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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/CSHufflepuff on 2024-10-13 12:40:12+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/VolarRecords on 2024-10-13 09:35:53+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/shock-_-jockey on 2024-10-13 04:27:32+00:00.

I wasn't going to make this post as it will most likely fall on deaf ears. But here ya go.

I'm an odd ball former research scientist, materials, robotics, dod IRAD, and a few prank robots for Mark Rober lmao. Anyways, I've spent the last few months obsessively researching Townsend Brown's work and ZPF theories. I'm currently working on setting up my ultra high vacuum chamber and getting my die cast ready to make some barium titanate cones for an asymmetric capacitor, as well as documenting my research investigations, hoping to release the detailed report soon. I noticed that the recent discussion's surrounding Lue's comments on Jesse's channel might align with what I'm interested in.

My actual write up is about 20 pages and would not be a light read. I'm just going to give a high level overview of some interesting connections I've looked at. Don't be afraid to fact check me on anything, I'm writing this up super quick and will make mistakes.

1. Infrared

  • If I'm not mistaken, Lue Elizondo and Hal Puthoff worked together.
  • Hal's research says Zero Point Field interactions have emissions in the infrared spectrum. I'll come back to drop the reference, but (off tha dome) Hal mentions the Casmir effect's vacuum decay resulting in thermal emission in a lot of his research. Although I remember reading a paper that has a more detailed theoretical frame for ZPF fluctuation interaction having emissions in infrared.

