Vintage Story

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Discussion of the game Vintage Story, a block survival game similar to Minecraft but with more emphasis on realism and depth of gameplay.

founded 2 years ago

I mainly watched Python's Terraria videos, so it was a surprise for me to see him make video about Vintage Story. Anyway, more fame for the VS :D


I know you can craft it, buy I don't want to spend my coal on calcinating flint.


Reposting this here to bring some life to this community.

  • Feature: For multiplayer servers, added a connection queue for when a game server is full (Experimental, off by default. Set MaxClientsInQueue in serverconfig.json to a value above 0 to activate it - the number determines how many players are allowed to sit waiting in the queue)

  • Feature: For multiplayer, added a ModWhiteList for better control of used mods on game servers (set via serverconfig.json)

  • Tweak: The decorative chimney block now covers entire bottom of block, and provides a solid downward face for creating a room

  • Tweak: Interactions with a tamed Elk, such as mounting/unmounting and attaching/removing attachments, is now only possible for the Elk's owner. (As a reminder, attach a medallion to an Elk's brow to claim ownership)

  • Tweak: Further reduced spawn quantity of new mobs during Temporal Storms

  • Tweak: Some animals need to be of a certain generation before they can be roped. Goats are now rope tieable

  • Tweak: Added tongs transforms to a large number of metal and ceramic items

  • Performance tweaks:

    • Fix a source of server-side lag spikes (Technical info: Addresses 5-200ms despawn times for individual entities, entities should now be despawning in microseconds)
    • Reduce server RAM use by approximately 82MB through reducing duplicate Block/Item/Entity data
    • Doubles the client side framerate around lots of entities, e.g. when spawning 2000 chickens
    • Reduce overkill butterfly spawn attempts
  • Tweak: Reduce error log spam when too many sounds get loaded, now prints a notification 2x per second instead

  • Tweak: On client startup, silently re-try to verify the single player session a second time if the first one fails

  • Tweak: Allow /wgen pregen command to be run from console

  • Tweak: On World creation when the worldname is empty choose a random one again

  • Tweak: Fix role change audit log: caller name, role and target player name were not in the correct order

  • Tweak: Update community translations

  • Fixed: Should permanently fix player phasing into blocks when getting damaged

  • Fixed: Minimap opening at game start when it was supposed to be turned off

  • Fixed: Beehive Kiln instantly firing blocks inside

  • Fixed: Colors in character customization screen now named correctly

  • Fixed: Should prevent tamed Elks attacking players after suffering fall damage and similar

  • Fixed: Should fix Elk teleporting into Lava/Boiling water

  • Fixed: Water rendering at the wall of a solid block (e.g. on a chiseled trough)

  • Fixed: Light brown raw daub recipe only allow each sand to work with one clay type, rather than either sand with either clay type.

  • Fixed: Rift Ward was blocking rifts even when not activated

  • Fixed: Devastated soil and rock were chiselable

  • Fixed: Treasure Hunter Trader should drop item when giving a map to a player whose inventory is full

  • Fixed: Treasure maps could get broken by regenerating/deleting chunks and cause server-side errors

  • Fixed: 2nd Story Chapter boss stuck in mid air

  • Fixed: Land Claims would not work properly for large ones like the Devastation area after a restart

  • Fixed: Maybe fixes players able to break the Jonas lens on the tower

  • Fixed: Chat not opening on Broadcast messages like Temporal Storm warnings.

  • Fixed: Command: Waypoint modify command did not check the waypoint index correctly and could cause an error

  • Fixed: Server throwing an exception when the masterserver sends an invalid response

  • Fixed: Rare issue where player group commands op/deop/kick would not work properly on some servers

  • Fixed: Can pick up ingot molds while holding a mold

  • Fixed: Overhead chat message no longer displayed

  • Fixed: Log spam with charcoal pits when it has ground stored objects inside the charcoal pit (BlockFirepit.IsFirewoodPile)

  • Fixed: Server side exceptions thrown by a bowl of meal in water

  • API Change: Certain elements of blocks, items and entities which are intended for use on client-side only - for example, Textures and ShapeInventory - are now null on a server after game start. (Mods are not expected to make use of these on the server-side: if a coded mod experiences new "Object reference not set" errors in game versions 1.20.4+, it may need to check its code to ensure that code referencing these things runs only on client-side.)

  • API Change: Added Block.CanAcceptFallOnto() method, for thread safety this must be used if implementing Block.OnFallOnto()

Login Issues? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

UPDATE: The issue seems to have resolved itself. Wonder if it was just a high traffic moment with the new release or something.

I just convinced some friends to try the game and the purchase part went smoothly, but then logging in to download did not work. Just gave a blank error message. I then tried logging in with my account and got the same thing. Then tried the password reset page and also got a blank error code there. Anyone have any ideas?


I am considering snagging a family pack, as we are looking for something cool to host at home and play for a while. Is this engaging enough to keep us all hooked for a bit?

Can a self hosted server function for the evening if my ISP goes down?

I have been eyeballing this game for a bit now, and am almost ready to pull the trigger on it, any opinions would be appreciated!


Edit: WELP I FORGOT TO CHECK THE AUDIO. SMH. I'll have to fix up the video! Added filename matching to the list of designs in your portfolio, added copy protecting (from the pantograph) to chiseled blocks, and fixed a bug!


Actually back to modding again - this time adding a system to Chisel Tools where you can save chiseled block data to your computer to share between worlds & servers.


I just found out you can place and retrieve rope Ladders from the top of the ladder! This is a game changer for spelunking! 🤯


Especially if you add the Joy of Sailing mod (though wind needs some fixing), having oceans has really changed the character of the game IMO. Just something about hitting the ocean to try and find new lands (that hopefully have that one mineral you need...) And hoping you have enough food!

Hopefully vanilla boats get some love, the raft is not great.