this post was submitted on 19 Jul 2023
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A community for discussing Plex Media Server. Plex Media Server is a smart software that makes playing movies, tv shows, and other media on your computer simple.

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I currently have 90Tb of libraries shared via a Windows server. I've been using Mediasonic hard drive enclosures with 8 or 16Tb drives and Windows/Intel storage spaces for 4 drives for the "Movies" library, 8 drives for the "TV" library, and another 4 drives for "Photos" and other random NAS. I literally only share with family, but, that's still about 12 users across the US due to school. I have a stable 1000/1000Mb fiber connection that has been working perfectly for the past few years. So, my issue now is, I want to host my own Lemmy, Matrix, and NextCloud servers, but they all seem to need a Linux-based server. I've read in the past that Linux Plex servers run into a lot of issues since it was designed to run on Windows. I'm not averse to buying yet another computer, but, before I do that I thought I would seek some advice if I should combine everything into one Linux server, or leave Plex as its own Windows server and put everything else on a new device.

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[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Id like to recommend unRaid, its linux but has a nice gui you can access through your browser and just makes running everything super simple, you can install dockers almost like you would install an app on your phone. I use the official plex docker and followed the trash guides to get atomic moves working, I also run a few minecraft and valheim server, all the arrs, speedtest, aichat bot, ai art generator, a windows 11 VM etc etc and has been running great. unraid also makes it super easy to add or upgrade drives as you go