Warner Bros has started doing this thing where they release old movies on youtube for free... and not the DRMed "you must view ads to watch" variety; you can watch these without DRM plugins and with uBO adblock. This one was put up 2 weeks ago but dunno how long it'll be there, I think it's legit so it might not disappear overnight but if you want to watch it, better do so sooner rather than later.
ofc Mel Gibson is problematic. However, this movie also features a solid performance by Sigourney Weaver (with a British accent!?) and an oscar-winning performance by Linda Hunt in an early example of gender-blind casting, so it's a shame to miss out on those. There are also some worthwhile thoughts about developing nations and colonialism though unfortunately those are secondary to the central romance of the film. Apparently the novel this film is based on is better in this regard. In sum, this is not a "great" movie, but there are things in it that make it worthwhile viewing.
Edit: oh yeah it also has a great soundtrack by Maurice Jarre and theme song by Vangelis.