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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Technical-Gas-8749 on 2024-09-15 04:10:39+00:00.
So let me quickly explain before I get into the events that changed my life forever.
I am a male who just recently turned 21 years old and last week a day after my birthday I saw an ad online for a night shift security guard position at my towns oldest train station. I always hated the night shift position at any job because you always got the weirdos and drug addicts that always seemed to want to hang out and cause trouble or destroy property that you were left to clean up at the end of the night. Unfortunately, I needed this job really bad as having a kid and one on the way tends to get very expensive.
Alright now that you got the backstory of how I ended up in this mess let's get on to the actual life altering events that changed me as a person and how I ended up seeing the world a bit more differently today.
As I walked down the dark wet stairs that led into the even more dark subway below, I came out onto a slightly lit up platform with an office sitting at the end of it. I proceeded over to the office door and let 3 consistent but hard knocks fall onto the door. An older man with grey rough looking hair that fell down in front of his face peered out the office window and seemed to be sizing me up before answering the door and asking in a raspy voice "can I help you?" I looked at the man for a second taking his appearance in before replying "Uh yes hi I am here for a job interview" The man cleared his throat before replying "Come on in have a seat my name is Ralph you must be Jack" I looked at the man for a second wondering if I was the only one who applied for such a great job I mean it was offering 22 bucks an hour who would pass that up. "Yep" I replied now letting my body slouch into the office chair.
He looked over some papers that were neatly stacked on the tiny desk in front of him "Can you start tonight?" he replied looking up at me still letting his hair fall in front of his face. I looked back at the man with an angry expression on my face as this after all was a last-minute thing to say to someone who just came in for the interview, "Uh yeah I guess that will work" I said back letting a slightly annoyed tone leave my mouth.
"Welcome aboard" he said now standing up from his chair extending his hand to me in hopes I would shake it. I took his hand and shook it all the while forcing a smile as I was still slightly annoyed that I had no time to even prepare. Ralph gave me the quickest tour I had probably ever had at a job, we returned to the office where he blurted out "Oh yes I almost forgot here make sure you read this and uh good luck" he set an employee manual down in front of me titled *Security manual for the second shift* and left the office leaving me alone in my thoughts.
Good luck? who wishes someone good luck I thought to myself as I flipped through the manual filled with what to do and what not to do in case of a dangerous traveler or a shooting/bomb threat when I came across something that really made me stop and pay attention to what I was reading. *Rules for the night shift* in big bold lettering now sat across the manual's old pages.
I began to read carefully as the last thing I wanted to do was break a company rule on my first night that is the last thing that I would want to happen to me.
*Greetings new hire, I hope you have had the time to get settled in and familiar with your office, as you will be there for most of your shift. Now each night there may be some minor inconveniences that may hinder your job here at Redacted Train Company but just follow the guidelines below and I am sure it will be no problem to you at all. *
- At exactly 12:05 AM you will hear an announcement that train 102 which is the last train for the night has arrived on track 7, pay attention to your cameras if the train is on any other track but 7, we want you to get up grab the gun in the desk drawer below you and shoot every passenger that gets off that train and return calmy to your office don't worry they are not real people.
- Every 2 hours after midnight you are required to do a sweep of the platform to ensure nobody has snuck in to the station, if you see a homeless man sleeping against the wall by track 2 simply wake him up and tell him it's time to go he will not hurt you and will leave when asked if it is anyone but him return to your office as fast as you can and do not make eye contact we cannot stop what will happen to you if you look for too long.
- At any point between the times of 2 AM and 3:30 AM you have to go to the rest room please use the one closest to the exit of the station, if for whatever reason you use the one closest to your office between those times and you see you're not alone in the rest room simply turn around walk to the exit punch in the code for the time lock door and leave the station once outside call your manager and he will know what to do.
- At 4 AM you may see a man approach the guard window asking for help simply close the window and get under the desk ignore him until he is gone, and you will be ok trust me you do not want to help this creature.
- At 6:55 AM you may see a guy in a guard's uniform approach your office window claiming to be your relief grab the pistol in the desk and empty the chamber until the thing drops it is not your relief.
Please note that your shift ends at 7 AM on the dot that is when the day guard will appear no earlier!!!! refer to rule 5 for help.
I looked back over the rules 500 more times before it started to make any sense in my head, I get it I thought to myself there just trying to pull a prank on the new guy real funny guys. I glanced over to the clock which was to the left of where I was sitting 12:05 AM I nearly jumped out of my seat when a voice crackled to life over the intercom above me.
*Train 102 now arriving on track 7 all passengers please deboard next stop Willows Station end of the line* a shiver ran down my spine as I heard the voice slowly fade to nothing on that old intercom above my head. I slowly turned to face the camera monitors that sat adjacent to me on the right-hand side of my desk, there on track 7 was an old steam passenger train deboarding it's passengers onto the old rickety platform. I sighed a breath of relief as I re visited rule 1 and realized I would not have to kill anyone tonight the train was on the right track maybe this really was just a joke on the new guy after all.
The night proceeded on and 2 AM came and went with no incident on the patrol of the station's platform. I quickly found myself falling asleep however when an uneasy urge of needing to go to the bathroom fell over me. I shot up quick from the desk feeling like I was about to soil myself and shot a quick glance towards the clock 3:25 AM I sighed and opened the door to my office and proceeded to tug on the bathroom door that was adjacent to my office just as I placed my hand on the handle to pull the door open rule 3 hit me like a truck going 80 in a 40.
At any point between the times of 2 AM and 3:30 AM you have to go to the rest room please use the one closest to the exit of the station, if for whatever reason you use the one closest to your office between those times and you see you're not alone in the rest room simply turn around walk to the exit punch in the code for the time lock door and leave the station once outside call your manager and he will know what to do.
The words playing in my head as I stood outside the bathroom door. "shit" I yelled out loud as I turned around quickly to go to the opposite side of the station. Just then as I turned around a loud noise that sounded like a bottle breaking filled the train station.
I turned back to look at the bathroom adjacent to my office and almost fell backwards to the cold hard ground there laying against the wall was a man who seemed to be sleeping but was not breathing. "Sir?" I said holding my flashlight on him the guy was dressed in a clean blue suit with black loafers on his feet. "You can't" I stopped dead in my tracks when rule 2 hit me right in the face.
*Every 2 hours after midnight you are required to do a sweep of the platform to ensure nobody has snuck in to the station, if you see a homeless man sleeping against the wall by track 2 simply wake him up and tell him it's time to go he will not hurt you and will leave when asked if it is anyone but him return to your office as fast as you can and do not make eye contact we cannot stop what will happen to you if you look for too long.*
I turned away as fast as I could as sharp teeth began to appear in the things mouth, I continued back into the office as fast as I could slamming the door shut behind me and locking it. I continued to watch from the monitors as the thing just got up from the cold hard floor and vanished out of sight. What the hell is going on I thought to myself as I let my back slide down the steel office door.
I quickly shot a look up at the clock that hanged over my desk 4 AM it was time for my second security check of the station's platform, but I'd be dammed if I was going back out there not knowing if that man or thing was still out there waiting for me wanting to possibly eat me.
"Help me, is anyone there, I need help" a man's voice snapped me back into reality as I heard the whining calls for help. I turned and looked towards the security window only to be greeted with nobody. "Help me hello is there anyone there anyone ...
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