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As someone who had a partner with chronic depression for 8 years, it doesn't rule you out, but here's the thing: you can't go into a relationship expecting it (or your partner) to solve your depression. Depression is an illness, not just being sad, the thing that makes it depression is the fact that there isn't some external thing (or lack of thing) making you sad, so a relationship isn't going to add anything that would help.
I'm aware everyone's experience is subjective, but drawing from my experience, you should avoid codependency. It would be very easy to fall into a relationship where your partner and the relationship becomes your source of self-worth, and caring for you becomes their source of self worth. I say this as someone who made that mistake and in the end both of us ended up happier once the relationship was over, but it was a very difficult situation to get out of for both parties. In the end caring for a partner as a source of self worth results in low self esteem, because nothing you can do will cure their depression, and both parties just end up completely burnt out.
Finally, avoid something I know my partner would have done after creating and reading this post: please don't take the advice to not date as 'proof' that you're not worth dating, that's not true. Really the advice should say: don't look for self-worth in a relationship.
At this point I don't think there will ever be a cure given how long I have lived with it. Part of me wants to date so that there is something humanly normal about my life, another part stays up late at night wishing there was someone to hug me when Im sad and someone to share my music, memes, and fan theories with, and part is just amorous I think. I'm not experienced enough with dating to even know how to avoid codependence. I haven't been in such a relationship but I also would know what to look for other than not have low self esteem.
There might not be a cure. I know that I don't expect mine to ever really go away. But even when it's still present, the degree to which you have it under control is a broad spectrum.
And yes, it is much more difficult for those of us with serious depression to maintain a healthy level of self-esteem, but it is not impossible by any means
Experience with dating is not how you avoid it. Self-esteem and being comfortable without a relationship are. That's why the advice is to get those things sorted first.