2. Material "ablation" as it relates to anomalous force production

Normal Vacuum Arc Thruster operating

  • Jesse Micheal's video on Townsend Brown mentioned two papers (NASA and the Air Force) that attempt to replicate Townsend's experiments. Jesse said that neither of them show anything weird. This is objectively false. Btw that's not a bash on Jesse, research papers are not easy to dissect, and I wouldn't be looking into this if I hadn't seen the video, although I remain somewhat skeptical.
  • Across all experimental work and theoretical work, a few things jump out at me:
    • Anomalous forces are only observed, or at least they're pronounced, at ultra high vacuum.
    • Rapid non-linear charge or discharge of high electrostatic accumulation. Discharge across a high energy asymmetric capacitor, the vacuum arc is a result of electrode material undergoing a phase transition to plasma, thus ablating the material. Physical mechanical electric thrust techniques have been well established such as Vacuum Arc Thruster's, Pulsed Plasma thrusters, etc. But hardly any have been studied with a high energy constant dielectric material with an asymmetric configuration.
  • Air Force's "Twenty First Century Propulsion Concept"
    • In this paper they have an entire section called "Anomalies". In this section they discuss significant anomalous force measurements for one specific set of conditions. When they were investigating the effect of using a high energy dielectric with the asymmetric capacitor in test 81 and 82, vacuum arcs (plasma) were observed across the electrodes, followed by very significant unexplained forces. They didn't observe or at least note any material loss. The ionized cathode material is what is seen to be ablated in vacuum arc thrusters. Interestingly, the field lines usually direct this material to be shot out the back with vacuum arc thrusters, but in the Air Forces paper the material would have been directed towards the large anode plate. Seemingly pushing on itself to go forward, although the laws of conservation prevent this, so another unexplained force must be at play.
  • NASA's "Asymmetrical Capacitors for Propulsion" and updated publication for the same experiment "The ISR Asymmetrical Capacitor Thruster, Experimental Results and Improved Designs"
    • "When Device 2 wired according to Circuit A was placed in the chamber and immediately pumped down to a pressure of 5.5 × 10–5 Torr, something interesting happened. The voltage on it was increased to 44 kV, and through the viewing port a large arc was observed. At that same moment, the device was seen to move about an eighth of a rotation and stop." ... "The large arc that was observed suggests that this movement was most likely caused by material being ejected from the device. This material might be either the copper on the plates or it might be water vapor." ... "The amount of material that would be necessary to cause this slight one time movement would be hard to detect."
    • This occurred only with one test configuration at vacuum, when a dielectric was placed between the electrodes with a breakdown across the electrodes.
    • They say that the amount of material that would've caused this would've been hard to detect? Let's see. They include in their calculations for the case of material ablation that this event had a constant force of 0.014 N for a material alation speed of 931 m/s. This would result in a loss of 15 mg every second. I was really annoyed that they didn't provide the total expected material loss, so I did it myself.
    • In the second paper, they provide the moment of inertia and radius of the arm to the axis of rotation for this device (Device 2). Thankfully, this allowed me to calculate that with the 0.014 N, starting from rest, using angular acceleration we can derive the amount of time it would take to complete a 1/8th of a rotation. Which gave me 2.66 seconds. Great!
    • 2.66 seconds X 15mg/s = 40mg.
    • Okay, so not a lot of material. But reading through vacuum arc thruster papers, this wouldn't be even close to possible for a single breakdown event. The specific impulse of the current would've been huge for a 44kV discharge, but given the distance between the electrodes and the usual discharge times (on the order of nano seconds, or micro seconds), removing 40mg of material is out of the question. Also, this would imply large particles being ejected, which is very undesirable and horrible for efficiency of thrust in VAT's. So maybe it was multiple discharges and they didn't notice? I'm not sure.
    • Okay so what? Well other than that, they neglect to say which direction the device rotated, assuming they would've denoted a backwards rotation, it can be assumed that the device moved from the cathode to the anode (negative to positive).
    • Based on every IEEE paper on vacuum arc thrusters, the material would've been removed from the cathode. This is interesting. For NASAs configuration, as the material was ionized, it would've moved along the field lines to the anode, resulting in backwards motion.
    • I should mention, 0.014 N isn't nothing. They're second best performing device (4 A) that used ion wind at atmosphere produced .028 N and rotated at 128 RPM. Since the spark event occurred in a high vacuum, neglecting air and bearing resistance, given a constant 0.014 N, if the sparks were constant, it would rotate at 127 RPM.
    • NASA removed details of the spark event and any material ablation calculations in their updated paper... ;)
  • Thomas Townsend Brown:
    • I doubt anyone is aware of what I'm about to include. Townsend Brown had personal scientific notebooks he didn't want ever released. Against his will, after his death, one of his family members transcribed and released notebooks 1, 2, and 4. Notebook 3 was never released. These contain many different experiments and hypotheses, and really out there stuff. But I think they provide a very unique and closer look into Townsends unfiltered thoughts. In regards to the subject at hand, I'll include this.
    • In notebook 1, well, I'll just let you read:
      • "42. The Impulse Effect in the Force Developed by a Simple Capacitor in Vacuum. In the dynamic phase of the electrogravitic interaction, the force developed by a system of electric dipoles is believed to vary with the rate-of-change of the voltage between the dipoles.  This force, independent of the movement of ions or any mechanical reaction therefrom, operates in the direction of negative-to-positive as the voltage is increasing, and, presumably, in the opposite direction as the voltage is decreasing.  In vacuum (10-6 mm Hg or less), an interesting effect is observed.  Any simple vacuum capacitor will appear to flash as the voltage increases, and, concurrent with the vacuum spark, an impulse force is noted in the direction of the negative to positive."
      • 43. The Nature of the Vacuum Spark, as related to the initiation of an electrogravitic impulse. The vacuum spark is apparently not due to a flow of electrons, although aflow of electrons may accompany the discharge.  Initiation of the "flash", as it is called from observations in the dark, appear to be related to anode conditions such as shape (field intensity) and the metal comprising the anode. In a recently evacuated system, flashing starts at a comparatively low voltage, 30-40 KV. It becomes less frequent at this low range and then ceases altogether. A higher voltage is then required

50 to 60 KV, which causes a succession of flashes which, in turn, cease. At 80-90 KV, flashing is intense for a time, but finally ceases. At 130-140 KV, the flashing is quite intense and cease only after a considerable time. It is believed that a threshold may be reached between 150-200 KV where flashing will be sustained and continuous.  The electrogravitic forces developed by the rapid succession of impulses which accompany the flashing in...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Barkode5133 on 2024-10-13 01:54:25+00:00.

