this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2024
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I had plans for what my next game on Switch was going to be, but I spontaneously decided to play Paper Mario instead. I didn't expect to finish both of my games at once, so I'd rather have one of the replacements be something I don't have to think about too much. I've beaten the original game half a dozen times, so this will be a rather chill playthrough. As chill as it can be without any HP upgrades, I guess. I want those badges, baby!
I had plans for what my next game on PC was going to be, but I spontaneously decided to play Yakuza Kiwami 2 instead. I wish I'd had the chance to get into the series earlier, I have so much catching up to do! I think there's 10 games by now? I have yet to find the Mahjong parlor, gotta get through more of this silly side story involving Yakuza to get to the real game!
I'll try not to make plans anymore.
Yakuza games are awesome. And the side stories are really fun, I would highly recommend to not to skip them. I have played some 3-4 of the games, but that have been long time ago. Was planning to them all, starting from 0, but after playing Yakuza 0 recently, I have realised I'll never be able to catch up, so going to watch the recap of the games I have played previously and skip those. I think I need to play 4th or 5th one next.
Spontaneously deciding FTW!
I was just making a joke that the entire main story of a Yakuza game is a side dish to Mahjong. I just always spend way too much time in the parlor ever since Yakuza 0 taught me how to play.
lol, sorry, missed that.
While I love the side stories in the game, I have never spent any time in mahjong parlor, maybe cause I couldn't figure out how to play it, but that was back when I played first Yakuza, around when it was released.