Went 4 wheeling with my friends years ago. Driver pulls up to the bottom of one of the hills, looking up you can see the lip at the top comes out forward a bit, meaning if you drove over it, your vehicle would end up upside down.
Tell my friend "You ain't getting up that. And I'm not sitting back here when you try and getting crushed when you fucking flip over, dumbass." He and our other friend keep arguing it won't flip, it's fine.
I get out, he and my other friend started pushing up the hill.... They get about half-way and the fucking axel/driveshaft (long pole part under the car that gives 4 wheel drive IDK what it's called) breaks, they lose power and control, brakes aren't helping in the loose dirt,, come back down the hill and slam into a walnut tree in the orchard at the bottom.
"I told you you weren't getting up that hill!"
"And I told you we wouldn't flip over!"