It's just a thought but hear me out.

I've been following the topic of aliens and UFO's for a long time now, never really been involved in discussions but I've read lots of interesting theories over the years and I guess I've cherrypicked parts of other theories to come up with this idea.

I just watched a video on project bluebeam where the shadow government plan to create this new world order, one world government, perfect utopian society etc, but essentially its just enslaving everyone so the rich elite can stay the rich elite and control everything and everyone for their own benefit. Which is what prompted this thought.

Let's say millions of years ago, humanity evolved much the same way as us today. They enact their own version of project bluebeam, (or through some other means) create their own perfect utopian society for the benefit of the rich. They've developed advanced AI to run every aspect of their lives. They've cracked biological immortality and selective breeding/genetics. They no longer need a massive population of slave workers to benefit them as their tech handles it all. They retreat underground (possibly to escape an extinction event) as it's the safest place to maintain a long term civilisation, leaving the rest of us 'workers' on the surface as we're no longer needed.

The rich assholes now have their own perfect society going on underground while the surface dwellers get wiped out by some natural disaster. Millions of years go by, completely erasing every trace of there ever being anyone here before. The rich, still underground, bask in their highly advanced, technologically assisted comfortable lives, never needing for anything.

One day they get curious. They wonder if humanity was to start out all over again, would we turn out the same? Maybe conditions are different now and they want to see how that would affect our evolution.

They create us, occasionally nudging us along when things get stale, giving us myths, legends, religions etc, but largely keep their presence unknown as to not affect the results.

We are simply their experiment. Basically the zookeeper theory, only its not some different, far away alien species that discovered and are watching over us, its just, us. They don't care if we wage war and kill each other along the way, just so long as we don't completely wipe ourselves out. That's why they fuck with nukes, to make sure we don't set off a nuclear war and destroy ourselves. They want to see how we progress. They want to see if we take the same 'tech tree' as they once did or do things differently. Can't do that if we're all dead. Even though extinction would be a valid scientific result, they've invested thousands of years into this and they'd rather not have to wait millions of years to start over and recreate the experiment so that's the only time they get involved, simply to save them the inconvenience of restarting all over.

We are however just an experiment, so if we get too advanced and too unruly and actually become a threat to them, they could just hit the exterminate button and wipe us out completely if they deemed it necessary for their own protection.

So yeah, basically, they are us. Just millions of years more advanced. We are simply a rich people curiosity experiment.

Maybe our elite know this and are trying to follow in their footsteps, recreate their technology and society.

Maybe all the secrecy around 'national security' and the suppression of these advanced technologies is because our current leaders know that if we start to become too advanced and hence a threat, we will be wiped out, so they plan on using this advanced recovered and reverse engineered tech to one day be able to wage war with this more advanced society so they're no longer a threat to us, and all the secrecy and compartmentalisation is so they don't find out what we're planning until we're ready to strike.

Or maybe they know there is no possible way we would win that fight, so they intentionally keep us from advancing too much just to ensure our survival.

In a way, similar to the plot point of the Horizon games where a small group of billionaires flee into space to avoid extinction, only to return a thousand years later with highly advanced tech while the rest of humanity on Earth started over basically from scratch and are currently in a tribal phase. Only instead of space they went underground, and instead of only a thousand years going by where remnants of the past civilisation still exist, it's been millions of years so nothing remains.

It's just a passing thought I wanted to share. If anyone wants to build on it, expand on it, change it, rip it to pieces, by all means ✌️👽👍

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/weebSanity on 2024-10-13 01:25:59+00:00.

