this post was submitted on 20 Aug 2023
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A community for discussing Plex Media Server. Plex Media Server is a smart software that makes playing movies, tv shows, and other media on your computer simple.

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Rule 1 - Don't be a dick

Don't be a dick. This includes any kind of trolling, baiting, etc. Bigotry may result in an instant permaban.

Rule 2 - No misleading or non-descriptive titles

No misleading or non-descriptive titles. Try to be brief but detailed.

Rule 3 - Keep post and comments relevant

Posts must be related to Plex and Plex-related products, apps. etc. Try to keep comments relevant to the parent comment and to the post.

Rule 4 - Keep discussions of "media aqcuistion" limited to means and methods only.

Discussions regarding media acquisition should be limited to the "how" not the "what", as this is not the place to discuss piracy of specific media. There are other communities for that, and we don't want to get this community defederated from instances where it's a forbidden topic. Posts/comments discussing specific acts of piracy ("How do I find X show?" or "Where can I download Y film?")will be removed. For further clarification see this post

Rule 5 - No asking / offering Plex shares.

No asking / offering Plex shares. There are other communities for that.

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founded 1 year ago

Since this post was made last week, we've gotten a lot of feedback regarding the new policy, and it's understandable that many of you are unhappy with the restriction. It makes it difficult to discuss how to effectively set up a full Plex server stack which includes a VPN and torrent solution which feed into Sonarr / Radarr / etc. So, after some discussion and thought, we've decided to loosen the rule a litte bit in order to better facilitate such discussions.

Moving forward, discussions regarding how to acquire media will be permitted. Users here who need help setting up and troubleshooting the means and methods of acquiring media - such as installing VPN and torrent client docker containers - may come here for help and users here may feel free to answer openly. Soon, we may feature guides in the sidebar to help facilitate these processes, as the goal here is to help Plex users set up and operate Plex Media Servers.

The line where it becomes unacceptable is where discussion veer into the acquisition of any specific media. Posts or comments asking how to find/acquire specific shows / films / albums and on are not permitted. As stated previously, there are other communities for that. Frankly, they’re better resources for that kind of help anyway.

We hope these loosened restrictions make it easier for users here to have open discussions and make it more clear that we're trying to focus on the purpose of helping Plex users set up, troubleshoot, and maintain their servers.

Rule 4 in the sidebar has been updated to reflect this shift in policy.

We welcome feedback and discussion in the comments below!


-- c/Plex Mod Team

top 2 comments
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[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Sounds good to me

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I this this is much more reasonable