WARNING! This Guide is not finished yet! the ultimate goal is for a fully comprehensive guide for latin, and we're far from that, currently!
If you have any recommendations and suggestions, comment them, please.
Salvete Omnes!
I want to share some sources for learning Latin, because in Anno Domini, there is absolutely no excuse for not knowing at least "Roma in Italia est" >:(
When reading a word, don't think of the equivalent of it in your language; either imagine an image of it, or compose it out of smaller Latin words. So when you hear pluvia in latin, imagine rain, not the word itself.
pluvia -> rain -> 🌧️? non!
pluvia -> 🌧️ <- rain? sic!
Patience. Latin takes a long time to learn, and for some it is easy if they are speaking a romance language, and harder for some if not. Take your time digesting information, even if it takes days to analyze a single page.
A very small tip, but might help: V in latin = U, they are the same. If you read PLVVIA or PLUUIA, it means Pluvia. However, the canonical pronounciation would be "plu-wia"
A great list of tips: https://www.latin.org/resources/documents/latinspeakinghints.php
Text Books
Practice Texts
Latin and English Dictionaries
Latin to English Dictionaries
Media [optional]
If you'd like a bigger list of resources, at courtesy of r/latin and the LLPSI discord, Here is the Thesaurus Anbrutalis!
Good luck with your studies!