this post was submitted on 02 Dec 2024
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copy pasting the rules from last year's thread:

Rules: no spoilers.

The other rules are made up aswe go along.

Share code by link to a forge, home page, pastebin (Eric Wastl has one here) or code section in a comment.

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[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Advent of Code is one of these things I wanna do every year and then I end up in fucking end-of-the-year crunch time every December and work for 10-12 hours and really don't wanna code after work anymore.

But hey, here's a quick solution for day 1. Let's see how far I make it.

Day 1

use strict;
use List::Util qw( min max );

open(FH, '<', $ARGV[0]) or die $!;

my @left;
my @right;

while (<FH>) {
	my @nums = split /\s+/, $_;
	push(@left, $nums[0]);
	push(@right, $nums[1]);

@left = sort { $b <=> $a } @left;
@right = sort { $b <=> $a } @right;

my $dist = 0;
my $sim = 0;
my $i = 0;

foreach my $lnum (@left) {
	$sim += $lnum * grep { $_ == $lnum } @right;

	my $rnum = $right[$i++];
	$dist += max($lnum, $rnum) - min($lnum, $rnum);

print 'Part 1: ', $dist, "\n";
print 'Part 2: ', $sim, "\n";


[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Yay, day 3 with Regexp magic.

Day 3

open(FH, '<', $ARGV[0]) or die $!;
my $sum = 0;
my $sum2 = 0;

my $enabled = 1;

while (<FH>) {
    while ($_ =~ /(?:mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)|(do)\(\)|(don\'t)\(\))/g) {
        $enabled = 1 if $3;
        $enabled = 0 if $4;
        $sum += $1 * $2 if $1 && $2;
        $sum2 += $1 * $2 if $enabled && $1 && $2;


print "Part 1: $sum\n";
print "Part 2: $sum2\n";