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A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-08-22 23:51:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/tinosaladbar on 2024-08-22 22:51:23+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/NewParadigmInstitute on 2024-08-22 21:42:57+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/DeserTArg on 2024-08-22 21:07:34+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Arqium on 2024-08-22 19:19:46+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/phr99 on 2024-08-22 18:07:25+00:00.

Original Title: Years ago Whitley Strieber also tried to have his implant surgically removed, and it also moved away. He and his wife decided to not remove it afterwards. He now thinks this implant allows him to communicate (among other things) with his now dead wife, and to receive other kinds of messages.

I dont remember the exact details, so someone correct me or add info to give a clearer picture. Here is a video of the implant removal attempt:

Strieber also describes that he visually sees words streaming from left to right in one of his eyes, along a narrow band. If im not mistaken he thinks the implant is responsible for this.

It sounds like a neuralink, but not to a nearby computer, but to another dimension. It was often speculated that the implants were used for tracking and monitoring individuals, but if striebers account is correct, then its more like humans are handicapped and given an extra tool to reach beyond that handicap.

Anyway apparently what Elizondo talks about in his interview with Coulthart is not uncommon and seems to add credibility to all this stuff that has been going on much longer.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Thecowsdead on 2024-08-22 18:41:12+00:00.

Can anyone contact him or his PR team so he can give an AMA right here in this sub, the fact that he goes to a lot of interviews but can't even seem to get near this sub can be the perfect excuse to invite him and ask him questions.

Now even if you think Lue is not delivering qualit info, let's ask nicely and with respect.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TheGreatFoodDude on 2024-08-22 18:33:55+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/QuixoticRant on 2024-08-22 13:54:49+00:00.

The New Thinking Allowed channel will be presenting a live stream this Sunday with some of the "who's who" of UAP research. The presentation will be about 90 mins and apparently there will be a Q&A section. This is a great opportunity to pick the mind of people you might otherwise never have a connection to.

People like (in no particular order):

  • Danny Sheehan
  • Whitley Strieber
  • Nick Cook
  • Daz Smith
  • Ralph Blumenthal
  • Charles Upton
  • Dr. Bob Davis

It's Sunday, August 25, at Noon (Mountain Time), 11 am (Pacific Time), 8 pm (Central European Time)

I'm looking forward to it and I hope to see you guys in the chat!

Link to the stream

I don't know what flair to give this and I'm not associated with New Thinking Allowed

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/NewParadigmInstitute on 2024-08-22 16:19:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Stephennnnnn on 2024-08-22 16:08:48+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/AbandontheKing on 2024-08-22 14:15:01+00:00.

Here's the excerpt from Imminent, Chapter 19 "...And the Horse You Rode In On"

But which videos to choose? I deemed the DHS video from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, as too sensitive because of its origin, a sister agency. Even if it was already leaked online, I wasn’t about to confirm it was indeed a US government video without DHS agreeing to that decision. Instead I picked three videos that depicted UAP characteristics. I anticipated that their low resolution would be an asset and hasten the approval process. I chose the FLIR video (aka Tic Tac from 2004), and the GoFast and GIMBAL videos from 2015. I described all three videos on a single Form 1910, which the DoD uses to request declassification of everything from documents to multimedia content.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/angiredit on 2024-08-22 14:42:57+00:00.

The Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) mentioned in a podcast that he has no doubt our planet is visited by extraterrestrials and explained why he thinks so. I was glad to see such open-minded scientist leading technology. He has some very interesting views similar to what the majority of people in this subreddit think.

Here is the full transcript. If you want to watch the video, see the link below.

Podcaster: Aliens, aliens always fascinate us. What aspect of it interests you?

ISRO Chairman: This is a very interesting question. When we talk about aliens, we refer to intelligent creatures—living beings that could be more intelligent than us, or perhaps not as intelligent. We consider ourselves an evolved species. We know how to communicate, we have technology, but just imagine, only 100 years ago, we had none of this—no microphones, no cameras, no lights, no communication systems, no television. Our history is not just 100 years old; human civilization has evolved over millions of years. Yet, in the last 100 years, we’ve made incredible progress.

Now, imagine another civilization that is just 200 years behind us. They might be very advanced, but they don’t have the technologies we do. On the other hand, imagine a civilization that is 1,000 years ahead of us. A thousand years is nothing on a cosmic scale. Just think about how much progress we’ve made in 100 years—where will we be in the next 100 years? And where would we be in 1,000 years?