Just gave this a watch, and my mind is kinda blown

Dr. James T. Ryder (1945 – 2018) was a retired Vice President of Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company and former head of the Advanced Technology Center. Jim discusses recent discoveries about the Sun, Stars, Galaxies, and Space itself. The discoveries point towards the Ageless Wisdom notion that stars and galaxies are living organisms in a conscious, electrically dynamic universe. The nature of light itself is further revealed by the discoveries forcing mankind to raise the question: “what then is light?” As one example, at the edge of our solar system the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft revealed a bright “ribbon” of light. This region of high electro-magnetic tension hints at the cellular structure of the great entity, SPACE. (Talk Recorded in 2015)

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Ramble_On21 on 2024-10-13 01:00:22+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/chronic_canuck on 2024-10-13 00:11:35+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/We-All-Die-One-Day on 2024-10-12 23:39:45+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/ffrogge81 on 2024-10-12 22:54:41+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/McTech0911 on 2024-10-12 22:26:37+00:00.

Original Title: This paper explains it guys: “spinning shafts (or discs) in the presence of an oscillating magnetic field at matching frequencies (and higher) pulls energy from the quantum vacuum and amplifies original field. This is known as the Zel’dovich effect and it’s just been proven ”

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/showmeufos on 2024-10-12 22:24:48+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PNW_tw on 2024-10-12 21:32:17+00:00.

Robert Bigelow once noted about “aliens” that, “They’re here, they’ve always been here and they’re right under your nose.”

I tend to agree with him.

Of all the “UFO theories” that have been floated, the idea that gets the least airtime is that “they” are here on or indigenous (of sorts) to Earth.

But why? Why is idea “they” live right here on Earth so far-fetched? We know “UFOs” exist. I have personally witnessed a disk - only one disk, one time, clear as day.

For the purposes of confirmation, I don’t need to see another one.

Bigelow’s commentary then is entirely plausible. So plausible that his comments may represent a take that checks out and can be validated with other, non-UFO related data and some notably human logic - no looking to the stars required.

The balance of this piece outlines in a reasonably detailed but non-exhaustive way the concept that one of the most obvious rational for why we see UFOs is that they are right here and have been all along.

With that…

Cohabitation Theory: Humans cohabitate Earth with at minimum one other advanced species of technologically advanced beings who are more technologically advanced than humans and avoid human contact at scale.

To Start: An Alien Perspective on Humans

For more than 75 years, humanity has documented UFO encounters alongside reports of “alien abductions” and other associated phenomena.

Despite numerous sightings and experiences our visitors have never revealed themselves to us or said “hello!” at scale with very few noteworthy exceptions like The Phoenix Lights, The Battle of Los Angeles and UFOs over The White House. The lack of introduction to the masses beyond witnessing of craft has only furthered the mystery around what these craft are and who occupies them.

Humanity, at a baseline, has long assumed that we are the dominant and only human-level intelligent species on Earth; technologically advanced, bipedal, critical thinking skills, use tools, etc. Our common shared belief is that we as humans represent the apex of advancement when taking all factors into account.

Some have argued against this point saying that humans are not the “strongest” animal. That’s true, but, we have tools. The combination of brains and brawn allowed us to hunt massive creatures in our stone age days. Fast forward to now and - properly kitted - there is not a single animal species on the planet (that we’re aware of) we can’t otherwise defeat in mortal combat.

Said another way, if the above was not the case, we’d all be cowering in fear of the apex predator. Remember, the apex predator is defined not in terms of only physical prowess but who has the ability to defeat the other - “tools” aren’t “cheating” they are an off shoot of our brainpower and body structure.

Make no mistake, humans have dominated planet Earth.

Humans have explored all parts of the world, conquered the animal kingdom and even explore space.

If there was a species “above” humans we’d probably have found them, right?

