this post was submitted on 07 Jun 2023
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Hello. Have some tea, take a cookie *), tell us something.

  1. What was your first PS console? (If you've only played one on a trade show, or are only thinking of maybe getting one, that's cool too.)

  2. Your favorite game?

  3. An underrated game or one everyone should try?

  4. Any particular memories?

  5. Playing anything at the moment?

*) Yea ok you can have another. Keep in mind they're virtual.

all 18 comments
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[–] 3 points 2 years ago
  1. PSX at 6 years old.

  2. God of War, I really can't chose between GOW 2, 3 or the PS4/PC one (I haven't played Ragnarok)

  3. hmm, I don't remember right now of hidden gems, I only know Patapon and Loco Roco need more praise.

  4. My first two PSX games were Grand Turismo (very hard at that age, or any age maybe) and DBZ Ultimate Battle 22, I also treasure the King Kong game of PS2 because it came with my console (weirdly enough it came with a Splinter Cell game as well lol).

  5. Barman Arkham Knight in PS4.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

My first console was the PS2! My favorite game was Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal (thats Ratchet and Clank 3 for those outside of the US). I think its underrated, and I know there are moreso underrated titles, but it did not get as big as it should have IMO. I dont use my playstations much anymore, as I have a PC now, but playing in turns with my brother is probably my fondest memories.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)
  1. A third-hand PS1. It lasted less than a year before crapping out spectacularly (It took my Croc disc with it, RIP) and getting replaced with a PS2.
  2. The Sims 2 Castaway. A smaller scaled-down Sims game that was less about keeping a roof over your head in terms of paying the bills, and more about keeping a roof over your head at all.
  3. Tomba! A 2D kinda-Metroidvania platformer. It's very casual - not that it's easy, but the challenge scales up alongside your character quite nicely.
  4. Unlocking N Tropy's time trials in Crash Team Racing. I hadn't played Crash 3 at the time, so I had no idea who the blue man was and he freaked 8-year-old me out.
  5. All the demo discs I can get my hands on! I spend too many hours scrolling through TCRF and Hidden Palace, so I love loading game demos up and playing spot the difference with the final game. I'm not a game developer myself but watching the process of how they develop is really interesting.
[–] 2 points 2 years ago

The good old times when we were able to watch even "AAA" developers closely.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago
  1. PS1, first generation (I remember being able to swap disc to play backup games with a cufflink)
  2. Shadow of Colossus
  3. Jumping Flash
  4. A good friend introducing me to Metal Gear Solid 1. Shopping in Hong Kong for a modded PS2.
  5. Child of Light on Vita
[–] 2 points 2 years ago

hi! I got my ps1 ant about 9 yo. I remember it came with a demo disk which included about 10-15 demos or so. The two I remember more are the Oddworld: Abe Oddysee and Crash Bandicoot 2. To this day I am still deeply in love with my memories with those two games, both playing the demo again and again, and when I finally got my hands on the full games and got to enjoy them at them fullest.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago
  1. PS2
  2. Any of the Soulsborne games
  3. Not sure on this one!
  4. Defeating the Cleric Beast in Bloodborne, and the midnight launch of Skyrim on 11/11/11
  5. Currently playing through Diablo IV, Chained Echoes, and replaying Dark Souls 3
[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)
  1. PS1. I grew up with a Sega Genesis until about 1998, when my mom asked what I wanted for Christmas and I chose a PS1 over a Saturn.

  2. Favorite PS game ever? As in made and published by Sony or any game on a PS console? My favorite game published by Sony is The Last of Us Part II. No further explanation needed.

3)Tricky question. I can think of many over the multitude of consoles. Jade Cocoon was a hidden PS1 RPG, so was Phantom Brave for PS2. Red Ninja for PS2 is a hidden gem too. Clock Tower 3 on PS2 was great as well. Shit, I played so many great games nobody else played, I could keep going on.

  1. When I first got my PS1, which was Christmas 1998 (or 1999? I can't remember exactly), I got Speed Punks, Lilo and Stitch, and Dino Crisis with it. Child me was NOT prepared for what Dino Crisis had in store for me but I LOVED dinosaurs so I trudged through despite the childhood nightmares.

  2. I had just platinum'd Wild Arms 2 on the PS5 probably 2 weeks ago. Other than that, I occasionally maybe twice a week check out Riders Republic. Do a race or 2, usually with my son. I also recently started a new playthrough of Borderlands 3 with my wife. Other than Wild Arms 2, I mostly play with my family on PS5. I do want to check out multiple games, like Diablo 4, Armored Core, and the upcoming Silent Hill 2 Remake, but it's just hard to make time with a family of gamers with their own things, and work on top of it.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Re 2) I didnt mean just Sony games :]

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

In that case, other than TLOU PII, I have sunk so many hours into the Soulsbourne games. I maxed out the timer on the save file for Dark Souls III haha. When I was younger, for every October, I would play through all of Silent Hill 1 - 4. A tradition that died shortly after graduating. I'm very excited for both the Silent Hill and Metal Gear remakes.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)



My first console was the original PlayStation, which I got from my grandpa on my birthday in 1998. It came with a demo disc that had Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, and many others. I got a PS2 from my mom for Hanukkah in 2003. I had a PS1, so I was confused when the gift I unwrapped was HyperSonic.Xtreme for the PS2. I remember telling her that the PS1 couldn't play it and being met with a much bigger box to unwrap, the PS2. Truly a core memory for me. I have later consoles as well, but those first two have specific memories attached to them.


