this post was submitted on 18 Oct 2023
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I'm trying to understand why rolling shutter is a problem with electronic shutters, but not with electronic first curtain shutter modes. I've done lots of digging trying to get to the underlying reason for the difference, but I haven't had any luck, just various people talking about the fact it is a problem.

So fediverse photogs, who can help me with an answer?

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[โ€“] 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

I wouldn't worry too much about shutter wear - they're rated really highly, so while it is wear, I don't know that you'd realistically ever encounter an issue unless you were using the same body for tons and tons of work, and not replacing it for a very long time.

In my experience, the tradeoff is more "rolling shutter problems" vs "the loud noise of the shutter click". There are times and places where the shutter click can ruin moments, be outright forbidden, or will distract people. There are others where fast motion is occurring and the rolling shutter is an issue.

To me it's more of a question of "do I need to be silent? Then I need to use electronic". But if not, I may as well use electronic front/physical rear or just both physical. I think the "electronic front or mechanical front" is the more tricky question. I just don't use full electronic unless really necessary because I'm more worried about ruining shots than I am about my camera lasting 20+ years.

[โ€“] 1 points 11 months ago

Totally agree. That said, some cameras have way quieter mechanical shutters than others. For example, my A7III is pretty loud and sharp sounding. I used a Z6II for a bit and it was quieter and... less obtrusive? Fuji's X-H2s (can't speak for any of their other cameras) is very quiet.