No, but I'll volunteer as a mod.
Community for asking and answering any question related to the life, the people or anything related to the USA. Non-US people are welcome to provide their perspective! Please keep in mind:
- ! - politics in our daily lives is inescapable, but please post overtly political things there rather than here
- ! - similarly things with the goal of overt agitation have their place, which is there rather than here
- Be nice or gtfo
- Discussions of overt political or agitation nature belong elsewhere
- Follow the rules of
Sister communities
Related communities
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
To confirm: no you don't want to be a mod in a community that allows for more serious discussions (like whether jury nullifications are ethical), or just no you don't want to be the owner / sole mod? If the latter, note that has also volunteered to help:-D, so in this case would you be okay to be the "top mod" and then him listed after you?
I was saying that I don't want to be the admin for that community, but I'll volunteer to help moderate it, so the latter. Awesome! I added you as a mod. Apparently, as Blaze mentioned, you won't be able to view actual "reports" though, from your Lemmy.World (LW) instance. Do you want to create an account on this Discuss.Online (DO) instance so that you can view those? If so, please reply here from that account and one of us can then add it to the mod list. If not, you could still help by being able to do moderator actions, but e.g. if someone replied to an older post and it violated the rules then your attention would not be brought to it. It's entirely your call but I advise making a DO account b/c it's easy, a web browser can be bookmarked to DO even if you normally use an app to access Lemmy with your main LW account, and you can quickly check in ~5s I think if there are no reports to view (I've never seen such a report but probably actually reading them would take longer), which is perhaps likely to be the case on most days? (and if not then that is all the more reason to have access to those reports!)
It looks like Nutomic wants to add cross-instance moderator reporting to the Lemmy sourcecode, but not until ~0.20 so sometime next year rather than "soon". How do we want to communicate about mod matters? If it helps, I just joined Matrix (, although I'm not certain that I linked my account there to mine here - I don't see any indicators to that?) - should we use that, like we could create a room, or are there existing rooms we should be joining? (now also I've never modded anything here on Lemmy before so any advice is welcomed here about what people tend to do - like what they find works best?
should we use that, like we could create a room, or are there existing rooms we should be joining?
You can create a room, usually I have one per community I mod.
Thanks for the advice on best practices!:-)
Has a matrix room been created? If not, I can create one
EDIT: Just created one and sent invites to the mods I could find a matrix account for
Perfection! are you able to join that Matrix chat group? I signed up using the Element app fwiw (not that it matters to connect - any Matrix one will do - but just in case you needed a recommendation for choice of app:-).
Hey man, sorry you went through all that work for nothing, but I don't want to create another account. I was willing to help moderate on a casual basis, but I don't want to have to switch between accounts on a daily basis and that sort of stuff. I already moderate a couple communities on this account, so I can't just dump this account. Sorry.
It's your choice, but note that you are welcome to remain as a mod either way, even with just your Lemmy.World account. As you say on a casual basis, you just won't get access to the reports that would help alert you to trouble spots identified already by people browsing the community. We now have 3 other mods all with Discuss.Online accounts so we're good, but could always use you chipping in when we haven't yet, again if you still wanted.
Matrix is a whole separate thing - it's like Discord. It too, like Lemmy, is entirely Free & Open Source Software, and the accounts and usage and everything is also free. It offers a "group"/channel style of communication rather than Lemmy's basis of topical "threads", which we all love but for the purpose of discussing mod activities the group method really is better. I just got it yesterday, and immediately I was able to access it both from a webpage and I downloaded an Android app (Element) as well. I like it! If you want, you could create a Matrix account, and optionally tie it into your Lemmy one by adding it to your Settings -> Matrix user, which adds a new button to Send Secure Message to your account Profile I believe. I don't see that button for myself for whatever reason, but supposedly Matrix and Lemmy go together very well.
In any case, nobody is asking you to give up your Lemmy.World account - I agree that would be far too much hassle! 😂 Let us know what you want to do here? Casual mod + talk with us on Matrix, just the former, or nothing anymore?
I can be a casual mod, although idk how much value that will provide for your community without reports. I typically just check reports every couple of days for the other communities I moderate, go through the whole list, then go about my life.
Hold tight - we are juggling the mod list around...
Edit: and, done!:-)
What does that mean for me?
Nothing at all - you are already back in the list of mods:-). Sorry to worry you, we were just following old advice to transfer "head mod" status from myself to m_f.
You are very welcome. I hope you didn't feel like we were excluding you, just trying to shuffle two others of us around in the list.:-)