this post was submitted on 06 Sep 2024
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The judge's order rejects the schedule set out by Trump's lawyers that would have extended pretrial proceedings into the spring or fall of 2025 — well after the November presidential election.

Smith and his team had pushed for discussions about immunity to take place alongside motions and other issues that the former president's legal team is expected to raise.

Chutkan ordered federal prosecutors to turn over to Trump's team all required evidence by Sept. 10, and gave Smith's team until Sept. 26 to submit an opening brief presenting their arguments on presidential immunity. Smith's prosecutors said in court Thursday that the immunity filing would include new information that was not included in the indictment. Chutkan's order paves the way for that material to become public before November's election.

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[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Good. Stop giving in to the Trump team demands and delay tactics.