At a gathering of Christian nationalist preachers called Let Us Worship on Sunday night, Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward took to the stage with other political candidates to receive prayers and an endorsement from former Spokane Valley legislator-turned-pastor, Matt Shea.
The event came almost exactly four years after Woodward denounced what she called Shea's "divisive and extreme rhetoric and ideology." Onstage Sunday, Shea began by striking an unmistakable chord of reconciliation.
"I want you to extend your hands," Shea implored the crowd in a video of the event RANGE reviewed, “because we have an enemy we need to be fighting. His name is Satan. We don’t need to be fighting each other, amen?” The crowd shouted, “Amen.”
Woodward, her hands crossed in front of her, nodded positively.
On one hand, I feel bad for Spokane going through some really bad wildfires right now.
On the other hand, this right wing craphole produces terrible people, it seems.
From the psychologists who helped engineer President Bush's torture regime to Rachel fucking Dolezal, Spokane has it all!
Clearly the wildfires are burning the wrong things.