp on 2024-08-26 10:43:25+00:00.

My post regarding Jim Lacatski's response to NewsNation is an example of how a lack of understanding can open the door to misinformation, bad actors and spin-off conspiracy theories.

One of the most downvoted comments was simply asking for a source!

6+ hours later, a kind soul posted a link which clarified Jim Lacatski's perspective in his own words, but by that point the party was already over and everyone had gone home. I updated my initial post accordingly, but any damage was already done.

Rather than downvoting requests for sources or links, please assist them!

Collectively it saves a lot of time, elevates understanding and hinders the spread of misinformation. The pieces of this puzzle are spread over thousands of conversations and documents. Individually we're unlikely to remember everything all the time. But collectively we stand a chance.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Oneiroi_Coeus on 2024-08-26 12:40:47+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/sim_ulacrum on 2024-08-26 06:34:59+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-08-26 11:33:04+00:00.

Original Title: When you google Lue Elizondo the first thing it says is he's a "conspiracy theorist". Even though the wikipedia source it's using has no mention of that. You can use that "feedback" button to report the inaccurate information to google.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/VolarRecords on 2024-08-26 08:37:02+00:00.

Original Title: Following Luis Elizondo's interview with George Knapp on Coast to Coast, Knapp talks to Franc Milburn, who was friends with NASA anti-gravity researcher Amy Eskridge, who has been talked about plenty as having died under mysterious circumstances in June 2022 while trying to go public

Listened to Lue Elizondo’s interview with George Knapp and now listening to former UK Intelligence officer talk about Amy Eskridge, now a well-known figure in these circles for her anti-gravity research while working at ‘Rocket City,’ aka Hunstville, Alabama. Via Twitter, Milburn had become friends with Eskridge, who was apparently a child genius and was ‘pinged’ by DARPA before she could drive. Sounds similar to Kirkpatrick brought in by the DoE before he was eighteen.

He says that Eskridge had a huge interest in UAP physics and was a lifelong experiencer. Milburn and Eskridge became friends in 2021 after things had been difficult for her in her previous three or four years.

According to Milburn, there were multiple occasions in which she threatened while she was out, numerous occasions in which it was clear that people were breaking into her house, times that she suspected that she was hit Directed Energy Weapons, in cases like this called Acoustic Energy Weapons, which led to what has been called Havana Syndrome, while she was writing out the advanced physics. We now address this as Anomalous Health Incidents, and 60 Minutes covered this.

In August 2021, Kamala Harris delayed a trip after possibly being hit with a possible DEW that lead to Havana Syndrome.

VP Harris was elected to the Senate in 2016 following her time first as Attorney General of San Francisco and then as Attorney General of California. One of her first roles in 2017 was as a freshman of the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.

"Behind closed doors, she played a pivotal role in pushing the Republican majority panel to conduct an aggressive and thorough investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to staff and members who served with her. She also got a whirlwind national security education that has had a lasting impact on the worldview she now holds as the Democratic presidential nominee, those who worked with her tell NOTUS."

I can't find where I read it on Twitter and so I can't verify it, but I did see mention that Harris was one of the leading members of the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2021 when Lue Elizondo filed his IC IG report in May 2021 and then David Grusch came forward to testify behind closed doors to Congress and began briefing President Biden.

Back to Eskridge.

Amy Eskridge was the daughter of Richard Eskridge, Aerospace Engineer at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. She was working on publishing a paper on gravity manipulation.

This video has been shared plenty. Amy is clearly drunk and talking about how NASA constantly shuts down anti-gravity research and sells off the material for scrap metal when the studies are disbanded.

Keep in mind that it’s suspected the Eskridge died not of suicide as it was ruled, but began posting videos in 2021 and died on June 11, 2022, a month after Grusch filed his IC IG complaint.

According to Milburn, she was afraid for her life and constantly had Franc Milburn on the phone any time she went to meetings. He says that he was on the phone with her four hours before she died of a gunshot. And apparently there was an autopsy on her immediately and then she was cremated right away.

Getting towards the end of Milburn's interview with Knapp, apparently people on the inside of these programs are absolutely disgusted by what's happening with these murders.

Here's a message Milburn received from Eskridge weeks prior to her death:

Eskridge worked alongside her father, Richard Eskridge, who was contracted by NASA and mentioned in this paper in 1993 when he was faculty at the University of Huntsville.

Not sure how to verify where she was when she died, but this video says she was last seen at JPL in Pasadena.

However, thanks to that video, here’s her father Richard Eskridge's research about a Plasmoid Thruster Experiment, published on March 7th, 2003.

We invaded Iraq less than two weeks later on March 20, 2003.

