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Lord of the memes
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This chart makes things much clearer. Arigato
Yes but do you pronounce it oregano or oregano.
Unpopular opinion but both are wrong. It's oregano
Pronounce the "g" like in "gif"
And the "o" as in "people"
This is the correct answer.
The mods dont want us to know it!
Oh, is it gone now? Looks like OP deleted it for some reason, not the mods. If you're curious, they said "Oh-REG-a-no".
No idea how it got deleted. Sync let me restore it. Odd.
depends your native language and regional accent
”Ore-GAH-no. What the hell?” - M. Simpson
Technically the dragon from Eragon was named Saphira but I shall let it slide this time
Shoulda replaced it with Aragon in Spain
Unfortunately we don't know what Eragon himself looks like because no movie was ever made. Worst bit is that they even had some pretty great actors in the movie that was never made.
Where's my second name on that list?
What about northeastern Spain autonomous community?
You're foolin' yourself, we're living in a Potatoship
Hmm, I thought top left was Orgasmo, top middle was Ermagherd, and bottom left was Gas Station Shelob
Top middle is Saphira afaik, the dragon from the dude called Eragon
The ending to Eragon was more disappointing than the movie.
I remember really enjoying the first two Eragon books as a kid, though I barely remember any characters, or anything that happened, really. I do remember being very disappointed in the movie though.
But it sounds like the books wouldn't be worth revisiting? 😕
First two books are great. I don’t think it’s worth revisiting the ending for the last book was lame.
::: massive spoilers
Tap for spoiler
Eragon defeats the main evil wizard guy and now has some dragon eggs. He tells Arya the elvish princess that’s been saving his ass for the last 3 books that he’s leaving forever to live in solitude with the eggs. He rides off into the sunset never to be seen again.
You're supposed to add the text inside the (>!!<) Example
Might you happen to be using one of the apps which hasn't implemented Lemmy markdown for spoilers yet?
I use sync and it marks the spoiler for the "massive spoiler" and anything after that is not marked. I can also have app issues because it has quite low ratting there
Edit: Just downloaded voyager, it's a client issues
Yeah, but that was already foreshadowed on the first book when he received the prophecy from Angela. Him getting together with Arya would have made no sense in the first place.
What do you mean the teenager getting with the person that is over 100 doesn't make sense? Surely they are at the same maturity level and wisdom level, and surely that hasn't been an ongoing issue throughout the previous 3 books.
Him not getting with Arya was fine but reading it 12 years ago it felt like he pulled a Luke Skywalker.
“Thanks for the help, good luck cleaning up this mess”
That's just how Pasolini writes books and I myself am perfectly fine with that, but I get that the end is not popular with some.
::: spoiler Tap for spoiler Galbatorix death created an unfillable power vacuum mortal non-mage Nasuada can only substitute to some degree. Eragon cannot really fight for the next 40 years or so for Nasuada - he has a duty to Saphira and all dragonkind.
Clearly they all stem from the same triconsonantal root. Though I couldn't find one for رجن (assuming the Egyptian pronunciation).
Hugo Wincing.
Hugo knitting?