A society or alien civilization that is 1,000 years more advanced than us would always be around. They must be listening to your podcast right now; they know what we are, and they would see us like we see earthworms. We are nowhere near their level. So, I always believe that there are aliens around us, far more evolved than we are. We are very recent origins of life, but there are likely much older and more evolved life forms throughout the universe. There is no doubt about it.

Podcaster: I’m loving this conversation; it feels like I’m talking to an older brother who shares my views on aliens, extraterrestrial life, and science. Often, when one speaks about these topics, they are rejected by large sections of society. As we grow up, we’re often told to suppress our inner child, but I feel that imagination and creativity are crucial, especially in our work. There’s a difference between being "scientistic" and being scientific. Being scientific helps you discover the unknown, while being scientistic makes you reject the unknown—maybe that’s a good definition. But let’s delve deeper into this alien situation. Why do we mostly hear about UFOs being spotted in America and South America?

ISRO Chairman: Many times, these observations are more feasible in the northern latitudes and southern latitudes. The equatorial regions are almost always cloudy. If you look at Africa, India, and South Asia, all these nations are near the equator. Northern Europe and America are in the northern latitudes, and in the southern hemisphere, only Australia is a significant nation.

If there are events in the sky, such as auroras, they are mostly visible in the northern regions. Solar-related effects are more commonly seen in the north as well. Even cyclones and other activities are more prevalent in these areas, not so much near the equator. The equatorial regions have different climatic conditions, and the sky is often dark rather than blue. If you go to the U.S., you’ll notice the sky is much bluer than in India. This isn’t just due to pollution; it’s also due to the water vapor content in the atmosphere and other factors.

This is a scientific explanation. Now, on the non-scientific side, Americans have a tendency to detect many things around them and make stories out of them. Many of the UFO stories are fabricated, not real, though some might be true. I can’t comment on it because I haven’t seen it myself.

Podcaster: But do you think our planet is visited by extraterrestrials?

ISRO Chairman: Absolutely, no doubt about it. My conscience says yes, though I don’t have proof. As the Chairperson of ISRO, I’m telling you this. It stems from my earlier statement—there are definitely aliens out there in the universe. Aliens mean living systems and cultures in other parts of the universe. If they are ahead in technology by even just a thousand years, or 10,000 years, they would have definitely visited us.

10,000 years is a minuscule time scale in the evolution of the universe. Just imagine a society that is 10,000 years ahead in technology—they would be frequently visiting Earth without us even knowing it.

Podcaster: It’s like we’re the lions in a zoo, and they are observing us.

ISRO Chairman: Precisely. For them, our planet is like a zoo.

Podcaster: Do you think they would be benevolent or malevolent?

ISRO Chairman: Either way, I would be happy never to be in contact with them. Let me tell you why. Biology is such that all life forms on Earth are connected in some way—plants, bacteria, fish, animals, and humans. We all evolved from a common ancestor. But if something evolved on another planet, it would have been synthesized in an entirely different way. It may not have the same genomic structure or protein structure, which could be extremely dangerous.

When two life forms come into contact, something has to overpower the other. This is the nature of life—one will not allow the other to survive; it must be overtaken and destroyed. Unless these aliens have a conscience about this and realize that we are different, and thus choose to remain disconnected in terms of our bodies or chemistry, it will be catastrophic. We would need to find a way to meet not just at the level of mind and thought but also at the level of the body. If that doesn’t happen, it could lead to destruction, either of them or of us.

Podcaster: So basically, they might be carrying some kind of diseases?

ISRO Chairman: I’m not talking about diseases in the conventional sense. I mean the way we live, the form of our bodies, our blood, the oxygen we breathe—there’s no guarantee that they need oxygen to survive. We don’t know. I’ve read a science fiction novel where a species breathes methane on another planet and floats in the air with huge balloons on them. There was even a NASA documentary about it. Such forms are possible, and contact with us would be extremely dangerous, either for them or for us.

Podcaster: Do you believe in any theories like the lizard people or the Anunnaki, who supposedly have taken human form and live among us?

ISRO Chairman: It’s possible. If they are 10,000 years ahead of us, they would have found a solution to these biological problems. I don’t have a solution today, but they might have already discovered it. We’re just two lions talking to each other, unaware of the humans outside the cage.

