I think they honestly weren't, back in those days, or at least trying not to be.
Now google is a fully fledged advertising and marketing company
I already dumped google search in favor of DuckDuckGo years ago which gives objectively better results. Google search has been overrun with SEO spam since years ago
I'm getting rid of chrome, then of google drive, then what more... Google maps is a big one to drop too but it's so nice.
It sucks that a company builds good software and then just abuses the crap out of it but this is why we have open source!
Lastly I'll need to drop google from my Android phone, somehow.
"don't be evil" days have been over since forever ago.
ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_be_evil
Any organization that feels the need to outright claim without being asked that they're not evil are 100% projecting and are evil.
Even worse, the act of removing that from their motto.
"Fuck it everyone already knows we're evil no point in pretending now." -- Google, probably
I think they honestly weren't, back in those days, or at least trying not to be.
Now google is a fully fledged advertising and marketing company
I already dumped google search in favor of DuckDuckGo years ago which gives objectively better results. Google search has been overrun with SEO spam since years ago
I'm getting rid of chrome, then of google drive, then what more... Google maps is a big one to drop too but it's so nice.
It sucks that a company builds good software and then just abuses the crap out of it but this is why we have open source!
Lastly I'll need to drop google from my Android phone, somehow.
Nah. In the early days it made sense because Google was doing some really cool things.