Everyone's favorite rating:
Memes related to anime. Animemes.
Everyone's favorite rating:
Nope best rating is 5/7
A perfect score. So dark and mysterious
With rice?
I never in my life given any shows or anime rating less than 10. Because if I completed something it means I liked it.
And anything less than 10 means you didn't like it?
I never given any show, anime or movie less than 10. If I watched it completely it mean I liked it.
Yeah, but I'm a whole lot less likely to put down a completely mediocre movie than a 100 episode show, even if the show is absolutely amazing
1 star = Nobody liked it
2 stars = 3 people liked it, the rest didn't.
3 stars = 50% of everyone likes it
4 stars = 3 people hate it, everyone else likes it.
5 stars = Impossible. Someone paid for this rating.
Mob psycho 100 is 5 stars, fight me.
I treat all 1 to 10 rating scales like 1 to 5 scales. 1 through 5 just means 0, imo.
I give a 4 to anime that were just barely good enough to finish. If the last episode is even sorta decent, it's often a 6. I have given a 1 to an anime once, when it was not quite bad enough to drop after episode 1 and made a huge step down in episode 2. If I drop after 1 episode, it doesn't even make it to my list.
Seems logical. I give at least a 5 to everything I find interesting enough to watch and complete of own volition.
If I gave it below 5, then I either watched it in a social setting or dropped it at some point.
Of course this means that my rating is skewed in favour of my tastes (duh).