Podcaster: True, true. Do the scientists at ISRO talk about extraterrestrial life with each other?

ISRO Chairman: Yes, there are many people at ISRO who are fascinated by this. In our free time, especially in the evenings, we often converse about these topics, particularly with my younger colleagues.

Podcaster: While I wish to ask you much more about science and engineering, there’s an inner child in me that also wants to ask about the spiritual aspect of being a scientist...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-08-22 14:10:02+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/MR_PRESIDENT__ on 2024-08-22 13:39:10+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-08-22 12:30:03+00:00.

Original Title: Lue Elizondo alleges that Monsanto has been historically involved with dealing with non-human biological specimen. Keith Kloor, a 'journalist' who has been writing hit pieces about UFO disclosure and whistleblowers in Scientific American, has ties to Monsanto and has been called their "Cheerleader".

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/lesserofthreeevils on 2024-08-22 11:05:29+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Shroomeri on 2024-08-22 07:14:16+00:00.

Hi everybody.

I was reading Passport to Magonia written by Jacques Vallee and found this which I thought was interesting. It immediately reminded me of alleged last year Peru attacks. Here's copy of the text from the book:

"Let us follow the strange beings across the world now, to Mexico, where an American anthropologist, Brian Stross, from Berkeley, reports that the Tzeltal Indiands have strange legends of their own. One night, Stross and his Indian assistant discussed these legends, of the ?ihk'als or ikals, the little black beings, after seeing a strange light wandering about in the Mexican sky. The ikals are three-foot tall, hairy, black humanoids whom the natives encounter frequently, and Stross Learned:

About twenty years ago, or less, there were many sightings of this creature or creatures, and several people apparently tried to fight it with machetes. One man also saw a small sphere following him from about five feet. After many attempts he finally hit it with his machete and it disintegrated only an ash-like substance."

This is the interesting part:

"The beings were observed in ancient times. They fly, they attack people, and, in the modern reports, they carry a kind of rocket on their backs and kidnap Indians. Occasionally, Storss was told, people have been "paralyzed" when they came upon the ikals, who are said to live in caves, which the natives are careful not to enter"

This immediately reminded me of these Peru attacks when the locals said that these "beings" had jetpacks and also paralyzed people. I also saw some videos of these paralyzed people.

But yea I thought this was interesting and wanted to share with you!

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/E05DCA on 2024-08-22 03:21:28+00:00.

Last year’s disappointment with the UAPDA was rough, but we have a new chance this year. Moreover, it’s an election year, so we have an opportunity to actually apply pressure. Call your representatives and senators offices. If they are up for re-election, tell them that this is a voting issue for you and that you will vote against them, or at least stay home, if they don’t support the UAPDA.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/the-dude92 on 2024-08-22 03:20:59+00:00.

They said the video came from someone named the guardian, just wandering if anyone has seen the original video or if it's online somewhere.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PositiveSong2293 on 2024-08-22 04:37:14+00:00.

Original Title: It seems that the UFO community is finally paying more attention now after Lue Elizondo spoke, but decades ago, a doctor had already shown the truth to the world: Physical evidence: removals and analyses of alien implants by Dr. Roger Leir.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/psilocybin_door on 2024-08-22 02:20:14+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Johanharry74 on 2024-08-21 21:00:39+00:00.

I continue the Nordic humanoid encounter series with four new fascinating cases from Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway....

The farting aliens.

Raklev in Denmark, August 1956

This report has some funny elements and is a little unusual and was only published some years ago by the witness Arne‑Harder Jørgensen. He held on to it, because it would have strained his credibility in the labor market — in the military and later in the postal service.

The story takes place when Arne‑Harder was a 10 year old boy in the village of Raklev on Zealand in Denmark. One evening in August 1956 at approx. 8 pm he was playing “cowboys and indians” with other children and he hid in a pit he had dug in a hedge to the neighbour's yard. As he lay there waiting, he suddenly heard some strangers speaking "like Japanese”, he thought is sounded like. He looked up and saw some small persons 7-10 meters (20-30 feet) away, eating rasberries from the bushes in the neighbour’s garden, while they farted and laughed out loudly like little boys. Armed with his air pistol, he snuck up on them, but was hit by a toxic stench of poop and chemicals.

