WTF they MUST KNOW which ones have shitty microphones F*** they have never asked, "Was it painful to shout your order at someone who is either trying or not" and the screen that shows you what the human they paid as little as allowed by law has transcribed, is broken half the time
Fuck AI
"We did it, Patrick! We made a technological breakthrough!"
A place for all those who loathe AI to discuss things, post articles, and ridicule the AI hype. Proud supporter of working people. And proud booer of SXSW 2024.
They just want to make an economy they don't have to pay anyone to profit from. That's why slavery became Jim Crow became migrant labor and with modernity came work visa servitude to exploit high skilled laborers.
The owners will make sure they always have concierge service with human beings as part of upgraded service, like they do now with concierge medicine. They don't personally suffer approvals for care. They profit from denying their livestock's care.
Meanwhile we, their capital battery livestock property, will be yelling at robots about refilling our prescription as they hallucinate and start singing happy birthday to us.
We could fight back, but that would require fighting the right war against the right people and not letting them distract us with subordinate culture battles against one another. Those are booby traps laid between us and them by them.
Only one man, a traitor to his own class no less, has dealt them so much as a glancing blow, while we battle one another about one of the dozens of social wedges the owners stoke through their for profit megaphones. "Women hate men! Christians hate atheists! Poor hate more poor! Terfs hate trans! Color hate color! 2nd Gen immigrants hate 1st Gen immigrants!" On and on and on and on as we ALL suffer less housing, less food, less basic needs being met. Stop it. Common enemy. Meaningful Shareholders.
And if you think your little 401k makes you a meaningful shareholder, please just go sit down and have a juice box, the situation is beyond you and you either can't or refuse to understand it.
And if you think your little 401k makes you a meaningful shareholder
"In this company we're all like family, you don't have to worry about anything."
"You want 15 an hour? A machine could do your job!"
So that was a fucking lie.
Current AI is just going to be used to further disenfranchise citizens from reality. It's going to be used to spread propaganda and create noise so that you can't tell what is true and what is not anymore.
We already see people like Elon using it in this way.
You know, OpenAI published a paper in 2020 modelling how far they were from human language error rate and it correctly predicted the accuracy of GPT 4. Deepmind also published a study in 2023 with the same metrics and discovered that even with infinite training and power it would still never break 1.69% error rate.
These companies knew that their basic model was failing and that overfitying trashed their models.
Sam Altman and all these other fuckers knew, they've always known, that their LLMs would never function perfectly. They're convincing all the idiots on earth that they're selling an AGI prototype while they already know that it's a dead-end.
As far as I know, the Deepmind paper was actually a challenge of the OpenAI paper, suggesting that models are undertrained and underperform while using too much compute due to this. They tested a model with 70B params and were able to outperform much larger models while using less compute by introducing more training. I don't think there can be any general conclusion about some hard ceiling for LLM performance drawn from this.
However, this does not change the fact that there are areas (ones that rely on correctness) that simply cannot be replaced by this kind of model, and it is a foolish pursuit.
Just scan and simulate an actual human brain at 100x speed and gg
Human hardware is pretty impressive, might need to move on from binary computers to emulate it efficiently.
Yeah fuck AI but can we stop shitting on fast food jobs like they are embarassing jobs to have that are somehow super easy.
What you should hate about AI is the way it is used as a concept to dehumanize people and the labor they do and this kind of meme/statement works against solidarity in our resistance by backhandedly insulting people working in fastfood.
Is it the most complicated job in the world? Probably not, but that doesn't mean these jobs aren't exhausting and worthy of respect.
The whole point of AI is to provide a narrative framework that allows the ruling class to further dehumanize labor and treat workers worse (because replacement with automation is just around the corner).
Realize that agreeing to this framework of low paid jobs as easy and worthless plays right into the actual reasons the ruling class are pushing AI so hard. The true power is in the story not the tech.
