I think this show is finding its feet now...
The pachinko game is a takeoff on the multiple Fist Of The Northstar-licensed pachinko games.
The character shown in this screenshot is a parody of Toki, who's a powerful martial artist, but a committed pacifist and healer in the FotNS story: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/feats-and-analysis-2311599/toki-the-compassionate-north-star-fist-of-the-nort-2332656/
Described as "Jesus" by my friends back when we watched the show...
Here's a vintage pachinko machine, in Tokage's junk pile
Here's a photo of one from about that era: http://snakeandboris.blogspot.com/2015/05/nishijin-super-deluxe-ebira-pachinko.html
The garlic eating contest looks so painfully familiar, but with the vampire hallucination twist when they conk out...
The Tokage character is really good, I'm looking forward to seeing more of her.