The "poison gas" came from three small, gray beings. Since this was Scandinavia in the summer, it was not very dark outside at 8 pm, so he could see them quite clearly. They were 120 cm (4 feet) tall with enormously large heads, small mouths, two small holes for the nose and large, round, red or purple eyes. They all looked alike like “three drops of water”. The three also had tight fitting clothes and some big oversized shoes on their feet, like “moon boots”.

Rather funny picture of the encounter, for a quite amusing story. The aliens were farting and laughing while they were eating berries in the garden. (artistic impression)

At the sight of him, the beings throw away the rasberries. Arne‑Harder Jørgensen wanted to flee back down into his pit, but was paralyzed and turned towards the aliens. Two of them immediately ran away towards the apple orchard, while the third came closer and studied him and not least his air pistol. The boy felt that he was both photographed and X-rayed by the creature’s strange eyes.

Finally the little gray man ran after the others. Arne-Harder remained motionless until a spaceship emerged behind a nearby ridge and sped upwards towards the sky at very high speed. This broke the “spell”, and he ran back to the other kids, who hadn't noticed anything unusual.

First thing the next morning, he and three other children went up to the old gravel pit, which was located behind the ridge, and here they found four holes, which they assumed were from the landing gear of the craft. They also found a strange substance in the middle between the holes. This lump they peeled apart and hammered it down into a couple of the holes, which they covered with stone and sand. The aliens large, clumsy "moon boots" had also left traces both in the gravel pit and in the nearby pastures. The neighbour also said that a flower stand and three chickens were missing. The children found the stand in the gravel pit. But the birds were gone - along with the aliens. Also when Arne-Harder shot his air pistol a few days later, it broke into pieces, even though it was almost new.

This story has some childish and far fetched elements. Farting and laughing aliens eating berries? Really? Could this just be a kid’s fantasy story? Maybe, maybe not. And the other children who also saw the traces in the gravel pit, were never found or interviewed. Though the witness experienced this as a child, he waited until his retirement to tell the story, to not jeopardize his career. And the man was an officer in the military for a long time. That gives him some credibility. Or does it? Nothing is of course certain…

Source: SUFOI

The Kinnula Ufonaut.

Kinnula in the middle of Finland, February 2-5 1971

On February 2, 1971, at approximately 8 pm, two Finnish women - Sinikka Kuittinen and one Mrs. Manninen - were driving from Kuusamo towards Oulu in a region near Kiiminki, when they saw a strange light behind their car, on the right side of the road.

After a few moments, this mysterious light slipped over the vehicle and began to pace the car on the left side of the road. Sinikka, who was driving the vehicle, claimed that as the UFO passed overhead her ears began to mysteriously “plug up.” When the pair arrived at a nearby field, the light abruptly disappeared. This is when Kuittinen and Manninen both claimed to have caught a glimpse of the unbelievable. The women later insisted that they had seen a peculiar, helmeted creature that stood approximately 1 m (3-feet) tall. They both agreed that this strange being was clad in a greenish-brown suit and crossed the road in front of them utilizing a series of small jumps.

The two women in the car saw a small being in a green "space suit" crossing the road in front of them. (Source: Rob Morphy - American monsters)

This odd being swiftly disappeared on the far side of the road, which, the women confirmed, was a desolate area with no buildings or houses. Kuittinen, whose fear far outweighed her curiosity, hit the gas and sped directly toward the city of Oulu. Neither woman seemed interested in investigating the matter any further. As fascinating as this incident was, this would not be the last, nor the most frightening encounter that people would have with this enigmatic creature.

The incident that made this ostensibly alien being famous occurred on the snowy, overcast afternoon of February 5, 1971. On this day two lumberjacks, 21-year-old Petter Aliranta and 18-year-old Esko Juhani Sneck, had a close encounter that would haunt them for the remainder of their days. The fantastic event began at approximately 3:00 pm when the young duo, who had spent the morning cutting down trees in the forests near the village of Kangaskyla in Kinnula, Finland, decided to call it a day because the overcast conditions were making it too dark to continue.