Maybe not…

“Alien” Perspective: Humans are a Massive Threat to Everything

Consider for a moment how “aliens” may view humans.

Humans are extremely violent - one of the few species that kills its own kind ongoing. We have a hard-wired fight or flight mechanism, are tribal by nature, scare easily and possess another gear when truly rattled; so much so the human mind “blanks” and all focus turns to defense. History is littered with examples of people doing “super human” things when put in extreme situations. We are emotional, hard-wired biological war machines of the highest order - with brains that are amazing processors or information to boot.

To say that differently, on a day-to-day basis humans are the greatest threat to other humans. Pretty sad, but, true.

Aliens would have observed us - reconnaissance- and fairly quickly determined we like to kill each other, smear others on this thing called “the internet”, turned governance into bloodsport, leave many of our fellow humans in unhealthy conditions, fight with each other ongoing, etc. Not really the most inviting bunch, collectively. To the contrary, a legitimate mortal threat to the “aliens” should we somehow be provoked.

Once “aliens” abducted a human, they almost certainly assessed our biology and understand our fight or flight mechanism and limitations of our strength. We’re a formidable machine that’s biologically equipped for violence - and there are billions of us here on Earth. Ability and numbers.

Humans are also armed to the teeth with all kinds of kinetic weaponry including weapons of a magnitude that could render our planet uninhabitable - we can blow ourselves up at a planetary level.

Painted this way, humans would be approached extremely cautiously if at all. Our emotional nature makes the outcome of contact unpredictable.

This is important because whether “aliens” are here, there or anywhere there is a probability they have taken a more observational/do not engage stance.

This is particularly true if you live here and fear that we would use our nuclear weapons and render the planet dead - and if they live here they care a lot more about the planet than us. Live and let live is AOK right up until we went nuclear and threatened their planet, too.

The nature of humans explains everything from why they don’t say hi, why the need to abduct us in our sleep or when alone and why they seem to be interested in our nuclear activity and water systems. There have been l sightings or encounters where the “aliens” warn us about harming “the planet” - not always “your planet” - which infers we have a shared environment.

Painting humans like the above, I wouldn’t want to say hi either - and rationally explains why we have not had “contact”. We humans have to do better if we want that to happen (like, maybe coexist with other humans, to start).

An aside, this commentary speaks to the darker side of humanity. There are many wonderful components of humanity. However, if you’re “aliens” the risk is definitely to the downside as it pertains to human interaction. It’s not so much there is more “bad than good” it’s that the potential bad is, well, pretty catastrophic if you’re “them”.

We Have Been Told “They” are “Out There”

For the past at least 100 years, humans have been under the belief that “alien life” is “out there” - “aliens” must come from space. We have used telescopes, satellites, radio telescopes - and more - to search for “them” under the guise we are “alone” in terms of at-least-human level intelligence and ability here on Earth.

This belief is fortified by everything we are aware of at scale and is backed by my “apex predator” commentary above; obviously “they” aren’t here or humans would have found them, right?

On that basis, we don’t focus energy on finding “aliens” here on Earth. Archeology is largely not followed by the masses (and oddly very secretive unto itself), “history” is boring to people and the widely accepted belief that we represent the tip of the crescendo of humanoid evolution. Right here, right now.

The notion of thinking we share our planet with another advanced species is utter insanity, right? It is impossible!

Perhaps not.

Consider this - documented history goes back maybe 20k years and in terms of our scientific/more-less-fact-based understanding goes back maybe 250k years and it’s very murky looking that far in the rear view.

The Great Dying occurred about 250 million years ago. The earth was habitable at that time (well, minus the dying) and could have supported human life. If we just start at 250k years ago, all of known history over the last 250k years could have played out 1000 times over - easily - and we have no idea what happened. Said otherwise, we at best know 1/1000 or .001 or .1% of what has happened on Earth just since The Great Dying - we know effectively nothing (at least on a public or open-source basis).