I have to had so many conversations with people still thinking fast food is only for high school kids. It's odd. If I say how will they be open during school hours, they make up some bullshit 'get a better job.' It doesn't make snese. Most of these people don't have good jobs and are lucky to be supported in their current lifestyle. They don't see that though.
I try to push the point of 'they are paying for your time and for you to be on standby.' you don't need to be actively moving all 8 hours. Your bosses don't. I've seen so many waste of time meetings to justify their welfare jobs. It's comical. They don't produce value. They are leeches. Not all, but too many.
I hate that talking point so much (and hear it all the time from people complaining about immigrants turkin ur jerbs). The Fast-Food-Jobs-Are-Brutal-And-Pay-Shit-Wages-Because-They’re-Building-Teen-Character narrative is anti-worker bullshit that denies folk job security and a living wage.
Someone's widowed nan needs this job. The single dad living next door needs this job. A diverse workforce - that includes young people looking for a summer gig - need this job.
Can we also talk about how much everyone, everywhere relies on service industry workers and how much everyone would absolutely lose their goddamn minds if they had to make their own burgers and fries twice a week, AND how these staple institutions, jobs we deemed so important that we made people work at them during a pandemic, how much the prices of these sandwiches and snacks has gone up in the last few years, how even bringing up the possibility of increasing minimum wage for these difficult and demanding jobs leads to an entire social "discourse" and fierce debates about if people should be able to afford things.
Also centrists who think of themselves as tech savy will smugly tell you the only way technology can improve fastfood workers lives is by eliminating jobs and thus all the ruling class has to do is push inflation up and these types of people will shout down anyone who argues we need to pay fastfood workers more to compensate because that must be pushing against the "natural" path of technological progress.
It is just another form of bootlicking honestly.
The AI cult/singularity bros is absolutely a bootlicking cult, if not licking the boots of the giant tech companies that have no intention of making the world better, then they're licking the imaginary boots of some kind of AI-mommy that they predict will just "be invented" any day now, aaaannnny day, and that AI will make everyone wealthy.
Literally, they think an artificial super intelligence will help them pick stocks and invest and everyone will be rich. Don't dare ask how, just believe it. Don't ask what the several billion people are going to do who live subsistence lifestyles working land and manual labor to support our entire infrastructure. I guess they'll also pick the right stocks and get rich and all the presidents and corporate leaders will just throw their hands in the air as their accumulated wealth becomes worthless overnight.
I am so tired of human ignorance and escapism. We gotta live in the now, and solve the problems we have right now, and stop finding creating ways to blame others so we don't have to do the hard shit.
I agree and to sharpen the edge to this point even more, this is also about centrists looking to AI for hope because they have utterly and completely ceded control over narratives about what kind of futures are possible or desirable to conservatives and the ultrawealthy.
People think the best way towards a more humane society is by beating around the bush and never drawing a line in the sand for when abuse and exploitation have gone far enough and while it is understandable to a degree as an individual coping strategy, it is precisely this kind of societal mindset that fascism catches on and grows like wildfire in.
This kind of escapism can only lead one place in the end.
McDonalds removes AI drive-throughs ~~after order errors~~ because they aren't generating increased profits
Schools, doctor's offices, and customer support services will continue to use them because reducing quality of service appears to have no impact on the influx in private profit-margin on revenue.
Lol. AI can't do "unskilled labor" jobs.
Hyuck. Let's put it in everything!
For those interested, here's the link to that news story from last June:
Healthcare. My god they want to use it for medicine.
Machine Learning is awesome for medicine, when they run your genetic sequence and then say "we should check for this weird genetic illness that very few people have because it's likely you'll have it" that comes from Machine Learning algorithms finding patterns in the old patient data we feed it.
Machine Learning is great for finding discrepancies in big data sets, like statistics of illnesses.
Machine Learning (AI) is incapable of making good decisions based on that statistical analysis though, which is why it's still a horrible idea to totally automate medicine.
