https://seasia.co/infographic/qatar-population-by-nationalities-2024 reckons 20% of the entire population of Qatar are Indian. If that's mostly workforce then yeah. It could easily be the skew.
... And Google with just fork Chrome and then use its monopoly in advertising to dominate with whatever the new name is.
Oh I totally got the sarcasm!
I have considerable sympathy for the American people and pity for the ones who think they want this. Unfortunately for my country we tend to import quite a lot of American culture and seeing what's coming is worrisome.
~~could~~ will
The question is how long until.
At first I was "yes it is fine, so he hired a prostitute" then:
At least one of the girls was below the age of consent
Ah. Gotcha.
It is more that there's a grift happening. What's the odds that theres a tenuous conflict of interest here with the various business and executives concerned? It's a small cub and everyone scratches each other backs.
... gun wrested off gang associate
... a rifle was thrown from a car
A man outside the car then reached in, pulled out the rifle and threw it into nearby bushes.
How many guns and how many people are we talking about?
Edit: OK, the full article has an extra sentence that helps
It's still a prestige brand in the eyes of the masses. It might not be as good a brag down at the country club, but letting the plebs know that you can afford a car that costs more than their house still has value.
Yep, that's the point I was circling around ;-)
I was wondering if there was a correlation between purple and war. There certainly was in early C20 post world-wars.