In 250 million years, Earth could have terraformed itself several times over. You’d have no idea that a civilization was here (or very little idea) given a long enough timeframe. Earth could have been home to extremely advanced civilizations - well beyond us technologically, spiritually, etc. - and we’d have no idea.

That is all far from an impossibility. In fact, we have found very unusually advanced artifacts all over the world. There is reason to postulate we have been far more advanced here on Earth, at times, than is commonly believed to be true.

When you consider this perspective, the notion of being “ancient” but “highly advanced” shifts from being nothing but a “conspiracy theory” to being at minimum a reality you cannot rule out as we have physical evidence many ancient “advancements” have occurred.

If there were - or rather, are - civilizations that have existed for hundreds or perhaps millions of years, where are they?

Good question.

Using Scale

Pausing to connect the dots:

  • We have convinced ourselves we are the apex species/predator on Earth - so we don’t look here for other forms of advanced intelligent life.
  • Humans are violent by nature, at scale and this is proven over and over again - approach with caution if you’re ET.
  • Humans, perhaps erroneously, assume current-day humans represent the peak of advancement that Earth has ever seen - which is a dubious assumption at best.

Next, we explore how scale demonstrates how it’s possible another advanced species exists here on Earth - right now -...

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Ok-Breadfruit-3523 on 2024-10-12 18:46:36+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Boiled_Beets on 2024-10-12 18:34:00+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Runner_one on 2024-10-12 18:08:13+00:00.

In know this is nothing earth shattering or even if anyone will believe me.

I served in the Air Force in the early 80s as a Vehicle Operator / Dispatcher my AFSC was 603x0 and I was stationed at Carswell AFB, Ft. Worth, TX. In our squadron we had a civilian driver that worked part time as a relief driver, he was retired military and was probably in his upper 60s at the time, maybe early 70s. We simply referred to him as Mr. Jim.

He began his shift at 4:30 am. Some days were busier than others and on less busy days Mr. Jim would sit and read the newspaper.

One morning with a light workload, the rest of us were all sitting around talking, when the discussion turned to UFOs. I don't remember what the exact discussion was or what started it but Mr. Jim put down his newspaper and said, "Did I ever tell you guys the story about the time they brought a flying saucer through here?"

Of course that got our attention, and I will relate what I can remember he said to the best of my recall.

According to Mr. Jim, sometime after World War II, he was on duty at Carswell when the base was locked down for a period of time. No one knew why at the time, but according to Mr. Jim, later scuttlebutt on the base was that a flying saucer had crashed out west somewhere and they were taking it back east. Apparently they had landed at Carswell to move the wreckage to another aircraft. That was all he knew. This discussion took place sometime about 1985 as I left the Air Force in 1986,

It wasn't until 1992 that Stanton Friedman published his book, "Crash at Corona", that brought Roswell into the public eye. The most interesting part of the whole thing and the reason I have long remembered that discussion with Mr. Jim is the fact that it later became part of UFO lore that whatever crashed at Roswell was taken by aircraft to what was at the time Carswell Army Air field before being taken on to Wright Patterson Ohio.

Mr. Jim told us that story long before Roswell popular in the public eye, and his story lined up perfectly with what later became public knowledge. Maybe there is another explanation for Mr. Jim's story, maybe it means something, maybe it means nothing, maybe you don't believe me, that's ok, I just wanted to tell someone my little interesting tidbit of history.


Edit2 follow-up: I had forgotten about Charles Berlitz's book in 1980. But I still believe Mr. Jim was relating events as he remembered them.

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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/VolarRecords on 2024-10-12 10:45:08+00:00.

Original Title: Anti-gravity & electro-gravitics deep-dive and video compilation ft. Mark McCandlish and his designs for the Flux Airliner, the death of anti-gravity researchers, ancient Vimanas, X-Files referring to a supposed real-life ARV, or Alien Reproduction Vehicles

TL;DR Anti-gravity is real, it's derived from reverse-engineered UFO/UAP tech, and people have been killed over it. Free Energy and suppressed science are real.