According to their account, Aliranta had just turned off his chainsaw, when he suddenly noticed an odd metallic object hovering at tree-top level. He claimed that it was shaped like “two saucers” on top of each other and was about 5 m (15 feet) in diameter. At the bottom of the vehicle, there were four thin landing legs with rounded bases, which he estimated to be more than 2 m (6 feet) long. If the craft made any sound it was no doubt overwhelmed by the continued roaring of Sneck’s chainsaw. Aliranta continued to watch as a circular portal opened at the base of the slowly descending ship. Within moments, the object landed in a small clearing between the trees, less than 15 m (45 feet) away from the awestruck lumberjack and his still oblivious comrade. Aliranta stared in amazement as a weird, green-garbed entity slowly descended through the open portal from the bowels of the craft. He later described this unusual entity as being less than 1 m (3 feet) in height and with its entire body covered in a green, one-piece suit. On the front of the head was a faceplate that was described as being akin to that of a scuba diver.

Although the creature had arms and legs, the suit gave no indication of hands or fingers. The apparent structure of this suit seems to be similar to a hazmat suit or the deep sea suits divers wear to protect them from the pressure of the oceans most severe depths. Perhaps this alien was wearing something similar as the pressure of Earth’s surface may be harmful to creatures like itself. While this is pure speculation, there is still the possibility that it is true. The bizarre “Ufonaut” seemed to defy gravity as it floated down the 2 m (6 feet) to the snow-covered ground below the ship. It was then, much to Aliranta’s alarm, this creature began to approach him. Much to the lumberjack’s surprise, the being did not sink into the snow but continued toward him with short, stiff, gliding movements akin to that of an astronaut skipping on the moon. Aliranta described the motion as almost robotic, but perhaps its movement was just inhibited by the suit it was wearing. At that moment, Aliranta, who was understandably terrified, started his chainsaw. Sneck — who was so focused on cutting branches off a felled tree he had not noticed the anomalous aircraft or its occupant, turned at the roar of the chainsaw and saw the shocked expression on his friend’s face as well as the tiny, alien oddity that was galloping toward them.

The UFO and the Ufonaut (Source: Thinkaboutits)

The lumberjack, with what must be accredited to a jolt of youthful bravery, advanced upon the humanoid as Sneck watched dumbfounded. Aliranta and the encroaching alien were less than 10 m (30 feet) apart when the entity abruptly turned and started back towards his craft with the same looping gait. This retreat further emboldened Aliranta who now ran in pursuit of the “little green man.” When he got closer to the UFO, Aliranta claimed to have noticed other vaguely humanoid figures through three “windows” on the topside of the vehicle. When the alien was just 3 m (9 feet) away from the craft, it l...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/CallsignDrongo on 2024-08-21 18:18:53+00:00.

In “Imminent” Lue discusses a pair of UAP in March 1952, flying low over uranium mines in the Belgian Congo. In this sighting it is said the two craft or “fiery discs” at one point stop and hover over an opening in the mine and as Lue speculates “as if to peer into or map it”. A fighter gives chase and the two craft zig-zag away and speed off towards Lake Tanganyika “The second-deepest freshwater lake in the world” as the book notes. Something else of note, that particular uranium mine is where the United States mined the material used in the first atomic bombs.

This incident, if true of course, jumped out at me as highly interesting. I’ve known for a long time of UAPs interest in nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants, and the facilities or vessels that house them. I was not, however, aware of their interest in the mines of the material we use to create them. This is rather interesting to me.

UAP interest in nuclear weaponry and power makes sense. Whether you think they’re conducting reconnaissance on our capabilities, or monitoring our progress, or to keep and eye on us and prevent nuclear exchange. Why though, would they be interested in looking at the site we extracted the material from to create these weapons. That seems almost an insignificant aspect.

Unless they don’t know what it is. Perhaps the materials required to make nuclear weaponry just don’t appear that commonly or not on their world, perhaps it’s something novel to them. Perhaps they’re trying to figure out how we did it. We take these rocks, put them in machines, and they create explosions of immense proportion and knock UAP out of the sky (another detail in the book, suggests nuclear weaponry took down the Roswell craft. Not intentionally, but as a side effect of the EMP produced.).

Of course, there could be a million other reasons and we can’t even begin to understand the intention or goals of UAP.

I’m curious to hear any of your takes on it or any theories you may have.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/fortuitous5 on 2024-08-22 00:30:56+00:00.

The former head of the Pentagon UFO program just confirmed that alien implants are real. The public may not be able to get our hands on pieces of spacecraft, but we might be able to get an implant. This could be the key to finally providing physical evidence of the phenomenon.

NOTE: can we have one thread that isn't full of "where's the evidence" and picking apart whether Lue is trustworthy? Please, just in this one thread, let's discuss under the assumption that this is real.

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