“Oh my.” —Farnsworth.
For all things Futurama
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"good news everyone!"
If I'm feeling happy and gettin productive I tend to sing "bend it bend it just a little bit, and take it easy hmm hmm hm hm hmm"
I guess since I don't know much more of the song I start humming but I love that song
Good News, everyone!
Awesome. Awesome to the max.
As so many here have said: "Let's go already!" When trying to get the kids out the door.
A close second is "Windmills do not work that way! GOODNIGHT!" When they ask questions that make no sense or when they should be in bed asleep.
Into the breach meat bags!
Kif, inform the men...(this part i improvise with whater they need to be informed about...like making it with a woman). Also, when asked about what something is maed out of, i usually say "Velour" before answering properly.
When relaying inconvenient news or the need to complete annoying tasks, I like the preface with it "Good news, everyone."
It is what it is.
Polish: "Nie wiem, nie znam się, nie orientuję się, zarobiony jestem", shortened to "Nie znam się" English: "I don't know, I don't know (as of knowledge), I don't catch on, I'm busy" (roughly translated)
“This really Toads the Wet Sproket!”
Sweet zombie Jesus!
I can’t remember when Leela says Oh Lord. Is that when Bender is wooden?
That’s one of them. She says it quite a few times, which is probably why it’s now a part of me.
Me too, I think I said it before I saw Futurama but who even knows anymore
"oh lord, he's made of wood".
utterly disgusted expression
"I am gonna get you so many lizards!" Whenever my wife has already done a chore/task I was intending to do.
“Dern it.”