It also makes tons of mistakes and false-positives.
There's a right way to use it, and the wrong way is by using proprietary algorithms that haven't published openly and reviewed by the government and experts. And with failsafes to override the decisions made by the algorithms, in recognition that they often make terrible mistakes that disproportionately harm minorities.
When chat gpt first was released to the public I thought I’d test it out by asking it questions about something I’m an expert in. The results I got back were a Frankenstein of the worst possible answers from the internet. What I asked wasn’t very technical or obscure, and what I received was useless garbage. Haven’t used it since, I think it’s fraud like NFTs were fraud, only worse because these fraudsters convinced the business class that they have a tech solution to the problem of labor lowering their already obscene profits.
If it got my thing wrong I can only imagine what else it gets wrong. And our elites want to replace us with this? Ok lol good luck with that
You asked a search engine for information from the internet in its early stages and got Frankensteined results from the Internet. That was its purpose was it not? Obviously the more info it scrapes the more info it will go off of.. but yeah it is still just scraped data, not even particularly from reliable sources. The language models job is to make sentences out of information it has. It doesn't do anything intelligent to disect the information.
A good example is many AI (programs) can draw you a leopard. If you ask the program to then draw an arrow to its tail... It doesn't know what a tail is so it will draw a random arrow that would point to where a tail would be on a stock image, not even the one it "drew"
What it knows "this entity is a leopard". We want it to know much more than that. We want the program to see "draw a leopard" and then it draw: 2 eyes: run the eye operation - which then says draw shapes, for items like retinas, colors, blood vessels etc and document all of that data while creating each hair and skin blotch. Then be able to comprehend what all of the items are and do, so when asked a question or given a task it can perform such actions..
But we haven't programmed it to do so, and thus it can't, because it doesn't think to learn, it just aggregates data and searches it. It can't compile the data and recycle itself back to the original operation, as that would be pretty intelligent.
You asked a search engine for information from the internet in its early stages and got Frankensteined results from the Internet. That was its purpose was it not? Obviously the more info it scrapes the more info it will go off of.. but yeah it is still just scraped data, not even particularly from reliable sources. The language models job is to make sentences out of information it has. It doesn't do anything intelligent to disect the information.
Yeah all that is true, and smart people understand it’s limitations, especially the nerds (no offense) that closely follow tech. But for the general public that’s being fed all this hype about AI? Especially school kids? Oh god. This is going to lead to some bad outcomes where the entire population is going to further dumb itself down and potentially end in catastrophe and a collapse of knowledge.
Yeah, the main issues I've seen stem from the data being aggregated doesn't have ways to limit it from aggregating data from itself (or other models). So take in data, spit out the same data, take in that data, and spit out more. If it was wrong at any point in time it continues to spit out data potentially more incorrect and growing.
Also data sources get hurt. So if you go to a site that has decent information they usually profit via ads. Eventually that data that was scraped from there is being regurgitated and less people go to the site itself, less views less revenue. Some sites will die out do to monetary incentives being gone and costs the same. Meaning new information is not published there and the old data is being spit out with some percentage of error with no source to back check that information on.
AI based enshittificafion!
People don’t get my order right either, for what it’s worth. But at least they have the excuse of being over-worked/under-paid, under pressure of being fast to hit metrics, and are usually a teenager or low skill worker.
And usually they take the order right, it just gets messed up on the line. So the AI is worse
Btw, why is there no speech recognition yet, using LLM to recognize words and meaning better?
And can't google it really; flooded with results for Alexa and Siri and co., which is the reverse.
I work adjacent to a group that does speech recognition. There's a massive amount of variation in regional dialects and that's before you get to non-native speakers. The you have people like my mother in law who doesn't have an accent, but her diction and grammar are... unique.
If someone is speaking in sentences you can use context clues to infer intent, but it's a lot more challenging when you're just getting spoken commands.
I suspect it's a training/sample gap, but it's likely going to be really hard to get to 100%.