Trust me, the Bush family is involved in all this shit. The recovery of the Magenta crash and the formation of the CIA and the suppression of technology and the Petrodollar and the constant wars. We’re working on it behind the scenes here in this subreddit. It’s fucking crazy. I think there was something else around this date that I’m forgetting. Who made the most money off of the post-9/11 War in Iraq? VP Dick Cheney.

Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company from 1995 to 2000 and has received stock options from Halliburton. In the run-up to the Iraq War, Halliburton was awarded a $7 billion contract for which only Halliburton was allowed to bid.

Here are a few of Amy’s research papers on ResearchGate.

Here is her obituary.

Fuck this bullshit.

We're not just doing this for the betterment of humanity. Elizondo/Grusch/all the rest of them. This is a collective effort, and we're doing this for all the people who died trying to give us a better world.

Amy Eskridge Obituary

A brilliant mind left us when Amy Catherine Eskridge went to her eternal rest in the Lord on Saturday, June 11, 2022. At just age 34, Amy already had a beautiful vision for life and the cosmos. She had a genius for science and questioned the conventional wisdom on everything from the universe to the nanoparticles of the atom. She was also an astute entrepreneur as Chairwoman and President of The Institute for Exotic Science in Huntsville, AL, which she co-founded. Amy's passion for space grew from childhood in The Rocket City. After her graduation from UAH with a double major in chemistry and biology, she became an interdisciplinarian and a master of electrical engineering, chemistry, physics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. Amy is survived by her parents, Kathy and Richard Eskridge, brothers Matt and Michael Eskridge (Victoria). Amy was proceeded in death by her grandparents, Margaret and Russel Vance, and Marcella and Charles Eskridge. Amy lived a life full of passion and wonder for the cosmos, and she was deeply loved by all who knew her. Her dear friend Sam Reid, CEO of Geometric Energy Corporation, is naming the company's next Earth Orbit satellite and their DOGE-1 payload headed for the moon in October for Amy. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you donate in the name of Amy Eskridge to your favorite charity. The family will hold a celebration ceremony of Amy's life at 2 PM Sunday July 10 at Huntsville West, 3001 9th Ave SW, Huntsville, AL 35805.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/MackintoshLTC on 2024-08-26 03:18:35+00:00.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the biggest adversary to Elizondo was probably retired LTG and former director of the DIA, Michael Flynn. When Luis discusses the sizable lobby of high ranking military officers that believe the UAP’s are demons from the devil, Flynn would be at the top of the list. This lunatic who rose to the top levels of the Defense establishment before being forced to resign as Trump’s National Security Advisor regularly makes the rounds to any radical Christo Fascist outlet that will let him speak, claiming, among other things that there is a world wide demonic spiritual war taking place and that the only thing that can stop them is an “Army of God.” Reminiscent of the ramblings of the classic character General Jack D. Ripper in Kubrick’s masterpiece “Dr. Strangelove” Flynn also claims that these forces are bent on changing the “essence” of human DNA and to make us compliant to the forces of the antichrist and repeats the various QAnon and Reptilian conspiracies that should terrify any reasonable American, that such a mentally ill individual rose to such a position of power. I think it’s reasonable to assume that Flynn was very aware and thoroughly briefed of the phenomena and steered investigators away from scientific study and let his extreme religious beliefs make him conclude that these phenomena were demons. It seems like Flynn and his colleagues have replaced the “Red Menace” with “The Anti Christ” menace. I can’t cover all the crazy things this guy says but all you have to do is just go to YouTube and listen to some of his speeches and ask yourself if this man has any sanity left. Maybe the stuff he saw on UAP’s was just too much for him to handle?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/MoanLart on 2024-08-26 06:18:01+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Special_Hunt_6304 on 2024-08-26 03:50:37+00:00.

Luis Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s AATIP program, has confirmed that a civilian-captured UAP video is so clear that you can see its skin, and it’s available in the public domain! This means that the evidence we need might already be out there—we just have to find it.

We might be able to uncover this footage through thorough investigation and collaboration. Let’s comb through possible posts and videos, analyze them closely, and share our findings. Together, we can identify which video Elizondo is referencing and explore its implications for our understanding of these phenomena.

🌌 Get involved now! Share any posts or footage that might be the key to this mystery. Let’s work together to unlock the secrets and lead the charge in uncovering the truth!

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/silv3rbull8 on 2024-08-26 03:24:53+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/3InchesAssToTip on 2024-08-26 02:47:23+00:00.

I just watched this recent video from News Nation and noticed a few B-Roll clips that I personally haven’t seen before.

Can anyone identify the footage around 2:02?

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-08-26 02:33:10+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/josy-boi on 2024-08-25 20:25:01+00:00.

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