this post was submitted on 01 Aug 2024
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[–] 18 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

The spider.

Story: It was my very first night playing MC towards the tail end of Alpha. I dug a small hole into the side of a mountain to shelter for the night, but left a 2 block wide window for me to look out.

I was watching all the mobs spawn across the surface feeling a bit nervous, until I watch as a spider (first time seeing one) slowly rise up to meet my eyes in the window. Because the window was 2 blocks wide, it crawled into my hole killing me.

It's my most vivid early MC memory that's stuck with me. So to me, the spiderbro is best bro.

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (2 children)

About a year ago, I was playing with my younger kids watching. I had a home base above an extensive cave system that featured a ladder up a large stalactite as the main way in and out, as I figured that was plenty safe from mobs.

Was messing with something in the cave system, picked up a creeper on the way back, and dashed back to the ladder and started climbing out. Looked back down and the creeper was climbing the ladder after me! I'd never seen any mobs use ladders before! So I'm making these panicked shrieks in between laughing at my potential demise, the kids are cracking up, and I eventually get to the top and close a door behind me - but that panicked, giddy rush still sticks with me!

(I never looked into it - how long have creepers been able to climb ladders? And can most mobs do that now, or just them?)

[–] 10 points 5 months ago

Just looked it up and apparently enemy mobs have been able to climb ladders for over 10 years, but their AI pathing doesn't try to go up ladders so its uncommon.

I never knew they could either

[–] 4 points 5 months ago

It's been in there quite a while, I always have my ladders missing the bottom-most block so that they can't climb them. You jump onto the ladder and since mobs can't jump they can't follow you.

[–] 5 points 5 months ago

Now you build only one block wide windows.

Cave spider: let me introduce myself