Finally got the chance to watch this episode and it was fun.
We got to see how out of shape Jun is. We also got to see Rumi go on a "date" in which both of them realize it isn't going to work out almost right away. We also got to see Naori flex her chess muscles and get hit on by yet another person. I feel like this chess dude would be a pretty natural addition to the club that Naori is trying to form considering he is reading Heinlein and quoting Goethe.
I am curious to see Naori's gambit with Jun play out. I really agree with Mizuma's criticism of Jun. Just saying to wait for him to think about it properly is simply a way of delaying any kind of decision at all. He is simply verbally running away. Rumi, by saying that is fine with her, is spoiling him. She is allowing him to put off dealing with his feelings and keeping herself and her sister in this unsustainable pseudo-relationship. At least Naori is trying to push Jun into action through her scheming and assertiveness.
In any case, the three girls at Shiena's place was my favorite bit of this episode. They had such chaotic energy and I totally just want the three of them to live their best lives together.