Here's a supercut I made.

Medium article version here:

The first clip above is from a documentary titled "Zero Point - The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Flux Airliner" by filmmaker John Allen.

Part of the clip is McClandish's study of Shakuna Vimana's, Mercury-powered ships written about in a Sanskrit text, written by a King in the 11th Century. Of the Internet Archive is down that contains this file. But thankfully there's this post on r/Aliens from a year ago about Vimanas.

The Rukma Vimana Mentioned in the Mahabharata Was a Flying Metal Machine Equipped With Powerful Weapons, Including a Laser-Like Beam / And the statue of Shiva In Front of CERN Is Not a Coincidence

The Rukma Vimana is mentioned in the Mahabharata as a flying machine that was used by the hero Arjuna.

This flying machine is described as having great speed and maneuverability, and is said to be able to travel vast distances through the air and even into outer space.

It is said to have been made of metal and to have been equipped with powerful weapons, including a laser-like beam that could destroy enemies.

The Brahmastra was a divine weapon that could destroy entire armies and cities, and was said to be capable of causing widespread devastation. It was only to be used as a last resort. It is described that the use of this weapon causes a bright light and a loud noise, that will leave behind a barren wasteland in its wake. It sounds a lot like a nuclear weapon.

In my latest posts you can see that the symbols seen in the Socorro and Roswell incidents can be found in the ancient 'Brahmi script', 'Kharosthi script', 'the Gupta script', 'the Siddham script', and the Tibetan script, the pleo-sanskrit. There is also an old case in Japan with similar symbols seen on a UFO.

I also believe that the symbols seen in the Rendlesham Forest incident can be found in these old languages. The Vedas are the oldest and most sacred texts of Hinduism teach that the universe is eternal and that all things are interconnected. They describe the nature of the ultimate reality, known as Brahman, as an all-encompassing, unchanging, and infinite existence that underlies everything in the universe.

According to the Vedas, human beings are not separate from the universe but are interconnected with all other living beings and with the cosmos as a whole.

This corresponds with quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement. In a way, we are all made up of particles that are interconnected with each other, forming a large quantum web where everything is connected.

It sounds like they had knowledge that doesn't correspond with their time. To me, this proves that the ancient 'gods' were not super-powerful deities or aliens. Rather, they were the elite survivors of an inevitable doomsday.

I think we should explore the concept of interdimensionality and the quantum consciousness that is connected to phenomena more deeply. Additionally, I am not ruling out the possibility of aliens too.

Now the interdimensional concept:

The statue of Shiva in front of CERN is not a coincidence. And it's connected to the UAP/UFO phenomenon. Here's how:

In Hinduism, as expressed in the oldest Vedic texts, it is believed that everything in the universe is interconnected, and that ultimately, we all come from the same source.

Quantum physics, through the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, suggests that everything in the universe may be connected, forming a vast network of entanglement between all particles. Or even better String theory suggests that all matter and forces in the universe are made up of tiny one-dimensional strings.

These strings are not just isolated objects, but rather they are all interconnected in a complex web of interactions. String theory suggests that the universe has ten dimensions - nine spatial dimensions and one time dimension - and that the extra dimensions are "curled up" in a way that is not directly observable in our everyday experience.

Hence the Interdimensional Phenomenon and the more powerful beings influencing our reality... So today we are experiencing two phenomenons. The nuts and bolts UFO phenomenon and the more powerful and complex Inter-dimensional phenomenon. Both are explained in ancient texts from all around the world. But why did the ancients have such knowledge? Because we are not the only advanced civilization, we are much older and the nuts and bolts UFO phenomenon comes from the survivors of the last doomsday event.

And yes, we can find the details in our ancient texts from all parts of the world. The problem is there is a brake away civilization and we are kept in the dark.