My favorite series that started on the Playstation is Devil May Cry.

My favorite exclusive alternates between Ratchet and Clank, and Rachet and Clank: Going Commando. Going Commando was my first Ratchet and Clank game. I was excited to get it after seeing some of the crazy commercials Insomniac made. Being a sequel, it has a lot of improvements over the first game - tighter controls, strafing, an upgrade system, a larger quantity of more varied weapons, and so on. But as I've replayed the original trilogy more, I've learned to love the original for what it is, which is a much more measured, almost puzzle-like shooter-platformer. The limited arsenal and movement means you have to be particular about how you engage enemies rather than trying to run and gun. Also, the music is at its most unique, with funky beats and orchestral strings throughout. Not to take away from Going Commando, which also has an amazing soundtrack. It's in stereo (the first's is not) and really shines when listened to with headphones. Silver City - Boldan has an effect I would never hear on my mono CRT.

On the whole, I'm a fan of Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, and recently the original Metal Gear Solid. I had never played it despite it being on that demo disc. Another series I have a soft spot for is Dynasty Warriors. I have all of the PS2 mainline games. Lots of core memories attached to it because of co-op with my friend. God of War 2018 was great, and I kind of regret not getting Ragnarok when it was on sale.


I recommend the platformer trilogies I mentioned above. I think Sly 2 is the best game of the 9. A good story, varied locations, great mechanics, a unique spin on an open-world style game. I recommend Going Commando as a first Ratchet and Clank game, because of the tighter controls and better features, without some of the rushed-development pitfalls that Up Your Arsenal has. I like Jak 2 more than Jak 3, but I think Jak 3 is the easiest to recommend - again, features, QOL stuff, much more forgiving checkpoints, etc.


The gifting memory above is one. Staying up all night playing the platformer trilogies (and other games) with my friend. Waking up to hearing him still farming crystals on Grelbin. Launching endless Sentinel remote rockets at AI bots on Skyrail in 007 Nightfire with another friend (RIP). A lot of Dynasty Warriors co-op.


I played God of War 2018 a few months ago, but I recently built a portable gaming PC for longer vacations and have been using it to emulate Dynasty Warriors 3. My brain is mush after work + family, so the button mashing and bad voice acting works nicely. Plus it's got all kinds of progression (stats, items, weapon, musou mode clears), so it's real nice for feeling like I'm doing something while I'm doing nothing. Gan Ning is broken.

I could ramble more, but I've already went on way longer than anyone else. Oops!

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Hah no worries. Sly is very underrated.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Hey Mod.

  1. I love them all so far but if I had to pick... my PS1 wins for the love it created for gaming.
  2. Favorite.. that's an impossible task. Some of my top contenders are: FFVII, God of War (PS4), The Last of Us, Persona 5 Royal, Witcher 3, Elden Ring...
  3. Rogue Galaxy
  4. I stopped gaming as a kid after the Sega Genesis because my parents didn't want to support a habit they thought was a waste of time. I gave up until I spent an afternoon at a friends house and watched him play FFVII on the Playstation. I was in love. I then started working my ass off cutting grass, yard work, and other miscellaneous jobs in the neighborhood to earn the money needed to buy a Playstation and FFVII. I have spent my life since falling deeper in love with the worlds and stories games create since.
  5. Diablo IV
[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)
  1. I grew up with PS1 watching my dad play Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil.
  2. The MGS series is my favorite and I even created a community ( ) on here because I couldn't find one. I'm hoping there's a whole new group of gamers introduced to the series through the upcoming Snake Eater remake. There's no content in the community yet so please bring the hype train through
  3. I would suggest trying out The Jersey Devil on PS1. Not because it aged well at all, but because it will make you appreciate that us 90's gamers walked so you could run. PS1 games weren't bad but none of them had quite figured out 3D space yet without analogue sticks.
  4. I remember hearing my dad ask for the playstation at Toys r' Us and me thinking it was a jungle gym.
  5. Right now I'm obsessed with Tears of the Kingdom. Just got the last shrine.
[–] 1 points 2 years ago

My first console was the PS2, then i got the PS3, and now my current console is a PS4, and im going to stop there. I was a big fan of the Ace combat series, It was the first flight game where the planes were so easy to fly for me. My favorite game on the PS2 was probably Black. On PS3 I played the multiplayer Ace combat, but my favorite game was Red Dead Redemption. I would wear a cowboy hat and ride around. I tried wearing the hat riding the Skyrim horse, but it wasn't the same. On PS4 I'm playing Xcom2 and Farcry 5

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

First ever comment on Lemmy for me

  1. PSOne

  2. Too many to name, but probably original MW2 on PS3

  3. Control

  4. Used to play MW3 with high school friends, after we got home for the day we'd all play multiplayer or jump in a private match and try to get in stupid glitch spots lmao

  5. Mainly Destiny 2 and No Man's Sky, and a couple of others on PC