Huh, 70th bday spike is slightly… oh right. Nice.
Stolen from Facebook
This comment helped the joke click 🤣
I am confused, what is the joke?
Other than 21, the only other really big spike of interest is turning 69
I'd say that "being told you look older" needs a much steeper drop-off. I don't know anyone who by age 30 is stoked on being perceived as older than their actual age.
I teach underwater photography at a local university as a side gig. Being around college students all the time ever since I was in college has made me feel young at heart.
We had a night dive a while back, but a thunderstorm came out of nowhere right before the dive, so we canceled and decided to go to a local pub for dinner. As we were walking in, all my students were getting carded, and the door man was taking it seriously. He was shining a light through the IDs, bending them, etc.
When I got to the door with my card, he waved his hand and said, "You're good."
That one hurt.
I'm 39 and people talk to me like i'm in my 20es. If someone tells me i look "older" they mean i look 30. So i sure as hell don't mind if people would tell me i look at least my age
The "complaining about young people" line is wrong. The graph is "how cool", not "how much."
A 3 year old complaining about young people is super cool. A 90 year old complaining isn't.
What is juuling?
You're gonna be ok
Why is there no spike on 60th bday? Am I missing a joke or something?
The tall spike isn't quite centred on 70
I think it's supposed to be 69
Living alone should go back up around 80 since it means you're maintaining independence
Or your partner died before you, which might not be as cool.
not really, it just means you're going to die alone and people find your corpse 5 days later because it's starting to rot
what's patty cake?
'Pat a cake' is a children's nursery rhyme which has accompanying clapping actions in time with singing the song. You can sing it together with a friend and clap your palms against theirs at the appropriate moments.
Being 'good at it' means remembering what claps go together with the song and being able to time and perform it well with your friend.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can! Pat it and prick it and mark it with B, And bake it in the oven for baby and me!
Holy fuck. It's pat-a-cake? I've only ever heard patty cake. TIL.
I think 100th birthday parties are cool