They know that the cycle is coming back soon, the inevitable catastrophic event.

So back to Shiva, the god of life and destruction:

The statue captures Shiva performing the Tandava, a dance believed to be the source of the cycle of creation, preservation and destruction.

The dance exists in five forms which shows the cosmic cycle from creation to destruction:

'Srishti' - creation, evolution

'Sthiti' - preservation, support

'Samhara' - destruction, evolution

'Tirobhava' - illusion

'Anugraha' - release, emancipation, grace

The cycle is repeating, but there is a place on the planet where all human knowledge is preserved from the destruction and corruption. And if you read my posts you'll know what I'm talking about.

And there are some people and world Governments who are fully prepared for this. Is this why disclosure is so hard to happen?

Also included is a BTS clip from an episode of the X-Files about an ARV, or Alien Reproduction Vehicle.

As well as portions of the Why Files? episode on Mark McClandish.

And this piece by the BBC on Project Moonglow. But I'll circle back around to this in my next anti-gravity research post.

Lastly, I included a new Angry Astronaut clip about Avi Loeb and the spherules he and his team have found after dragging the ocean floor off of Papua New Guinea with magnets in the search of IM-1, an object that crashed in 2014. As Loeb looked into it later, the DoD provided him with the coordinates for the crash.

Over time, McKandlish grew so paranoid that he slept with .9mm gun beneath his pillow, and in April 2021 died as the result of shotgun blast to the head, which was deemed a suicide. There were also heavy metals found in his system.

In his public obit, noted NASA hacker Gary McKinnon left a comment:

Gary McKinnon (born 10 February 1966) is a Scottish[1] systems administrator and hacker who was accused by a US prosecutor in 2002 of perpetrating the "biggest military computer hack of all time".[2] McKinnon said that he was looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFO activity and other technologies potentially useful to the public. On 16 October 2012, after a series of legal proceedings in Britain, then Home Secretary Theresa May blocked extradition to the United States.

I wasn't familiar with McKandlish until the excellent UAP_Gerb mentioned his story in my recent interview with him.

In May 2021, noted anti-gravity researcher Amy Erskine died under mysterious circumstances after publicly coming out about anti-gravity research that she and her father had been doing that was suppressed by NASA.

**In June 2021, David Grusch testified behind closed doors to Congress regarding his investigation as part of the UAP Task Force looking into a UFO/UAP Unidentified Special Access Program involving crash-retrieval and ...

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So, Elizondo says a few things that are wild and absolutely bone-chilling.

In it he talks about Will Livingston (I think we now know him as Kit Greene?). A CIA Medical Consultant who worked at the "weird desk" in the CIA.

In the book, Elizondo talks about how he had specific interests he asked Livingston about regarding "alleged alien implants found in humans". He wrote the following characteristics:

  • "From what I read, often living tissue grew around implants, but such growths never contained anything but the patient's DNA in them."
  • "when researchers scrape away the human tissue, they find objects that resembled a technical device in size and shape but without any circuitry whatsoever"
  • "I once handled one of these implants myself, provided to me by a hospital in the Department of Veterans Affairs, where it had been removed from a US military service member who had encounter a UAP."

Now the interesting stuff of note for me:

  • "I already knew from other research and interviews that doctors had seen cases where the alleged alien implants evaded extraction by moving subcutaneously when doctors tried to excise it"
  • "Physicians really had to work to pin down and cut out the objects"
  • "Doctors reported detecting the implant moving, but there weren't any obvious signs of pathway destruction.
  • "It was as if the body didn't know the object was there in the first place."

My question is, if these implants are so ambulatory, move around, hide themselves from detection, encase itself in the host's tissue and consequently, in their DNA - then how were they discovered to begin with? Were the patients/hosts exhibiting any signs of distress or pain in the area? Has Elizondo ever talked about this?

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