this post was submitted on 06 Aug 2024
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Hi All,

About a year ago I transferred all my files to a new drive. I used filzezilla which did mostly ok-ish, but I didn't notice that some of the video files were corrupted. Random files will have a green tinge to them (like someone put a green filter over the lens).

It seems random, although if it's a series it's usually the whole series.

I've been replacing them as they come up, but I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas to expedite the process.

Thanks for any help!

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[–] 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

green tinge to them

Are you sure it's corrupted and not an unsupported HDR color format?

Corrupted files usually skip frames or get blocking and ghosting errors.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I certainly am not sure lol. I did try disabling the HDR tone mapping to no affect. It's possible this is the issue as when I transferred the library, it was to new hardware with a different GPU.

Is there a way to tell the color format from the file info?

Thank you!

Edit: I wanted to add context, as I think this may be the culprit. I initially transferred the files from one machine to another via filezilla. About a week after, we had a power outage, which screwed up the SSD that had the operating system (lesson learned about surge protectors). To get the Plex back and running quickly, I simply pulled the physical hard-drive, and popped it into a 3rd machine. So it does make sense to me that the file itself may be fine.

edit2: you are definitely onto it! I just downloaded the file to another machine, and it played with no color issues. So my guess is it's something to do with the GPU on the machine hosting plex?

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Navigate to a problematic movie or episode -> 3 dots -> Get info -> right column -> Color space

Usually SDR is bt709 and HDR is bt2020. In older codecs (h264) 10 or 12 bit color depth can also cause issues.

I'm not sure how tone mapping works on plex since I don't have a pass but with Jellyfin you need to setup OpenCL which is run on the GPU so your guess that a hardware change can break it is plausible.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm not seeing color space, but there's a bit depth of 8 and some schroma info. Also I'm seeing a codec: MPEG4 and a CodecID: XVID

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

That's a very old video format, which is definitely not HDR.

Some GPUs support the MPEG4 codec maybe try updating the driver. Did you try turning on or off Hardware acceleration for the transcodig?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

lol, just made the top level comment to say thank you. You nailed it! I may fool around with Tdarr to optimize my library. I'm working on my backup setup, so I'll use Tdarr on a limited duplicate, but will also keep a full original. I've been slowly saving and getting hardware for two fully redundant systems on fiber. Overkill for plex, but I've been working to start archiving different family media, and don't want to become family historian without offsite backups. I'm almost there and there should be enough space to "test drive" the conversion of the plex library without screwing anything up.